MLW Intimidation Games lineup (reports needed): The card for tonight’s event in Dallas

By Jason Powell, Editor (@prowrestlingnet)

The following matches are advertised for the MLW Intimidation Games event that will be held tonight in Dallas, Texas at Gilley’s.

-Alex Hammerstone vs. Jacob Fatu vs. Mads Krugger in a Triple Threat for the MLW Heavyweight Championship.

-Myron Reed defends the MLW Middleweight Championship against a mystery challenger.

-Davey Richards vs. Richard Holliday.

-LA Park and LA Park Jr. vs. Gangrel and Pagano.

-NZO holds an open challenge.

-Shazza McKenzie vs. Holidead.

-EJ Nduka and Calvin Tankman vs. The Bomaye Fight Club.

Powell’s POV: MLW is also advertising Ross Von Erich, Marshall Von Erich, Cesar Duran, Matt Cross, TJP, 5150, ACH, Hijo de LA Park, and Alicia Atout. We are looking for reports from this event and the MLW Azteca Underground event that will be held on Saturday along with all of the events taking place in Dallas this weekend. If you want to help, email me at


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