Gene Snitsky on who pushed his “It Wasn’t My Fault” catchphrase, punting a “baby” on WWE television, why he and Dustin Rhodes didn’t win the tag titles

By Jason Powell, Editor (@prowrestlingnet)

The Two Man Power Trip of Wrestling Podcast with Gene Snitsky
Host: JP John Poz
Twitter: @TwoManPowerTrip
Interview available at

Creating the “It Wasn’t My Fault” catchphrase: Actually, Stephanie McMahon came to me and she made it clear to keep saying, “It Wasn’t My Fault” as many chances as I get. So, yeah it was kinda funny. She actually produced all my segments back then, and I worked with Dan Madigan too. Dan Madigan wrote most of the storyline and then Steph was producer for pretty much all of the segments that we did and it was fun, man. I had a lot of fun with that little storyline.

When it came to the famous angle where Snitsky actually kicked the baby on live television: You know, it’s funny because I wasn’t honestly thinking anything of it. We rehearsed it. Vince McMahon, I can remember him saying to me, ‘Snitsky, don’t f— this up,’ and this is a honest to God true story, I looked at him and I go, ‘Vince, don’t you worry. I was already a punter in high school. This is gonna be great’ and he went, ‘Okay.’ After we did it and it came off so well he was like — I said, ‘I told you it was gonna be great.’

Teaming with Dustin Rhodes (aka Goldust) for a period of time: Dustin and I were supposed to win the tag team titles, but Dustin had a “meltdown” which led to him departing the company. When I was tag teaming with Goldust, we were supposed to win the belts but then he had a meltdown, ended up getting fired or left the company or something and that left me in limbo for a little while but, it is what it is. Yeah, that was one of the things I know for sure.

Other topics include killing Kane and Lita’s baby, punting a baby, a weird promo with Heidenreich, main eventing vs John Cena, and more.

You can listen to other shows apart of the TMPT Empire including Shane Douglas’ Triple Threat Podcast, Taking You to School with Dr. Tom Prichard, Talking Tough with Rick Bassman, Taskmaster Talks with Kevin Sullivan and the University of Dutch with Dutch Mantell.


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