NXT TV results (10/3): Moore’s review of Trick Williams vs. Dominik Mysterio for the NXT North American Title, Gigi Dolin vs. Blair Davenport, Tyler Bate and Butch vs. Mark Coffey and Wolfgang

By John Moore, ProWrestling.net Staffer (@liljohnm)

Orlando, Florida at the WWE Performance Center
Aired live October 3, 2023 on USA Network

[Hour One] Highlights from the NXT No Mercy PLE aired…

Vic Joseph and Booker T were on commentary. Alicia Taylor was the ring announcer…

NXT Women’s Champion “The Man” Becky Lynch made her entrance in street clothes. Becky threw up her N-Bex-T catchphrase, which drew N-Bex-T chants. She also gloated about still being the NXT Women’s Champion. She did also note that she’s not medically cleared to compete today (why she couldn’t defend the title the prior night on Raw). Becky noted that she also made sure that Tiffany Stratton wasn’t medically cleared today due to both she and her beating the ever living piss out of each other.

Becky said every time she steps in the ring she wants to give it everything she has as well as her opponent doing the same. Becky said Tiffany did just that. Becky said when she won the title she wanted to take the title to heights it has never seen before. She said she wants to defend it everywhere she goes. She said she looked at the calendar and saw that the next big NXT event is Halloween Havoc. Lyra Valkyria made her entrance.

Lyra noted that when Becky Lynch made her NXT debut, it was the first NXT episode she watched. She said she saw an Irish Girl in the ring which caused her to start training in wrestling that same week. Some dumbasses in the crowd gave Lyra the “What” treatment (but eventually they stopped).  Lyra talked about how much of a role model Becky was to Ireland. She said she was at a big Irish indie show and a picture of Becky Lynch showed up which drew a reaction from the whole crowd. Lyra said that really hit her.

Lyra said things got bigger when Becky main evented WrestleMania. Lyra said her dreams came true recently when she stood side by side with Becky a few weeks ago, but it would be bigger if they can stand face to face. Former NXT Women’s Champion Indi Hartwell made her entrance. Indi talked about how she won the NXT Women’s Title at the biggest Stand and Deliver of all time, but had to relinquish it due to injury. Indi said since Becky can wrestle on two shows a week, Indi can as well.

Indi said NXT will always be home, where they watched Indi grow up. Indi noted she also got “married” in NXT. Indi said she’s coming for the title she never lost. Roxanne Perez made her entrance. Roxanne drew mild boos. Perez said a few weeks ago, Becky told Roxanne to rest up in the back, but she didn’t want to. She said she respects Becky very much, which is why she’s out to look her dead in the face that she wants her title back. Perez said she’s taking the title back at Halloween Havoc.

Becky said everyone makes a good point, but they can do a little less talking and a little more fighting. Becky said they can all wrestle a triple threat to see who will face Becky for the title at Halloween Havoc…

Vic sent the show to a NXT Women’s Breakout Tournament hype package which introduced the wrestlers in the tournament. A bracket graphic also aired…

Tyler Bate and Butch made their entrance to the Brawling Brutes theme…[c]

John’s Thoughts: This is the usual cookie cutter segment we get to set up a new title contender, but the star power here elevated this a bit. The worst part was the crowd who gave Lyra the “what?” treatment for no reason. Thankfully she did shut them off with a wholesome promo. I thought that was one of Lyra’s best promos because she finally found some sort of way to connect with the crowd. Indi Hartwell showing up was a nice surprise too. Indi showing up today along with Gargano and Ciampa reforming DIY makes me think that Paul Levesque has given up on his teased reunion of “The Way” (which I think is for the better).

NXT North American Champion Trick Williams and former champion Dominik Mysterio were shown in different shots arriving to the performance center from “earlier today”.  Vic noted that Dominik looked nervous due to Rhea Ripley’s ultimatum from Raw the prior night…

1. “Gallus” Mark Coffey and Wolfgang (w/Joe Coffey) vs. Butch and Tyler Bate. Butch hit Mark with a shoulder tackle early on. Joe Coffey distracted Butch, which allowed Wolfgang to give him a lariat on the apron. Gallus traded quick tags to keep the numbers advantage on Butch while isolating him from his partner Bate. Bate dragged Wolfgang to the center of the ring to torture Wolfgang with Joint Manipulation and an elbow stomp. Tyler Bate tagged in to give Wolfgang a double elbow stomp.

