ROH Final Battle Polls: Grade the overall show and vote for the best match December 11, 2021 CategoriesNEWS TICKER READER POLLS ROH Final Battle Poll: Grade the overall show A – Great Show B – Good Show C – Average Show D – Disappointing Show F – Awful Show free polls ROH Final Battle Poll: Vote for the best match Jay Lethal vs. Jonathan Gresham Matt Taven and Mike Bennett vs. Jay Briscoe and Mark Briscoe for the ROH Tag Titles Rok-C vs. Willow for the ROH Women’s World Championship Dalton Castle vs. Joe Hendry vs. Rhett Titus vs. Silas Young for the ROH TV Title Josh Woods vs. Brian Johnson for the ROH Pure Championship Shane Taylor vs. Kenny King in a Fight Without Honor Brody King, Rocky Romero, Homicide, Tony Deppen vs. EC3, Tracy Williams, Eli Isom, Taylor Rust Dragon Lee vs. Rey Horus Moses, Kaun, and O’Shay Edwards vs. Vincent, Bateman, and Dutch for the ROH Six-Man Titles Chelsea Green, Allysin Kay, and Marti Belle vs. Miranda Alize, Angelina Love, and Mandy Leon The Bouncers, CB, Gordon, and Black vs. LSG, Flamita, Ferrara, Sledge, Max free polls Listen to "Pro Wrestling Boom Podcast" on Spreaker. WE VALUE YOUR PRIVACY PRIVACY POLICY INFO HERE Topicsrohroh final battleroh wrestling
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