WWE Raw results (6/3): Powell’s live review of Damian Priest vs. Rey Mysterio in a non-title match, Sheamus vs. Ludwig Kaiser, Bron Breakker vs. Ricochet, Finn Balor vs. Dragon Lee

By Jason Powell, ProWrestling.net Editor (@prowrestlingnet)

WWE Raw (Episode 1,619)
Hershey, Pennsylvania at Giant Center
Aired live June 3, 2024 on USA Network

[Hour One] Raw opened with a camera shot that followed fans into the arena and then took a wide shot of the venue… Michael Cole and Pat McAfee checked in on commentary while shots aired of the separate arrivals of Bianca Belair and Jade Cargill, Bron Breakker, and Judgment Day members Damian Priest, Dominik Mysterio, Finn Balor, and JD McDonagh…

Highlights aired of Liv Morgan beating Becky Lynch to win the Women’s World Championship at King and Queen of the Ring, as well as in a cage match on last week’s Raw. They also included the post Raw clip of Morgan kissing Dominik…

Women’s World Champion Liv Morgan made her entrance while being introduced by ring announcer Samantha Irvin. Cole referred to McAfee as “the always controversial” (some days more than others). Once in the ring, Morgan welcomed viewers to her revenge tour.

Morgan noted that it’s said that revenge is never as sweet once you finally get it, but that’s not the case for her. She boasted that she took out Rhea Ripley and become the new champion. Morgan claimed she put Becky Lynch into an early retirement. Morgan said the cherry on top of all of it was kissing Dominik. Morgan said the video footage had over 40 million views in less than 24 hours.

Dominik Mysterio made his entrance with his left arm in a sling. Dom tried to speak a few times on his way to the ring and was booed heavily each time. Once in the ring, Dom said he didn’t know what kind of game Morgan was playing. A “you suck” chant broke out.

“Mami isn’t playing the same game, and when she comes back she’s going to kill you,” Dom said. Morgan said maybe, then added that she’s probably going to kill Dom too. Morgan promised that she would make it all worth it. Morgan asked how long he would keep lying to himself. Morgan approached Dom and said he came out last week to be closer to her. Morgan said she meant what she said about taking everything away from Rhea Ripley, including Dom. Morgan backed Dom into the corner.

Finn Balor came out and told Morgan to back off. Balor said Dom doesn’t want anything to do with her, nor do the rest of The Judgment Day. Morgan asked what if Dom didn’t want her to go. Morgan said she would go for now and then dropped the microphone and went to the apron where she rubbed Dom’s hair. Dom smiled for a moment…

Powell’s POV: Who would have guessed a couple years ago that Dominik Mysterio would be the biggest swordsman in pro wrestling? I love it.

The broadcast team set up footage of the Ludwig Kaiser and Sheamus segments from last week…

Sheamus was interviewed in the backstage area by Jackie Redmond. Sheamus said Kaiser dropped real bombs when he was attacked by him last week. Sheamus played up the idea that Gunther was holding back Kaiser. Sheamus said Kaiser had a chance to see whether he could go toe-to-toe with him. Sheamus said it’s always about seeing whether the fella across the ring can gain his respect. Sheamus said the way to do it is to put on banger after banger.

Sheamus made his entrance. Ludwig Kaiser ran out and chop blocked Sheamus in the entrance aisle. A bunch of referees and producers ran out heading into a commercial break… [C]

1. Sheamus vs. Ludwig Kaiser. Sheamus suplexed Kaiser early. The referee stood in front of Sheamus to keep him away from Kaiser, who then clipped Sheamus’s knee again. Later, Sheamus set up for Ten Beats, but Kaiser avoided it and clotheslined him over the top rope. Kaiser ran Sheamus into the ring post casing. Sheamus was seated on the ring steps when Kaiser went to the floor and hit a running kick on Sheamus’s bad knee. [C]

Kaiser continued to target the bad knee and pulled down his kneepad at one point. The referee checked on Sheamus and was about to call for the bell, but Sheamus grabbed him by the hand to stop him. The referee checked again with Sheamus, who indicated that he could continue. Sheamus barked at Kaiser and asked if that’s all he had.

