WWE releases Scott Dawson and Dash Wilder

By Jason Powell, ProWrestling.net Editor (@prowrestlingnet)

WWE announced Friday that it has granted contractual releases to “The Revival” tag team of Scott Dawson (David Harwood) and Dash Wilder (Daniel Wheeler). Read the official announcement at WWE.com.

Powell’s POV: Dawson and Wilder asked to be released from the company on multiple occasions. Their contracts were on the verge of expiring, so this speeds up the process for them. The duo had a very good run in NXT. They also had runs with the tag titles on Raw and Smackdown, but their main roster push was inconsistent to say the least.


Readers Comments (6)

  1. Rare that I’m glad people are out of a job, but they were too good for the main roster.

  2. AEW takes yah wrestling seriously, so I think it would be a good home for them. I do think AEW needs to be careful not to take on every WWE wrestler who leaves that company.

    • Write This Way April 10, 2020 @ 2:56 pm

      AEW has transported middle aged me and bad Vince parodies. AEW has an “alien” in the women’s division. AEW just had baby oil and a flabby hugger in a tag match, and has a tag division that is literally nothing but kickouts and spots with the ref buried in every match.

      AEW takes nothing seriously.

      • The style of tag wrestling in AEW may not be for everyone. The philosophy of respecting teams and telling actual stories in the division is what impresses me.

        After decades of tag teams in the WWE being thrown together and/or destroyed in handicap matches, having actual teams (Omega and Page excepted) is far more enjoyable.

        I hope that The Revival signs with AEW and helps move the style of tag wrestling away rom the choreographed flips and catches that makes suspending disbelief difficult.

  3. if they have any sense they will under no circumstances agree to wrestle the young bucks untill wrestling can be in front of an audience again. if thats not possible in four months and they need the money i would understand but for the time being…

  4. If they ever go through with the Hangman Page and Omega split, I think Page and the Revival would make a pretty good trio.

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