Powell’s Impact 1000 Hit List: Lio Rush vs. Chris Sabin for the X Title, Team 3D reunites, Eddie and Alisha Edwards vs. Frankie Kazarian and Traci Brooks, Feast or Fired

By Jason Powell, ProWrestling.net Editor (@prowrestlingnet)

Impact Wrestling Hits

Opening segment: Scott D’Amore delivered a nice speech about celebrating the company’s past, present, and future. Better yet, he quickly shifted the focus to the Knockouts Division. It’s something the company should and clearly does take great pride in. After all, long before WWE finally got around to the women’s evolution, Impact was featuring the tremendous Gail Kim vs. Awesome Kong feud and spotlighting other female talent. The segment with the past and present Knockouts was a lot of fun.

Lio Rush vs. Chris Sabin for the X Division Title: A very good match. I’m not crazy about Rush dropping the championship so quickly, but I’m not sure what his status is with the company. Furthermore, Sabin’s wins capped off the milestone show with a feel good moment.

Alex Shelley, Josh Alexander, and The Rascalz: The tension between Shelley and Alexander over the Impact World Championship is compelling. Alexander playing Captain Cleanliness in the far too convenient backstage segment with The Rascalz was a groaner. But that segment set up Shelley leaving Alexander hanging once the Rascalz attacked him during the in-ring segment, which adds to the friction between Shelley and Alexander.

Frankie Kazarian and Traci Brooks vs. Eddie Edwards and Alisha Edwards: This appeared to be the blowoff to the feud between the husband and wife teams. The real Hit was for the great post match moment with Brooks getting emotional after she was seemingly surprised by the announcement that she will be inducted into the company’s Hall of Fame.

Team 3D vs. Rohit Raju and Champagne Singh: While I’m certainly in the minority, I was as happy to see Raju back in an Impact ring as I was the Team 3D reunion. That’s not a slight on Bully Ray and D-Von, it’s because I was a big fan of Raju’s work and the versatility he showed during his run with the company. Of course, the spotlight was on the Team 3D reunion and it was fun to see them play the greatest hits.

Impact Wrestling Hits

Feast or Fired: I get that viewers have a morbid curiosity when it comes to which wrestler will be fired, but this has always been one of Impact’s more ridiculous concepts. The storyline idea that the company would risk having to fire a top star for ending up with the wrong briefcase has always been absurd. How about switching it to a “Feast or Famine” match with the losing briefcase blocking a wrestler from getting a title shot for six months or even a year? There could be some interesting storylines built around that concept and it would be easier to understand why wrestlers would choose to take the risk of entering the match. It’s not like Impact can’t build up to loser leaves the company matches if they want to creative some buzz over a wrestling exiting the company.


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