ROH Final Battle results: Powell’s live review of Jay Lethal vs. Jonathan Gresham, Mike Bennett and Matt Taven vs. Jay Briscoe and Mark Briscoe for the ROH Tag Titles, Rok-C vs. Willow for the ROH Women’s World Championship, Josh Woods vs. Brian Johnson for the ROH Pure Title

By Jason Powell, Editor (@prowrestlingnet)

Ring of Honor Final Battle
Aired live December 11, 2021 on pay-per-view, FITE TV, and HonorClub
Baltimore, Maryland at Chesapeake Employers Insurance Arena

First Hour Free (Pre-Show)

The show opened with The Righteous making their entrance. Ian Riccaboni and Caprice Coleman were on commentary and Bobby Cruise was the ring announcer. SOS and O’Shay Edwards made their entrance…

1. Moses, Kaun, and O’Shay Edwards (w/Ron Hunt) vs. “The Righteous” Vincent, Bateman, and Dutch (w/Vita VonStarr) for the ROH Six-Man tag Titles. Coleman noted that the difference between this title defense and past title defenses was that Shane Taylor was not teaming with Moses and Kaun. A big spot featured big man Dutch performing a dive from the ring onto a pile of wrestlers at ringside.

Back inside the ring, Dutch powerbombed Kaun and then Vincent hit him with Redrum for a good near fall. SOS performed a double team move on Bateman and then Edwards performed a top rope move for a near fall. The broadcast team said they thought they heard a bell and explained that the timekeeper mistakenly though the match was over.

Dutch performed a blackhole slam on Moses. Edwards performed a spinebuster on Dutch. Vincent performed Orange Sunshine (Sliced Bread) on Edwards and pinned him. The teams adhered to the Code of Honor afterward…

“The Righteous” Vincent, Bateman, and Dutch defeated Moses, Kaun, and O’Shay Edwards in roughly 10:00 to win the ROH Six-Man tag Titles.

Powell’s POV: A good opener. Shane Taylor told me on the Pro Wrestling Boom podcast that he hopes that he, SOS, Edwards, and Hunt would sign as a package deal, though he knew it would be tough for a company to sign five people at once. Taylor also told me that he was approaching this event as his last with ROH, so perhaps that helps explain the title change. I assume that ROH’s creative staff will be putting the title belts on the wrestlers most likely to be with the company if they return for Supercard of Honor in April.

A video package aired with Jonathan Gresham recalling the company informing the wrestlers that they would be without a job at the end of December…

Quinn McKay interviewed Jay Lethal in the backstage area. He said there’s something bigger at stake than winning or losing. He said the winner of his match with Jonathan Gresham could potentially become the last ROH World Champion. Lethal said it’s his…

Ian Riccaboni sat with Caprice Coleman and Maria Kanellis and showed off the original ROH World Championship belt. Bobby Cruise announced to the crowd that the main event between Lethal and Gresham would be for the original belt…

Powell’s POV: ROH was put in a tough spot with ROH World Champion Bandido testing positive for COVID-19 this week and thus not being able to work the show. Under normal circumstances, I’d scoff at the original ROH Championship being brought back, but these are not normal circumstances. If the company does return in April, they can always have a unification bout if Bandido and either Gresham or Lethal are working the show.

Quinn McKay interviewed Rocky Romero, who said he was representing New Japan Pro Wrestling. Romero said he was going to be on commentary. Brody King, Homicide, and Tony Deppen showed up. King said Romero had done too much for ROH over the years to just be on commentary. King said he had a proposition for him and said he wanted Romero to show that he has some violence in him. “Let the bodies hit the floor, man,” Romero said to confirm his interest…

2. Chelsea Green, Allysin Kay, and Marti Belle vs. Miranda Alize, Angelina Love, and Mandy Leon. Maria Kanellis sat in on commentary for the match. Riccaboni has thanked a number of people thus far including the NWA, GCW, Jim Cornette, Adam Pearce, Dave Prazak, Lenny Leonard, and others. Kanellis thanked Bobby Cruise for working with her in putting together the new women’s division.

The heel trio declined to shake hands prior to the match. Green performed a big dive from the top rope onto her opponent and teammates at ringside. Belle ran the ropes and teased a dive, but Love hit her from the floor. Leon performed her pump-handle slam on Belle and then pinned her. The teams had a group hug afterward…

Miranda Alize, Angelina Love, and Mandy Leon defeated Chelsea Green, Allysin Kay, and Marti Belle in 6:50.

