All Elite Wrestling “Double Or Nothing” details

By Jason Powell, Editor (@prowrestlingnet)

The latest Being The Elite video showcased the All Elite Wrestling name and logo, and the “Double Or Nothing” event that is expected to serve as the followup to the All In show. Watch the video below or at the Being The Elite Youtube Page.

Powell’s POV: All Elite Wrestling is the name of the promotion involving the Khan family, Matt Jackson, Nick Jackson, Cody Rhodes, Adam Page, and others. SCU members Christopher Daniels, Frankie Kazarian, and Scorpio Sky are also expected to be involved. While no date was listed in the video, the belief is that the event will be held during Memorial Day weekend in Las Vegas, Nevada.

Updated: AEW also announced a Double Or Nothing rally that will be held on January 8 in Jacksonville, Florida at TIAA Bank Field. The stadium plays host to the Jacksonville Jaguars football team, which is owned by the Khan family. The Young Bucks, Cody Rhodes, Brandi Rhodes, Adam Page, and the three SCU members are also featured in the advertising.

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Readers Comments (3)

  1. Fabulous Freebirds January 1, 2019 @ 11:45 am

    Just my thoughts:

    1 -For this to mean anything, AEW have to get a legit TV deal. If they get a deal similar to POP or BEIN, then this is no different than the other smaller feds. WGN is not a big TV deal either.

    2 – Tony Khan. The new Dixie Carter. Already wants to give multi-year deals guaranteed. You already give talent no incentive to push 100% all the time. Plus Khan family have had a brutal time running the Jacksonville Jaguars that they give away home games to London every year.

    3 – The moment Cody Rhodes makes himself champion of his own promotion, the people will turn on them. I could see it a mile away.

    4 – The Young Bucks are getting stale. They are wonderful talents but they are getting stale. What are they going to do differently here in AEW that fans have not seen them do in ROH or NJPW? It’s 2019 now and I think Indy fans want new faces to watch.

    5 – With Cody and Young Bucks having backstage roles as producer and bookers, that creates a huge conflict of interest.

    • To your 3rd point- I don’t believe Cody won’t ever be able to be the champion of his own promotion, and have it be accepted. I do tend to agree that he can’t make himself the first champion of this though without drawing some major push back.

      To your 2nd point- It might be a bit unfair to compare how the father runs an NFL team to how his son might do with a wrestling promotion. That’s a bit of apples to oranges. You’ve got three pro football teams in the state of Florida, where college football is king. So attendance is going to be a struggle. Also, signing some guys to multi-year deals isn’t always bad. TNA/Impact did fine for a very long time. The biggest misstep they made was doing business with Hulk Hogan and company, and that whole era is the one thing they’ve continually been trying to recover from.

      If AEW doesn’t try to grow too big, too fast, they’ll be fine. They all seem like smart guys.

  2. I get them trying to get eyes on them by where and when they are holding their rally, but I hope they don’t make a regular thing of attaching themselves to WWE events. They need to be able to stand on their own

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