Powell’s NXT Hit List: The Rascalz vs. Je’Von Evans, Axiom, and Nathan Frazer, Josh Briggs vs. Brooks Jensen in a No DQ match, Trick Williams vs. Cedric Alexander

By Jason Powell, ProWrestling.net Editor (@prowrestlingnet)

NXT Hits

“The Rascalz” Wes Lee, Zachary Wentz, and Trey Miguel vs. Je’Von Evans, Axiom, and Nathan Frazer: A terrific spot-fest main event. This style isn’t for everyone, but it stands out in a fun way when it’s the only match of its kind on a show as opposed to being surrounded by other big spot matches. The reunion of Lee, Wentz, and Miguel continues to be one of my favorite things in pro wrestling right now. They are killing it in two companies and here’s hoping it continues. Wentz pinned Axiom, so perhaps that will lead to two of The Rascalz getting an NXT Tag Team Title shot.

Josh Briggs vs. Brooks Jensen in a No DQ match: A good old fashioned slug fest. Briggs and Jensen worked a hard and physical style. I like the way they thought outside the box by using the top piece of the broadcast table in a way I haven’t seen done before, and the big slam on the ring steps looked vicious. Jensen was laying in the chair and weapon shots and both of these guys have to be feeling it today. Briggs and Jensen really grew on me as a tag team and I have high hopes for their feud. The involvement of Shawn Spears left me wondering if they are setting up a heel faction involving Spears, Jensen, and Ethan Page.

Trick Williams vs. Cedric Alexander: A strong match. Alexander has taken so many losses over the years and yet this still felt like a good win for Williams. In fact, this was the best night Williams has had since he dropped the NXT Championship. If it’s not going to happen for Alexander on the main roster, then I really hope they feature him prominently in NXT.

Oro Mensah vs. Ashanti Adonis: It was also a good night for Mensah in that he won this brief match and also got the better of Ethan Page. It was encouraging to see Adonis and Cedric Alexander utilized again even if they both took losses in their NXT return matches.

Lash Legend and Jakara Jackson vs. Sol Ruca and Karmen Petrovic: A necessary win for Legend and Jackson given that they will be challenging Isla Dawn and Alba Fyre for the WWE Women’s Tag Team Titles during the Great American Bash themed shows. The Meta Four is confusing. Oro Mensah is a babyface in his feud with Ethan Page, but it felt like Legend and Jackson were still heels in this match. And that sets up what seems like a heel vs. heel match for the WWE Women’s Tag Team Titles unless I’m reading this wrong.

Wren Sinclair vs. Carlee Bright: I can’t blame anyone who can’t get past the ridiculousness of the story that Sinclair is the only witness to a kidnapping that they showed on television. But I do like the idea of Sinclair trying to force her way into No Quarter Catch Crew. Charlie Dempsey being annoyed by Sinclair and yet feeling like he had to help her win the match was a nice touch.

Eddy Thorpe vs. Lexis King: It was fun while it lasted. I consider it a good week for Thorpe whenever they focus on him as a wrestler and not as a DJ.

NXT Misses

None: A good show that featured a lot of wrestlers in purposeful roles as opposed to just cramming a bunch of wrestlers into the show to keep everyone happy. The variety of matches was impressive from the physical brawl in the opener to the traditional work of Williams and Alexander to the spot fest main event. There was a little something for everyone this week. On a side note, the Thea Hail sit-down interview was well done and was an effective way to set up her NXT Championship match. My only real gripes with this episode both involve the general manager. I still don’t understand the weird relationship between Ava, Stevie Turner, and Mr. Stone, and I disliked the way they cut from the red hot main event to showing Ava backstage and making it seem like she didn’t even bother to watch the match.


Readers Comments (1)

  1. Agree with everything, Powell-a-mino. I absolutely loved the brawl, and Jensen showed some presence.

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