Wolfgang kept his weight low to block an Helicopter Spin. Bate hit Wolfgang with a shoulder tackle. Butch and Bate hit Wolfgang with stereo dropkick to dump him to ringside. They hit Mark with double wishbone finger breaks. Bate and Butch then hit Wolfgang with a stereo Bop and Bang. The show cut to regular commercial.[c]

Gallus cut the ring in half on Bate back from Bate. Joe managed to get cheap shots in when the referee was distracted. Bate managed to slam Wolfang to the mat and hit Mark with a Koppu Kick. Butch tagged in and hit both opponents with enzuigiris. Butch hit Mark with multiple Gamengiris. Butch then gave Mark a Shining Wizard. Butch gave Mark 20 Beats of the Bodhram in front of his brother Joe. Butch then gave Joe a plancha.

Mark recovered and caught Butch with a leg lariat. Butch hit Mark with an X Plex. Bate dizzied Wolfgang with an Airplane Spin. After Wolfgang stumbled to ringside, Butch hit him with a Triangle Moonsault. Bate hit Mark with a rebound lariat. Bate hit Wolfgang with a top rope clearing dive. Butch hit Mark with a Buzzsaw Kick. Bate and Butch hit Mark with a double Tyler Driver 97 to give Bate the pinfall win.

Tyler Bate and Butch defeated Mark Coffey and Wolfgang via pinfall in 10:07. 

Joe quickly ran in the ring to beat down Bate and Butch. Ridge Holland ran out to even the numbers. Bate, Butch, and Holland cleared the heels from the ring to stand tall…

Lyra Valkyra was shown doing pushups in the women’s locker room. The camera then cut to NXT Champion Ilja Dragunov walking in the hallway with his title belt and in a fancy suit…[c]

John’s Thoughts: Solid enough match that was mostly hidden behind the commercial break. I’m ok that they didn’t try hard to protect Mark and Wolfgang as I think it’s ok to push them as Joe’s henchmen at the moment (Joe should be the one heavily protected). Holland showing up to even the numbers makes sense given his association with Butch on the main roster (though, there was a small part of me that was hoping Trent Seven would make his WWE return to reform British Strong Style/Moustache Mountain).

Still shots from the No Mercy PLE was shown…

Roxanne Perez was shown doing resistance band bicep curls in the locker room…

NXT Champion Ilja Dragunov made his entrance. Ilja said tonight you can welcome Ilja as the Mad Dragon, Tsar, or Unbesigbar; but ultimately you can welcome him as NXT Champion. Ilja said that Carmelo Hayes brought the fight at No Mercy and pushed Ilja beyond his limits again again and again. Ilja said he’s barely able to stand, but “I stand”. He said he stands as NXT’s Champion. He said he promised he’ll fulfill his destiny, push the title beyond any level of energy, and turn the championship into a symbol of uncomparable passion.

He said he’ll protect that promise with his life. Ilja then said “long live the Tsar”. NXT North American Champion Trick Williams made his entrance with Booker adding his fun interjections to the crowd chanting “Whoop dat trick”. Trick then congratulated Ilja on winning the championship at No Mercy. Trick said he’s out there because somebody else also won a championship at No Mercy because Trick Williams is standing here as North American Champion. Trick told Ilja “thank you”.

Trick said at Heatwave, Ilja took Trick to another level. Trick said the Trick you see here today is because of Ilja. Trick said he appreciates that. Trick said he has gold now and he can only go up from here. Ilja said he’s proud of Trick and at No Mercy Trick “whooped dat Trick”. Trick and Ilja then shared a few daps. Former NXT Champion Carmelo Hayes made is entrance. Melo wondered if he was slippn’ a bit. A “Melo missed” chant ensued. Melo said he appreciated the kind words from Ilja.

Melo asked Trick why he’s thanking Ilja because Melo was the one who’s been telling Trick that he’s championship material and has the heart of a champion. Melo said he’s proud of Trick. He said he and Trick came up together in front of all these people. Melo said winning the championship is one thing, but defending it is a different level. Trick wondered if Melo was saying Trick was not ready for Dom. Melo mumbled a bit. Ilja asked Melo “What do you mean?”. Ilja said this segment was supposed to be a discussion between champions.

Trick tried to get words in. Melo cut in and said that if Trick wants to follow in Melo’s footsteps as a proud North American Champion, he needs to focus on Dom. Dominik Mysterio then made his entrance and was showered in loud boos which overwhelmed his promo. Dom said Trick should listen to Melo because winning a title and defending it are two different things. Trick cut in and asked Dom if he always takes orders from Mami.

