Vince McMahon reportedly settles with former referee who accused him of rape

By Jason Powell, Editor (@prowrestlingnet)

WWE Chairman Vince McMahon has reportedly reached a financial settlement with former referee Rita Chatterton, who accused him of raping her in 1986. The Wall Street Journal reports that the “multimillion-dollar legal settlement” was completed last month and that McMahon denied the allegation and settled to avoid the cost of litigation. Read more at

Powell’s POV: WSJ previously reported that Chatterton was seeking $11.75 million in damages. WSJ also reported on December 13 that he was refusing to agree to a settlement with her at that time. The same WSJ report included details that an attorney reached out to McMahon’s lawyer Jerry McDevitt with a claim that McMahon assaulted his client who worked as a spa manager at a California resort in 2011. At the time, WSJ reported that McMahon was also opposed to settling with the spa manager.


Readers Comments (1)

  1. I think Vince should take 1 more dump on his legacy and sell to the Saudis. Have it all buried with you too Vince, you clearly don’t really give a shit about this company or your family

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