NXT Level Up results (7/26): O’Connor’s review of Dante Chen vs. Cutler James, Jaida Parker vs. Layla Diggs, and Uriah Connors vs. Dion Lennox

By John O’Connor, ProWrestling.net Contributor (@thereal_JOC

NXT: Level Up (Episode 128)
Taped in Orlando, Florida at the WWE Performance Center
Streamed July 26, 2024 on Peacock/WWE Network

OTM accompanied Jaida Parker to the stage before returning to the back. Parker then made her way to the ring as the broadcast team of Blake Howard and Vic Joseph welcomed us to the show…

1. Jaida Parker (w/OTM) vs. Layla Diggs. Parker hit Diggs with a shoulder block and slid into a headlock but Diggs responded with a sleeper hold. Diggs escaped an attempted German suplex and dropped Parker with an armdrag and a standing moonsault for a near fall. Parker rallied and placed Diggs over the middle rope in the corner and dropped her weight across the midsection of Diggs to take control. Parker applied a leglock as Diggs attempted an escape. Diggs powered out and hit Parker with a series of forearms and looked to finish but was thrown into the ropes by Parker. Parker followed up with the running knee on Diggs for the victory.

Jaida Parker defeated Layla Diggs via pinfall in 4:53. 

The commentary team sent it to the back to footage from earlier in the day of Cutler James respectfully challenging Dante Chen to a match later in the show. James said Chen is the gatekeeper on Level Up and everyone wants to prove themselves against him. Chen accepted the challenge.

The commentary team hyped Uriah Connors vs. Dion Lennox for after the break…[c]

2. Uriah Connors vs. Dion Lennox. Lennox powered Connors down to the canvas and used his strength early in the match. Connors attempted to get into the head of Lennox and slapped him across the face but Lennox responded in kind and hit a follow up dropkick. Connors rocked Lennox with chops and clubbed Lennox in the back of the head for a near fall.

Connors disrespectfully kicked Lennox in the side of the head which ticked off Lennox who hit a strong lariat to drop Connors. Connors attempted to escape to ringside but was brought back into the ring by Lennox. Connors attempted a rollup with assistance from the ropes but was stopped by the referee. As Connors argued, Lennox rolled through with a pin of his own for the win.

Dion Lennox defeated Uriah Connors via pinfall in 4:38. 

Backstage, Layla Diggs was approached by Sarah Schreiber. Diggs said that she hates losing but continually doubts herself. Adrianna Rizzo walked by and says all Diggs needs is confidence and Rizzo has her eye on her. Diggs looked happy as the commentary team hyped the main event…[c]

3. Dante Chen vs. Cutler James. An exchange of holds from both men early, until Chen dropped James with a shoulder block to take control. Chen applied an armlock but James would eventually catch Chen and drop the man from Singapore with a scoop slam. Chen hit a reverse elbow but James hit a back suplex for a near fall to keep the momentum in his favor.

James rocked Chen with a clothesline for a two count before transitioning into chinlock which wore down Chen. Chen battled back to his feet as the audience cheered. Chen hit a number of forearm smashes and looked to finish. James caught Chen with a Samoan drop for a close two count. James looked for it again but Chen reversed into a crucifix for a two count of his own. James was caught by a pump kick by Chen who followed up with the roaring chop to the chest to put away James as the gatekeeper locked the door.

Dante Chen defeated Cutler James via pinfall in 6:15. 

Both men shook hands as the show closed…

John’s Ramblings: The seemingly new format continued into its second week and was another enjoyable show. It’s hard to pinpoint which match stood out the most this week though so just watch the whole show. It was an easy 30 minutes to get through.


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