Powell’s POV: I would not have guessed that two heel teams would win the first two matches on the pre-show. I did get a kick out of Kay turning her head and looking comically repulsed while taking part in the group hug.

A brief video package featured The Briscoes talking about the “exciting uncertainty” of Final Battle (this previously aired on the ROH Wrestling TV show)…

EC3 was about to deliver a promo when he was interrupted by Eli Isom, Tracy Williams, and Taylor Rust. Isom said they were down a man and indicated the wanted EC3 to join them. EC3 accepted. Once they walked away, EC3 said, “You’ve been warned”…

Danhausen joined the broadcast team and played to the crowd… Bobby Cruise introduced the entrants for the ten-man wildcard tag team match…

3. Beer City Bruiser, Brian Milonas, World Famous CB, Flip Gordon, and PJ Black vs. LSG, Demonic Flamita, Will Ferrara, Sledge, and Max the Impaler (w/Amy Rose) in a ten-man wildcard tag team match. CB wore his Cheeseburger gear. Prior to the match, Ferrara was greeted with a Cary Silkin hug at ringside. CB and Ferrara started the match and shook hands. Riccaboni noted that they were best friends. Riccaboni also thanked Delirious (booker Hunter Johnston) while saying he’s an integral part of what they do and for making him a better broadcaster.

Gordon worked as his babyface persona as part of his amnesia storyline. Flamita flipped him off when they both ended up in the ring together. Max tagged in. Milonas tagged in for his team. Bruiser hit Max from behind with a cheap shot after apparently tagging into the match. Later, Max got revenge by performing a Samoan Drop on Bruiser.

Milonas eventually pulled Max to the floor. Milonas ran Max into the barricade. Gordon dove onto a pile of wrestlers. Bruiser went up top for a dive, but Sledge shoved him into the ring. Sledge went up top and performed a moonsault onto the pile below. CB fired up the crowd and teased a dive, but Max grabbed him by the throat. Max blocked two of his punches and then suplexed him from the apron onto wrestlers who were standing and waiting on the floor.

Flamita ran the ropes and teased a dive, then stopped and flipped off the crowd. Bruiser kicked Flamita, who came back with a superkick that sent him to the floor. Flamita went up top and performed a spinning dive onto the wrestlers below. In the end, Gordon put LSG on his shoulders and then Black performed a destroyer from the top rope that on LSG and got the pin…

Beer City Bruiser, Brian Milonas, World Famous CB, Flip Gordon, and PJ Black beat LSG, Demonic Flamita, Will Ferrara, Sledge, and Max the Impaler in 10:20 in a wildcard tag team match.

Powell’s POV: Black and Gordon performed that move on ROH television recently and it was just as impressive this time around. If the pre-show matches were any indication, Final Battle could end up being a night of a thousand dives.

Riccaboni and Coleman spoke about the main show card to close out the pre-show. Riccaboni told fans that they may be disheartened or disenchanted and their hearts may not be in it, “but our heart is.” Riccaboni and Coleman gave the fans a strong final push for ordering the pay-per-view…

ROH Final Battle Main Card

A video package opened the main card and featured a good mix of classic and modern footage… Riccaboni and Coleman thanked their families during the entrances for the opening match…

4. Dragon Lee vs. Rey Horus. The wrestlers adhered to the Code of Honor with a handshake and a hug. Horus slid under the bottom rope to the floor and was hit immediately with a suicide dive by Lee. Horus was dumped over the ringside barricade. Lee brought him back over to ringside and picked him up and ran him into the ring post, then slammed him to the floor. Lee took a seat in a chair at ringside and played to the camera.

Later, Horus picked up a nice near fall following a top rope move. Horus went up top again and had a minor slip. When he went for a splash, Lee put his knees up. Horus still came right back and made a cocky cover and only got a two count. Lee rallied with a falcon arrow for a near fall of his own.

Lee lowered his kneepad and hit his Incinerator knee strike for a good near fall. Lee followed up with a ripcord knee and then another knee strike to the back of Horus’s head and scored the pin. Afterward, Lee helped Horus to his feet and they hugged…

Dragon Lee defeated Rey Horus in 11:20.

