Tony Khan declines to comment on CM Punk returning to WWE

By Jason Powell, Editor (@prowrestlingnet)

Tony Khan was asked in an interview with Steve Hermon about CM Punk’s return to WWE. Khan stated that he could not comment, nor did he think it was the time or the place. Khan added that he wasn’t trying to duck or dodge the question and then said it was something that he can’t legally address.

Powell’s POV: I’m not sure what legalities would prevent Khan from simply wishing Punk well in his next endeavor or something along those lines. That said, I’m also not surprised that he declined to comment given the nature of his falling out with Punk, and given that Khan typically avoids commenting on anything controversial related to his company. H/T to


Readers Comments (1)

  1. What a bullshit response. Tiny Con should stick to his “media” scrum buddies who buy the right to lob softball questions to him. Dude has zero social or cognitive abilities to handle an actual reporter asking him a real question.

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