Kaiser slapped Sheamus repeatedly. Sheamus got up and blistered Kaiser with chops to the chest. Sheamus caught Kaiser with a knee strike. Sheamus used the ropes to pull himself up and went for his finisher, but his knee gave out. Kaiser rolled up Sheamus for a two count.

Sheamus sent Kaiser over the top rope and then hit him with Ten Beats (plus three). Sheamus put Kaiser on his shoulders and climbed to the middle rope, but Kaiser slipped away and kicked the back of his bad leg. Kaiser rolled up Sheamus and got the three count.

Ludwig Kaiser defeated Sheamus in 13:45.

After the match, a QR code flashed on the screen while Kaiser was shown at ringside…

Powell’s POV: A nice opening match and a big win for Kaiser. It’s good to see Kaiser starting to be featured as more than a sidekick. They clearly did this in a way that created a need for a welcomed rematch.

Backstage, Dominik Mysterio told Damian Priest and JD McDonagh that he can’t help it that women are into him and added that he didn’t do anything. Balor said the problem is that he didn’t do anything. He told him not to play with fire or he’ll get burned.

Damian Priest entered the room and asked Dom for an explanation. Balor said none was needed because the situation was taken care of. Priest asked Dom if Rhea Ripley thinks it’s taken care of. Dom said he’s giving Ripley space, but everything is fine. Priest brought up his match with Rey Mysterio and said they should settle some scores and remind everyone The Judgment Day runs Raw…

Dragon Lee made his entrance… An ad for Smackdown questioned how Cody Rhodes would respond to being attacked by AJ Styles, and Solo Sikoa anointing Tanga Loa into The Bloodline… [C]

Backstage, a trainer checked on Ricochet’s ribs and made his exit. Ilja Dragunov showed up and said he understands that people like the two of them need to push themselves to the limit. Dragunov warned him that Bron Breakker is wired differently. Ricochet said that he and Dragunov are wired differently. Ricochet said they could finish their rivalry after he faces Breakker. Dragunov wished Ricochet good luck…

A Dragon Lee video package aired. He said he will be a legend and spoke about setting the world on fire… Finn Balor made his entrance with JD McDonagh…

2. Dragon Lee vs. Finn Balor (w/JD McDonagh). Lee performed a couple of early arm drags while Cole noted that his father worked as Bestia Del Ring in Mexico. Lee sent Balor to the floor and hit him with a suicide dive. [C] Lee performed a sit-out powerbomb for a near fall.

Lee hoisted up Balor while McDonagh climbed onto the apron. Lee performed a rolling senton and then punched McDonagh off the apron. While McDonagh distracted the referee, Carlito ran out and crotched Lee on the top rope.

Balor went after Lee, who pushed him back to the mat and then dove onto Carlito at ringside. McDonagh ran over and ate a superkick from Lee, who returned to the ring and was hit by Balor with a shotgun dropkick. Balor followed up with his Coup de Grace finisher and scored the pin…

Finn Balor defeated Dragon Lee in 8:35.

After the match, Braun Strowman and Rey Mysterio came out. “That’s one big white son of a bitch,” McAfee said regarding Strowman. Rey stayed at ringside while Strowman entered the ring and put down all three heels on his own while wearing a “One Big SOB” t-shirt. Strowman chased the Judgment Day members, who all hopped the barricade. Strowman and Mysterio checked on Lee…

Powell’s POV: The apology that McAfee issued for referring to WNBA star Caitlin Clark as a “white bitch” during his show earlier today certainly feels hollow after he delivered a spoof line regarding Strowman. The actual match was nicely done in terms of making Lee look good despite losing because of Judgement Day’s numbers advantage.

Intercontinental Champion Sami Zayn was shown walking backstage… [C] A Clash at the Castle video aired. Cole announced a kickoff event for for Clash at the Castle on the day before the event…

Backstage, Damian Priest spoke with Finn Balor, JD McDonagh, and Carlito. Priest told McDonagh that he thought he would have had the Strowman problem taken care of by now. Priest told McDonagh not to sweat it. Priest said that if Carlito wants to play prospect, he should ask Adam Pearce for a match against Strowman later in the show.