Riccaboni set up a video that he said was courtesy of Impact Wrestling. Eddie Edwards checked in from home with a selfie video shot in front of his Christmas tree. He thanked the ROH fans and then thanked ROH for giving him a chance when no one else would…

Powell’s POV: The strong match that one would expect from Lee and Horus. It was the right choice to open the main card. The Edwards video was a nice touch and I hope to see additional names from ROH’s past check in either in person or with pre-taped videos. And kudos any pro wrestling company that let their talent take part in this show given the unique circumstances.

5. Dalton Castle (w/Dak Draper, Boys) vs. Joe Hendry vs. Rhett Titus vs. Silas Young in a four corner survival match for the ROH TV Title. Riccaboni gushed over the physique of Hendry during his entrance. He also noted that Hendry’s last match in ROH was in March 2020 (due the pandemic and Hendry living overseas). Draper joined the broadcast team on commentary. The wrestlers adhered to the Code of Honor.

Hendry worked a powerhouse style and slammed Castle and Titus simultaneously at one point. Castle wanted to work with Hendry, but it didn’t last long. Hendry powerbombed Titus and had him pinned, but Castle broke it up. There was a REF BUMP!!! Castle hit the Bangarang on Young, who rolled out of the ring. Hendry grabbed the belt and hit Castle with it. Draper ran in and took out Hendry. Young rolled up Titus for a near fall. Young went for his PeGee Waja Plunge move, but Titus dodged it. Titus dropkicked Young and scored the pin…

Rhett Titus defeated Silas Young, Dalton Castle, and Joe Hendry in 8:15 in a four corner survival match to win the ROH TV Title.

Powell’s POV: A feel good win for Titus, who has been a mainstay with the company. It may also be a protective move for ROH in that they may feel safe in assuming that he will be free to work the Supercard of Honor in April. Either way, it was nice to see a guy who kept grinding away get a moment on this show.

A video aired with AEW World Champion “Hangman” Adam Page spoke from what appeared to an an AEW locker room. He spoke about touring overseas and thanked everyone in ROH…

6. Josh Woods vs. Brian Johnson for the ROH Pure Championship. Johnson delivered a promo on his way to the ring and heeled on the crowd at the end. Foundation members accompanied Woods onto the stage prior to the match. Brian Zane sat in on commentary. Johnson jawed at Woods that he would have to kill him and then the bell rang to start the match.

Woods forced Johnson to use one of his three rope break just over thirty seconds into the match. Woods applied a sleeper and Johnson used his second rope break just before the one-minute mark. Later, Woods caught Johnson on the top rope. After a slip, Woods was still able to suplex Johnson into the ring. Woods speared Johnson and then followed up with suplexes. Woods put Johnson in a bearhug, but Johnson broke it by clapping his ears.

There was an attempted suplex near the ropes that resulted in both men tumbling over the top rope to the floor. Both men stood up and traded forearms. They returned to the ring simultaneously to avoid being counted out and then picked up where they left off. Woods got the better of the strikes, but Johnson kept getting up and throwing forearms. Johnson slapped Woods, who put him in a standing submission hold. Johnson used his final rope break.

While the referee was communicating with timekeeper, Johnson threw a punch at Woods. Johnson followed up with The Process finisher, but he only got a near fall. Johnson rolled to ringside and grabbed the title belt, then flipped off someone at the timekeepers table. Johnson brought the belt inside the ring. Referee Todd Sinclair took it away. Johnson tried to remove a turnbuckle pad. Woods suplexed Johnson for a good near fall.

Johnson put an object on his fist and punched Woods while the referee was putting the pad back over the turnbuckle. Johnson covered Woods for a good near fall. Johnson seated Woods on the top turnbuckle and set up for a superplex, but Woods applied the front sleeper again while sitting on the top rope. The broadcast team pointed out that Johnson was out of rope breaks. The referee checked on Johnson and called for the bell to end the match. Woods reached down and shook Johnson’s hand, then hugged Cary Silkin at ringside…

Josh Woods defeated Brian Johnson in 12:58 to retain the ROH Pure Championship.

Powell’s POV: A fun match. The Woods already worked an AEW Dark show, so the outcome of the match surprised me. Both wrestlers have really come into their own over the last year or so. Woods really clicked once they pulled back on comedy and made him a serious wrestler in the Pure Rules division. And Johnson felt like a fun undercard act when they started giving him mic time, but he just keeps getting better in all areas of his game. I’m looking forward to seeing what comes next for both men.

