Tony Khan says Cody Rhodes and Brandi Rhodes are leaving AEW, Cody issues a statement of thanks

By Jason Powell, Editor (@prowrestlingnet)

AEW President Tony Khan issued the following statement regarding Cody Rhodes and Brandi Rhodes exiting the company. The quote is courtesy of

Cody and Brandi Rhodes were integral to the launch of All Elite Wrestling.

Cody’s ability combined with his boldness and his passion for our industry and his love for community outreach helped AEW deliver on our mission to give fans what they needed for fan too long – something new, innovative and lasting.

Brandi helped shape the AEW story, and I appreciate how hard she fought for us both in the ring and out of the ring, competing in the women’s division while advancing our efforts at inclusion and civic causes, including great partnerships with Kulture City and The American Heart Association.

I have immense respect and appreciation for Cody and Brandi, and I wish them both the best as they move on from AEW. Thank you, Cody and Brandi!”

Tony Khan CEO, President, General Manager & Head of Creative, All Elite Wrestling

Powell’s POV: This is a bizarre story in that one can only assume that Khan gave himself the same two-year contractual option to renew Cody’s contract that he has in the other executive vice president contracts. For that matter, the second season of “Rhodes to the Top” was reportedly renewed for a second season. It will be very interesting to learn the details of how things arrived at this point. Cody issued his own statement on the matter, which can be read below.


Readers Comments (10)

  1. I’m going to miss the random Hacksaw Butch Brandi promo segments.

  2. They were awful, so I’m glad to see them go. Cody asking for big money? hahaha wow. He’ll never be a top star anywhere.

  3. Stardust vs Happy Corbin at Wrestlemania anyone?

  4. The moment Vince sees that neck tattoo all of Cody’s negotiating leverage, real or perceived, will be gone.

  5. If he’s smart he’ll remove it!

  6. Although knowing Vince he’ll tell Cody to put it back because he actually likes it!lol

  7. This would be like Vince McMahon and/or Triple H leaving the WWE. Cody Rhodes pretty much was AEW.

  8. Seems Jericho is next trying to challenge contracted WWE workers. Rats fleeing the sinking ship?

  9. “Sinking” lmao

  10. Keep laughing. Can’t hire new people without increasing profits in any way forever. Not even Kahn’s dad would allow that.

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