After the other Judgment Day members left, R-Truth entered the picture and spoke with Carlito. Truth said he feels Carlito’s pain. He said being with Judgment Day is like riding a roller coaster. He said they kick you when you are up or down, but those were the best days of his life.

The Miz was shown looking dumbfounded by Truth’s statement. Miz said they are tag team champions and therefore these should be the best days of Truth’s life. Truth told Miz to let go of The Judgment Day and said he’s obsessed with the faction…

[Hour Two] Intercontinental Champion Sami Zayn made his entrance while footage aired of his recent issues with Alpha Academy. Zayn said things with Chad Gable have gone on long enough. Zayn proposed that Gable come out alone and face him man-to-man so they could put an end to everything.

The Alpha Academy theme played. Maxxine Dupri, Otis, and Akira Tozawa came out. Dupri relayed the message that Zayn wasn’t worthy of Gable’s time. The trio entered the ring and then Dupri read a statement from Gable. The message mocked Zayn for thinking he could turn his students against him and also included shots at Dupri, Otis, and Tozawa.

Gable’s message said the only way things would end between him and Zayn was with Zayn giving him an Intercontinental Title match. Zayn agreed to defend the title against Gable at the Clash at the Castle event. Zayn put his title belt down said he wanted to talk to Durpi, Otis, and Tozawa. Zayn asked the trio if they’ve had enough of Gable. Zayn said he’s been through it before and they need to set themselves free.

Chad Gable entered the ring and attacked Zayn from behind. Gable performed a German suplex on Zayn and then held him for Otis to hit. Otis turned away. Gable released Zayn and slapped Otis across the face. Tozawa pulled Gable away from Otis. Gable shoved Tozawa a few times and wound up to hit him.

Dupri grabbed Gable’s arm and pleaded with him to stop. Gable told Dupri to get down on her knees and beg him to stop. Durpri dropped down on both knees and begged. Gable told Durpi and Tozawa to get the hell out of his ring and continued to bark at them once they were on the apron.

Otis got in Gable’s face. Gable looked intimidated. Zayn spun Gable around and threw punches at him. Gable ran Zayn toward the ropes, causing him to knock Durpri and Tozawa off the apron. Gable told Otis that Zayn was responsible. Otis picked up Zayn and powerslammed him.

Otis left the ring and put Tozawa on his shoulders and then carried Dupri while walking to the back. Meanwhile, Gable stood over Zayn and posed with the Intercontinental Title…

Powell’s POV: Another great segment. The Alpha Academy drama has quickly become my favorite thing to watch on Raw.

Raw General Manager Adam Pearce was shown looking frustrated while watching the Alpha Academy angle play out. Bron Breakker entered the ring and told Pearce that he would break Zayn in half. Breakker said he was there to congratulate Pearce for putting him in the ring with real competition.

Pearce said the only reason it was happening was because Ricochet asked for it. Pearce said Ricochet understands respect. Breakker said he would teach Pearce and Ricochet about respect because Pearce didn’t put him in the King of the Ring tournament…

Ricochet made his entrance… [C]

Backstage, Gable approached Durpi, Otis, and Tozawa and praised them for their performances. Gable told Otis that he’s his number one guy and always was. Gable said they can finally accomplish their goal of him winning “my Intercontinental Title”…

Bron Breakker spear highlights were shown before he made his entrance…

3. Bron Breakker vs. Ricochet. Ricochet slapped Breakker to start and then used his speed to avoid him. Ricochet sold his heavily taped ribs for a moment and then remained on the offensive. Breakker came back and press Ricochet over his head before dropping him so that his ribs landed on the ringside barricade. [C]

Ricochet hit Breakker with a springboard moonsault and then sold his ribs before getting a two count. Ricochet went up top for his finisher and had to roll through when Breakker avoided it. Breakker charged Ricochet, who superkicked him. Ricochet hit the Recoil and covered Breakker for two. Ricochet went up top for his finisher, but Breakker cut him off and hit him with a Frankensteiner from the ropes. Breakker speared and then pinned Ricochet.

Bron Breakker defeated Ricochet in 8:00.