A video with Jimmy Jacobs aired. He spoke about his time in ROH and how rabid the fans were. He said the ROH crew was just a bunch of guys who were trying to change the wrestling business. He recalled staying up all night with Colt Cabana and others about how they were going to change the business. He said those guys went on to do great things and he’s been pulling the strings in Impact Wrestling for the last four years. He touted ROH and said he’s The Princess and always gets what he wants…

A video package set up the Fight Without Honor…

7. Shane Taylor vs. Kenny King in a Fight Without Honor. There was a ladder set up at ringside. King worked in regular attire. Taylor was joined by SOS and O’Shay Edwards on the stage during his entrance, but they headed to the back when he walked to the ring. Riccaboni mentioned several additional companies and said there are only so many open spots in each promotion. He explained that wrestlers weren’t just fighting each other, they were fighting to put food on the table for their families.

The match spilled to ringside where Taylor set up a couple of tables next to one another. King removed one of the shirts he was wearing and threw it at Taylor, who returned to the ring. King caught Taylor with an enzuigiri. Taylor came back with several forearms on King, who was on the apron. King rallied and performed a Blockbuster from the ropes that sent both men through the tables on the floor. Coleman questioned which man took the bulk of the punishment.

Back in the ring, Taylor threw King onto a trashcan with a uranage slam. Taylor grabbed a kendo stick and beat King with it. They went back to ringside where Taylor punched King, which led to Coleman’s awesome “Oh My God” moment and resulted in King lying on a table. Taylor went to the apron and splashed King through the table. Back in the ring, King ended up using a Death Valley Driver to put Taylor through a table that was leaning in the corner of the ring. King covered Taylor for a good near fall.

King placed a ladder over the apron and the barricade. Both men slid other ladders inside the ring while Riccaboni did his best to explain the ladders being present by explaining that thy are used for the lighting rig. Coleman also questioned if the wrestlers were asked what they needed for the match. Riccaboni joked about one wrestler saying he needs a big ass ladder to beat his opponent with.

Taylor laid a ladder flat using two standing ladders in the ring. King hit Taylor from behind with a kendo stick. King climbed the tall ladder and then leapt off and splashed Taylor and covered him for a near fall. King tossed two ladders to ringside and then propped the tall one in a corner of the ring. Taylor blasted King with two forearms and a knee strike, then hit Welcome to the Land for another good near fall.

King positioned the ladder over the ring and barricade and then both men climbed onto it. They had two security guards hold the ladder in place and then they traded punches on it while trying to keep their balance. Taylor blasted King with a headbutt and then hit the Marcus Garvey Driver onto the ladder. Taylor brought King back inside the ring and covered him for another near fall.

Taylor grabbed a chair, King asked him what he was waiting for and barked at him to do it. Taylor hit him with the chair (King wisely put his hands up) and then performed another Marcus Garvey Driver onto the chair and scored the pin. The rest of Shane Taylor Promotions joined him inside the ring and then Taylor stood on the ropes and played to the crowd. Taylor and King ended up hugging and then Taylor put King’s jersey over him…

Shane Taylor defeated Kenny King in 18:00 in a Fight Without Honor.

Powell’s POV: The match of the night thus far. A great brawl that came at the right point in the show in terms of providing a different style. Taylor and King had a really good feud in ROH and they closed it out with a war. Taylor went from being considered the weak link in his team with Keith Lee to becoming a real player in ROH. Taylor has the gift of gab and works a really believable style. SOS have shown rapid improvement since they debuted. I haven’t seen as much of O’Shay Edwards, but I’ve liked what I have seen thus far. Here’s hoping they all land full-time deals.

A CM Punk video aired. He said he was part of ROH’s past and said he was proud of the company. Punk said the ROH of today is far different than the ROH he left. He said the ROH he was with felt like lightning in a bottle. Punk said people shouldn’t be sad that this is the end, they should just be damn happy that it happened. He said the industry would be different today if ROH never existed. Punk said many of the top guys came from ROH and said he looks back with pride…

A video package set up the ROH Women’s World Championship match…

8. Rok-C vs. Willow for the ROH Women’s World Championship. Quinn McKay sat in on commentary for the match. The wrestlers adhered to the Code of Honor. Riccaboni thanked Sara Del Ray, Amazing Kong, and others from the early days. Rok-C performed an early cartwheel, but Willow knocked her over and then pointed to her head to show that she knew Rok-C’s game. A short time later, Rok-C went for a moonsault into double knees, but Willow blocked it. Willow used her weight advantage and splashed Rok-C in the corner, then followed up with a cannonball.

