WWE Money in the Bank Polls: Predict the winners of the MITB ladder matches July 18, 2021 CategoriesREADER POLLS WWE Money in the Bank Polls: Predict the winner of the Women’s MITB ladder match Alexa Bliss Nikki Ash Asuka Naomi Zelina Vega Liv Morgan Natalya Tamina A Surprise Entrant pollcode.com free polls WWE Money in the Bank Polls: Predict the winner of the Men’s MITB ladder match Riddle Ricochet John Morrison Drew McIntyre Big E Kevin Owens Seth Rollins Shinsuke Nakamura A Surprise Entrant pollcode.com free polls Listen to "Pro Wrestling Boom Podcast" on Spreaker. WE VALUE YOUR PRIVACY PRIVACY POLICY INFO HERE Topicsalexa blissasukabig edrew mcintyrejohn morrisonkevin owensliv morganmitbnaominatalyanikki ashpro wrestlingricochetriddleseth rollinsshinsuke nakamurataminawwewwe mitbzelina vega
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