After the match, Breakker ran Ricochet into the ring steps. Breakker grabbed the top piece of the ring steps while a group of referees, producers, and security guards ran out to talk him down. Ilja Dragunov ran out and ducked when Breakker tossed the ring steps at him. Dragunov knocked Breakker over the barricade with a forearm. The producers and referees escorted Breakker to the back while Dragunov checked on Ricochet…

Powell’s POV: Breakker went over strong while Ricochet was protected by his rib injury. The post match angle would seem to suggest that Breakker vs. Dragunov is coming soon.

Backstage, Rey Mysterio and Zelina Vega spoke with Dragon Lee. Mysterio said Lee looked great despite losing and will get his payback. Mysterio said Judgment Day claiming to run Raw doesn’t include The LWO. Rey said he would deliver that message to Damian Priest… [C]

Photos were shown of Liv Morgan on the red carpet (it was actually blue) at the Bad Boys movie premiere. One of the movie’s stars Martin Lawrence posed for a photo with her… McAfee did his telestrator bit while recapping the Liv Morgan and Dominik Mysterio angle from earlier…

Natalya made her entrance. Backstage, Jackie Redmond interviewed Kiana James, who praised Adam Pearce and said she specifically asked him for this match. James said beating Natalya would validate her one percent status and would be a perfect first statement. James made her entrance to no reaction while Cole spoke about her business background…

4. Kiana James vs. Natalya. Natalya hit her walkover into a basement dropkick for a two count. Natalya followed up with a German suplex and then set up for a Sharpshooter while calling out the Hershey crowd for a few cheers. James kicked out of it and then hit her 401K finisher and scored the pin…

Kiana James beat Natalya in 2:55.

Powell’s POV: Cole tried to make it seem like it was impressive that James beat Natalya in her Raw debut. He has to play it that way, but Natalya has lost so many times over the years that it wasn’t a surprise to most viewers.

Cathy Kelley interviewed “New Day” Kofi Kingston and Xavier Woods about facing AOP. They said what Karrion Kross was trying to do would not work. Kingston said a lot of people have tried to come between them, but they’ve all failed. They started to do their “New Day Rocks” bit.

Karrion Kross interrupted them and said the power of positivity is dead. Kingston assumed Kross meant that it didn’t hit the way it once did. Kingston said that he and Woods do and his boys would find out tonight. Kross stopped Woods and said he wouldn’t have to follow Kingston around anymore after tonight…

Braun Strowman made his entrance… [C]

Natalya was walking backstage when Sonya Deville approached her and recalled Natalya saying she wanted to talk. Natalya said enough was enough and it was time for a change. Deville said she was looking forward to it and excused herself.

Deville approached Shayna Baszler and Zoey Stark. It was noted that Bianca Belair and Jade Cargill were there. Deville told them not to do anything rash while adding that the more you try to get respect from everyone, the less you get. Baszler said she felt like Deville was the only one who didn’t respect them and told her to leave them alone…

5. Braun Strowman vs. Carlito. Carlito’s entrance was televised and he clotheslined Strowman over the top rope. Strowman came back quickly and blasted Carlito with a shot to the chest. Finn Balor and JD McDonagh came out and tried to interfere, but Strowman fought them off and then stuffed Carlito’s Backstabber attempt. Strowman slammed Carlito face first to the mat and then pinned him.

Braun Strowman defeated Carlito in 1:30.

Balor and McDonagh attacked Strowman after the match, but he pushed them off and put them down with a double clothesline. Carlito went after Strowman, who was about to slam him to the mat when Dominik Mysterio clipped Strowman’s leg.

Dom, who was no longer wearing his sling, struck Strowman with a chair. Strowman no-sold the chair and went after Dom at ringside. Liv Morgan ran out and stood in front of Dom. The other Judgment Day members went after Strowman. McDonagh battered Strowman with a chair and continued to do so while Balor and Carlito held him in place.

At ringside, Morgan walked toward Dom, who backed up to the apron. Balor rushed to ringside and stood in front of Dom. Morgan laughed and backed away…

Powell’s POV: Women want Dom and men want to be him. What a stud. I assume the attack on Strowman will lead to more of him chasing the Judgment Day members around like scared children on future shows.