Rok-C came back and performed a handspring into double knees. She followed up with a Rok Lock that was broken. Both women ran the ropes and Willow used her power to shoulder block Rok-C across the ring, which got a rise out of the crowd and resulted in a two count. Willow blocked a move and sat down on Rok-C for a good near fall. Rok-C caught Willow on the ropes and hit her with repeated shots to the back before powerbombing her and covering her for a near fall.

Willow suplexed Rok-C and splashed her from the ropes for a good near fall. Willow superkicked Rok-C once and then had a second attempt blocked. Rok-C connected with a few strikes and then performed a Code Red and scored the pin.

Rok-C defeated Willow in 9:50 to retain the ROH Women’s World Championship.

After the match, Riccaboni said Rok-C has another title defense that will air on the two remaining episodes of the ROH Wrestling television show. Rok-C and Willow hugged in the ring after the match when entrance music hit.

Impact Wrestling’s Deonna Purrazzo walked to the ring with a AAA championship belt over her shoulder. A “holy shit” chant broke out. Purrazzo recalled Rok-C stating that she’s a fighting champion who will fight anyone, anywhere. Purrazzo said she could provide the anyone and anywhere. Purrazzo said that once she beats Mickie Jame to regain the Knockouts Championship, she wants to face Rok-C in a winner take all match. Rok-C immediately stuck her hand out and smiled. Purrazzo shook her hand while Riccaboni worked in a plug for Impact on AXS…

Powell’s POV: Rok-C made the scouting departments of other companies look bad when she killed it in the ROH Women’s World Championship tournament. It looks like Impact has her booked to face Purrazzo and it would be a real coup for Impact if they signed her to a long term deal. Willow also has a bright future and this was the best match that I’ve seen her in. I wasn’t sure if this babyface vs. babyface match was click, but it worked for me. That said, I hope some promotion will book Rok-C vs. Miranda Alize in a rematch of the tournament finals.

A video aired with Adam Cole speaking from the interview set at AEW Rampage. Cole said he believes he became the wrestler that he was meant to be in ROH. He said he travelled the world with the company and it was cool to see the company change the landscape. He said he couldn’t thank everyone, so he simply wanted to say thank you…

9. Brody King, Homicide, Tony Deppen, and Rocky Romero (w/Chris Dickinson) vs. EC3, Tracy Williams, Eli Isom, and Taylor Rust. Riccaboni noted that Dickinson, who was on crutches, was recovering from a dislocated hip. There were a series of dives that were capped off with King diving onto a group of wrestlers. Back inside the ring, King performed a piledriver on EC3. Homicide tried to pin him, but Rust broke it up.

At ringside, Rust tossed Romero onto four chairs that were set on the floor. In the ring, Homicide drove a fork into the armpit of EC3 and then jabbed it in his mouth. A short time later, King performed a Muscle Buster on Isom. EC3 performed a Jerry Lynn style piledriver on King. Rust put Homicide down with a cutter. Romero performed Sliced Bread No. 2 on Rust.

Williams leaned back into the ropes and performed a lariat on Romero and then put him in Cattle Mutilation. Deppen went up top and broke up the hold with a double stomp. Isom performed a brainbuster onto the top turnbuckle pad. Isom and Homicide traded strikes. Homicide got the better of it and hit the Cop Killer for a good near fall.

Homicide tried to pick up Isom, but he was dead weight. Homicide got him up and then ran the ropes, but Isom superkicked him. King tagged in and went for a lariat, but Isom fell over. King pulled Isom to his feet. Isom slapped King, who came back with a lariat and the Gonzo Bomb for the win.

Brody King, Homicide, Tony Deppen, and Rocky Romero beat Tracy Williams, Eli Isom, Taylor Rust, and EC3 in 14:45.

After the match, EC3 took the mic and said they pay homage to the past. EC3 told Isom to stand up and then helped him to his feet. “We stand in a ring of honor,” EC3 said. He added that there is no honor in what they do. He spoke about corporate wrestling brands, old money, and new money. EC3 spoke about the wrestlers sacrificing. He asked where are our leaders.

