04/02 Prowrestling.net Free Podcast: Paul “Triple H” Levesque takes pro wrestling media questions and promotes the two-night NXT Takeover: Stand & Deliver

04/02 Prowrestling.net Free Podcast: Paul "Triple H" Levesque takes pro wrestling media questions and promotes the two-night NXT Takeover: Stand & Deliver
By Jason Powell, ProWrestling.net Editor (@prowrestlingnet)

WWE executive Paul “Triple H” Levesque takes questions from ProWrestling.net’s Jason Powell and other members of the pro wrestling media and promotes the April 7-8 NXT Takeover: Stand & Deliver shows. The topics include the abundance of pro wrestling content available on television, NXT UK’s Heritage Cup on the North American based NXT, Undertaker stating that the product is too soft, Chris Jericho appearing on Steve Austin’s show and WWE’s openness to working with other promotions, the strategy of booking two nights of Takeover, having fans in attendance, Omos debuting at WrestleMania, using celebrities and Bad Bunny’s training, AJ Styles’ desire to work a WrestleMania match with him, how he rates the time NXT spent on Wednesday nights, and more (38:13)…

Join us for NXT Takeover Stand & Deliver live coverage on Wednesday and Thursday at ProWrestling.net. 

Click here for the April 2 Paul “Triple H” Levesque conference call.

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