WWE Women’s Tag Team Champions Bianca Belair and Jade Cargill were shown walking backstage… [C]

An ad aired for NXT Battleground and then they did a quick drone tour from inside the UFC Apex host venue…

WWE Women’s Tag Team Champions Bianca Belair and Jade Cargill made their entrances and then spoke inside the ring. Belair said it had been a minute since she had appeared on the Raw brand.

[Hour Three] Belair said they would defend the titles on Smackdown or Raw (poor NXT). Cargill noted that they had a special invitation and then called out Shayna Baszler and Zoey Stark, who obliged by making their entrance.

Baszler accused the champions of ducking her and Stark. Cargill called for the match to happen. Adam Pearce came out to boos and then actually booked the immediate title match…

6. Bianca Belair and Jade Cargill vs. Shayna Baszler and Zoey Stark for the WWE Women’s Tag Team Titles. Stark performed an early springboard dropkick on Belair. Cargill tagged in and dropped Stark with a kick. The champions performed simultaneous suplexes and then kipped up and flexed. [C]

Late in the match, Belair hit Stark with her KOD finisher. Isla Dawn and Alba Fyre ran in and attacked Belair for the apparent no-contest finish.

Bianca Belair and Jade Cargill fought Shayna Baszler and Zoey Stark to an apparent no-contest in 8:10 in a WWE Women’s Tag Team Title match.

Cargill tried to help her partner and was quickly outnumbered, as Baszler, Stark, Dawn, and Fyre all worked over the champions and left them lying…

Powell’s POV: It’s still tough to take any of the women’s teams as serious threats to Belair and Cargill, but at least they are giving the champions something to avenge.

World Heavyweight Champion Damian Priest was interviewed by Cathy Kelley in the backstage area. Priest said it was time to close the door on this issue and said he’s done with Dom’s father after tonight.

Drew McIntyre interrupted the interview and said Priest seemed like he was happy. Priest said he’s the world champ, so every day is a happy day. Priest asked McIntyre how his life was going. McIntyre said his life will be good in less than two weeks. McIntyre told Priest to enjoy his time because this is as high as Priest will ever go in this industry. McIntyre said it’s now personal and he’ll be seeing him real soon… [C]

Jey Uso’s music hit. Jey was shown just before he started his way down the steps through the crowd. Jey stopped in the crowd and delivered a promo amongst the fans. Jey said he still has big plans. He said they had the Bloodline Civil War at last year’s Money in the Bank.

Jey said he lost his family as a result of that match, but he stayed in the fight because he knew one day he could possibly fight on his own. Jey said he wasn’t just a righthand man and he could finally be “Main Event” Jey Uso. Jey thanked the fans for yeeting with him on his own journey.

Jey said it was time for him to deliver for the fans. Jey said he had one more plan for this summer. Jey said he would climb to the top of the ladder, grab the briefcase, and become Mr. Money in the Bank…

Powell’s POV: A cool promo. Jey delivering it in the crowd got a good rise out of the fans and it was a nice change of pace from the in-ring or backstage promos.

Lyra Valkyria was interviewed by Cathy Kelley, who asked her how Becky Lynch was coping with everything after last week. Valkyria said Lynch was disappointed, but she’ll come back around and make herself better. Valkyria said she didn’t think they would have to watch Liv Morgan as Women’s World Champion for long. Valkyria said she’s learned that she can walk on her own two feet and started to talk about Money in the Bank.

Iyo Sky burst into the picture and attacked Valkyria. Sky made a bunch of commotion after leaving Valkyria lying on top of a production crate…

“New Day” Kofi Kingston and Xavier Woods made their entrance… [C] The Final Testament members all made their entrance…

7. “AOP” Akam and Rezar (w/Karrion Kross, Scarlett, Paul Ellering) vs. “New Day” Kofi Kingston and Xavier Woods. Cole spoke about how Woods had never reached the level of singles success that Kingston has. Scarlett distracted the referee. Kross walked over and drew Kingston off the apron. Woods went for a tag, but Kingston was on the floor. Moments later, AOP hit their What A Rush finisher on Woods for the win…

“AOP” Akam and Rezar defeated “New Day” Kofi Kingston and Xavier Woods in 2:30.

Powell’s POV: A good finish in terms of making it seem like Woods might start listening to what Kross is saying about Kingston.