Dak Draper and Brian Johnson walked to the ring. Johnson got in EC3’s face. EC3 told Johnson that he’s lost everything. EC3 said it’s a call to arms for Draper, Johnson, Isom, and anyone else who wants to take back the industry. EC3 said he was offering a choice. He said to control your narrative. Two men (one appeared to be Wesley Blake) dressed in EC3 gear stood at the bottom of the stage. EC3 said he could give the wrestlers their freedom if they stood with him. He said that to control your narrative, you have to fight. He said to release the titan.

Adam Scherr (f/k/a Braun Strowman) walked out and led Blake and the other guy to the ring. Scherr quickly cleared Johnson and Draper from the ring. Riccaboni referred to Scherr as Adam Titan. Isom was chokeslammed by Titan, who carried him to the back…

Powell’s POV: There were all sorts of callback moves in that match. Riccaboni was good about pointing out each of them and attributing them to the wrestlers who made them famous. It was great to see Dickinson was able to appear at the show. I’ve been watching EC3’s “control your narrative” gimmick since it started and I was genuinely interested to start, but I’m still not really sure what he’s going for. I didn’t expect to see Braun Strowman pop up tonight, so that was wild.

A brief video aired of “The Young Bucks” Matt Jackson speaking about ROH from backstage at an AEW event…

10. “The OGK” Matt Taven and Mike Bennett (w/Maria Kanellis) vs. Jay Briscoe and Mark Briscoe for the ROH Tag Titles. Kanellis wore her gear and was a surprise addition to the OGK corner. Cary Silkin sat in on commentary. A group of the Briscoes’ children were shown cheering in the crowd. Riccaboni congratulated Mark and said a seventh was on the way. Silkin thanked Gabe Sapolsky, among others who were previously mentioned. He dismissed himself from the broadcast table after telling Riccaboni and Coleman that he love them.

Jay bled fairly early in the match. Bennett pulled Jay under the ropes and held him up while Taven performed a top rope splash onto him. Back inside the ring, Taven put Jay down with The Climax, but all four men stayed down temporarily. A short time later, Jay performed a suicide dive onto Bennett. Mark kicked Taven through the ropes, then performed a Blockbuster on Bennett from the apron. A “this is awesome” chant broke out. Riccaboni said it sure was and he didn’t want it to go away.

In the ring, Mark put Taven down with a DVD, then performed Froggy Bow. Mark had the win, but Maria pulled referee Todd Sinclair’s leg to stop him from counting. Mark jawed at Maria on the apron. Bennett went for a spear, but Mark moved, causing Bennett to spear his own wife. Bennett put Jay down with a piledriver on the floor. Bennett put Mark on his shoulders at ringside, then Taven ran the ropes, dove over the top, and hit Mark with a Doomsday Device on the floor. Taven rolled Mark back inside the ring and covered him for a near fall.

Taven and Bennett teamed up for a Proton Pack on Mark, which led to another two count. Taven and Bennett performed a spike piledriver on Mark. Taven had the pin, but Jay returned to the ring to break it up. Riccaboni pointed out the original ROH photographer, who was cheering in the crowd. A short time later, Taven put Mark down and went for a frosgplash, but Mark put his knees up. Jay put Taven down with a Jay Driller and then Mark covered him for a good near fall.

Jay hoisted up Taven and then Mark hit him with the Doomsday Device and covered him for another near fall. Jay kicked Taven in the head and gave him another Jay Driller. Mark went up top and hit Froggy Bow and then pinned Taven. Fans threw streamers into the ring afterward.

Jay Briscoe and Mark Briscoe defeated Mike Bennett and Matt Taven in 15:40 to win the ROH Tag Titles.

After the match, the Briscoes hugged Bennett and Taven. Bennett bowed to Jay and then OGK left the ring. A “Briscoes” chant broke out. Jay told the fans over the house mic that he and Mark love them all. Jay said it might be the end of an era, but it’s not the end of the Briscoes. Jay said that if there’s any team out there that wants a piece of them, they were right there.

The lights went out. When the lights turned on, “FTR” Cash Wheeler and Dax Harwood were in the ring. The Briscoes and FTR fought amongst the streamers. Security quickly tried to pull them apart while the fans chanted “Let them fight.” Amen. The Briscoes were pulled to ringside by security. FTR stood in the ring and jawed at them while the fans chanted for the Briscoes.

FTR picked up the ROH Tag Title belts and laid them next to the apron. FTR went to ringside and brawled with the Briscoes again until security pulled them apart. A “F— ’em up, Briscoes” chant broke out. FTR returned to the ring and taunted the fans while the Briscoes stood at ringside with their title belts…

Powell’s POV: This was awesome. The match was a blast and the post match angle was fantastic. Regardless of whether the Briscoes will be at Supercard of Honor (if there is a Supercard of Honor) or they sign elsewhere, it was the right move to have them win the tag titles on what may be the final show. This was the moment of the night thus far.

A Bryan Danielson video aired. Danielson said he was at the first ROH show and wouldn’t be where he is today if it wasn’t for ROH. He said Final Battle has a place in his heart and recalled losing to Homicide and having his retina detach. Danielson thanked the fans for making those shows and making ROH what it was. Danielson said he hopes ROH sticks around and is something great, but he wanted to say thank you from the bottom of his heart…

A video package showed al of the past ROH World Champions… Jay Lethal made his entrance and hugged Cary Silkin before entering the ring. Jonathan Gresham made his entrance. He was joined on the stage by Rhett Titus, Josh Woods, and Tracy Williams, who walked to the back while he headed to the ring…

11. Jay Lethal vs. Jonathan Gresham for the original ROH World Championship belt. Bobby Cruise delivered in-ring introductions for the title match. Todd Sinclair was the referee. Riccaboni thanked Scott D’Amore from Impact, Tony Khan from AEW, and Billy Corgan from the NWA for making it a special night. Riccaboni said the wrestling world is united. Lethal and Gresham shook hands and then started the match while the fans chanted ROH.

Riccaboni noted that Lethal has signed with AEW and questioned if the ROH Championship could live on there. He added that Gresham is starting with New Japan Strong and asked if the title could live on there. Lethal caught Gresham leaping off the ropes and slammed him to the mat. Gresham caught Lethal in an inside cradle for a near fall. When both men stood up, Lethal slapped Gresham across the face.

A short time later, Lethal went up, but Gresham rolled away, so Lethal avoided going for his elbow drop. Lethal teased going for the move again a short time later, but Gresham put his legs up and Lethal landed on his feet. Lethal went for a figure four that Gresham avoided. Lethal eventually hit the elbow drop. Lethal went for a Lethal Injection, but his arm gave out. Gresham went for a chicken wing, but Lethal didn’t let him lock it in and put him down with a cutter.

The locker room emptied, as most of the wrestlers and other personnel walked to ringside and surrounded the ring. Some wrestlers pounded on the mat, while some shot video. Gresham picked up a near fall following a forearm. Gresham picked up Lethal and ran the ropes, but Lethal put him down with a forearm. Lethal went for a Lethal Injection, but Gresham used a backslide for a near fall. Gresham followed up with an inside cradle for another near fall. Gresham applied a submission hold and forced Lethal to tap out.

Jonathan Gresham defeated Jay Lethal in 15:35 to win the original ROH World Championship belt.

Several people entered the ring while Riccaboni raced through his sendoff. Coleman said, “See you in April.” Silkin handed the title belt to Gresham, and Cruise named him the new world champion… Graphics read that where one era ends, another begins, and listed April 2022…

Powell’s POV: The expected outcome with Gresham winning the championship. It’s a shame they didn’t have more time to work with, but they did a nice job with the time they had. More than anything, I’m happy that Lethal returned for this show after stating at the AEW Full Gear media scrum that he would not be taking part in the show. The post match scene was really rushed and it’s unfortunate that they couldn’t stick with the aftermath longer.

Overall, this was a really good farewell pay-per-view. Whether that farewell is for the era or permanent remains to be seen, but obviously the graphics at the end of the show were referring to the Supercard of Honor event in April. The wrestlers and crew did really good work under difficult circumstances, and I love that AEW, Impact, and the NWA offered their support. The FTR and Briscoes angle was especially great, and the videos sent in by names from ROH’s past were a really nice touch that wouldn’t have happened without the blessing of AEW and Impact. And, of course, AEW really bailed out ROH by letting Lethal work the show when Bandido tested positive for COVID-19.

I will have a lot more to say about this event in my same night audio review for Dot Net Members. Let me know what you thought of the show by grading it below and by voting for the best match.

ROH Final Battle Poll: Grade the overall show free polls

ROH Final Battle Poll: Vote for the best match free polls


Readers Comments (1)

  1. I’m wondering; What kind of reaction did Strowman get?

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