Jackie Redmond caught up with Alba Fyre and Isla Dawn before they could exit the building and asked them why they attacked the women’s champions. Dawn mentioned Clash at the Castle and said they would take their chances rather than wait for opportunities…

Cole said it’s been a day of journalism. He said Redmond was doing a good job and Pat “had journalism today as well.” Cole announced the following matches for next week’s Raw in Toledo: Iyo Sky vs. Lyra Valkyria, Intercontinental Champion Sami Zayn vs. Otis in a non-title match, and Bron Breakker vs. Ilja Dragunov…

Rey Mysterio made his entrance for the main event… [C] Damian Priest made his entrance…

8. World Heavyweight Champion Damian Priest vs. Rey Mysterio in a non-title match. Cole said Drew McIntyre was running out of excuses and said he didn’t know what would happen if McIntyre couldn’t get the job done at Clash at the Castle. Priest dominated the first few minutes of the match. [C]

Priest was in offensive control coming out of the break and sent Mysterio to the floor. Priest told him to stay down, but Mysterio beat the referee’s count at eight. A short time later, Rey caught Priest with a kick from the apron and then hit him with a seated senton and a springboard crossbody block for a two count.

A short time later, Rey hit a 619 and then dropped a dime for a near fall. Carlito showed up and stood on the apron. Dragon Lee arrived and pulled Carlito to the floor and then worked him over with punches. Finn Balor and JD McDonagh came out and attacked Lee until Rey dove onto them.

Rey returned the ring and went up top, but Priest cut him off and hit the South of Heaven chokeslam for the win.

World Heavyweight Champion Damian Priest beat Rey Mysterio in 13:30 in a non-title match.

After the match, McIntyre attacked Priest from behind. McIntyre picked up Priest and gave him a Future Shock DDT. McIntyre kipped up and then picked up the World Heavyweight Championship belt and looked at it. McIntyre tossed the belt down and then counted down for his Claymore Kick.

McIntyre had to turn his focus to clearing Balor, Carlito, and McDonagh from the ring. McIntyre rolled to the floor and looked at Priest, who was on the apron. McIntyre cleared the broadcast table. McIntyre barked at Cole for calling him a hypocrite. When McIntyre turned around, Priest chokeslammed him through the broadcast table. Priest, Balor, McDonagh, and Carlito stood over McIntyre to close the show…

Powell’s POV: I think it’s safe to assume that we didn’t miss out on another post match kiss. Anyway, the main event was decent, but I don’t think they needed to protect Rey as much as they did. I’d rather see Priest look strong rather than it coming off like he may have lost had it not been for outside interference.

Otherwise, it a good episode overall with some fresh matchups. I will be back later tonight with my same night audio review for Dot Net Members (including our Patreon patrons). Let me know what you thought of Raw by grading the show below.

WWE Raw Poll: Grade the June 3 edition

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Readers Comments (9)

  1. “head massage” heh.

  2. Of course McAfee’s apology was hollow. 99% of all public apologies are hollow. Did you honestly think he was sincerely sorry for what he said? He said what he said to get attention to his show, which seems to have worked. He is no sorrier than Don Imus was for his similar comment regarding women’s hoops several years back.

  3. TheGreatestOne June 3, 2024 @ 8:54 pm

    “The apology that McAfee issued for referring to WNBA star Caitlin Clark as a “white bitch” during his show earlier today certainly feels hollow after he delivered a spoof line regarding Strowman.”

    He refers to athletes this way on his show all the time. The faux outrage required a boilerplate apology to quite the Twatter masses, but nobody who matters really cared or was offended.

  4. Liv out there seducing Dom was hilarious LOL

  5. I admit, I am confused. Is Priest the heel? Or is Drew? Will they suss that out before Clash? Time will tell but I am confused

  6. “He refers to athletes this way on his show all the time. The faux outrage required a boilerplate apology to quite the Twatter masses, but nobody who matters really cared or was offended.”

    That’s where you’re wrong, once again (which is the not surprising). People that have an understanding of language and any sort of critical thinking skills (add perhaps some empathy, too) know that words used to describe, insult, and chio away at people, have consequences. But, you wouldn’t understand as you’re just yelling about other stereotypes on this forum instead of the real world. What a man you are!

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