Dom said not to worry about what Mami said, because Dirty Dom is all man. Trick said Dom always talk about what mami say. Mami say this, mami say that, mami say mama sa mama coosa, because Mami say Trick Williams bout to whoop dat ass tonight. Dom said he promised Mami he’s bringing back the gold to Mami and Judgment Day. Melo noted that Trick better be careful because Dom doesn’t roll alone. Melo said he has Trick’s back tonight. Trick and Melo fist bumped.

Dom said now that Trick’s a champion, is he still in Melo’s shadow. Trick told melo “I know you my dog, but I have to decline”. Trick said he won the title by himself, and tonight he’ll defend the title by himself. Trick said tonight he’ll whoop this trick in Dom…

A replay aired of Indi Hartwell winning the NXT Women’s Title at Stand and Deliver aired, as well as a replay of Indi relinquishing the NXT Women’s title on a NXT episode…

Indi Hartwell made her entrance…[c]

John’s Thoughts: I really enjoyed that promo exchange from everyone involved. Ilja came off as really genuine as the new champ in showing his pride and humility at the same time. Trick’s popularity continues to rise and I thought he came off as really wholesome in thanking Ilja for elevating him to another level (which feeds into Trick’s character development). Melo jumping in to try to pull Trick back to his side was good as well and plants the seeds for Melo turning heel on Trick sooner or later (as soon as this episode). Dom as usual is always good in promos. Trick is really showing that he can mic work with the best  of them and those skills he showed off as a hype man translates well as a serious wrestler…

Lyra Valkyra and Roxanne Perez were already in the ring. Becky Lynch joined the commentary table…

2. Lyra Valkyria vs. Roxanne Perez vs. Indi Hartwell to earn a title shot at the NXT Women’s Championship at Halloween Havoc. Perez got a jackknife rollup for a two count on Lyra. Indi came in and gave both women body slams. Indi gave Roxanne a draping boot. Indi then gave Lyra a draping strike for a two count. Indi hit Perez with a delayed vertical suplex for a two count. Perez rolled up Indi with a jackknife for a two count. Perez sent Indi to ringside with a huracanrana.

Lyra gave Perez a roundhouse, followed by a wrecking ball dropkick. Indi caught Lyra’s wrecking ball dropkick. Lyra fought Indi to the steps. Perez hit Lyra with a Suicide Dive. Indi floored Perez with a Yakuza Kick. The show cut to picture-in-picture.[c]

[Hour Two] Perez hit Indi with a crossbody and hit Lyra with a dropkick to send both women into opposite corners. Perez gave both women uppercuts. Perez hit Lyra with a Russian Legsweep for a nearfall. Perez worked on Indi with ten punches in the corner. Indi tried to escape but took a huracanrana from Perez. Perez hit Indi with a Victory Roll Slam for a nearfall. Indi escaped a sleeper by slamming Perez on the buckle.

Perez came back with a seated senton and overhead blows. Perez hit Indi with a forearm. Lyra caught Indi and Perez with a Missile Dropkick outta nowhere. Lyra hit both opponents with Yes Kicks. Lyra hit Indi with a hook kick combo. Perez blocked Lyra’s crescent kick and pushed it into Indi. Lyra hit Perez with a Northern Lights Suplex for a nearfall. Indi held on to Lyra’s foot to prevent her from hitting Perez with a Frog Splash. Perez recovered and brawled with Lyra to the top after Indi fell to the mat.

Perez paintbrushed Lyra with stiff slaps. Perez hit Lyra with a Frankensteiner. Indi slammed Perez to the mat for a nearfall. Lyra rolled up Indi for a nearfall. Indi sent Lyra to ringside with a Big Boot. Perez reversed a tackle into Pop Rocks. Kiana James pulled Perez to ringside. Becky dropped Kiana with a Big Boot. Valkyria hit Hartwell with a Frog Splash for the victory.

Lyra Valkyria defeated Indi Hartwell and Roxanne Perez via pinfall in 11:53 to earn a shot at the NXT Women’s Championship at Halloween Havoc. 

Lyra Valkyria and Becky Lynch faced off in the ring. Number one contender, Tegan Nox made her entrance to make it known that she’s number one contender and will be getting the first title shot next week on Raw…

John’s Thoughts: A decent enough match to set up a number one contender and put Perez in a program with Kiana James. The huge push of Lyra Valkyria continues. WWE is really pushing her as a future WWE Women’s Champion, having her being the most protected and getting all the endorsements. She did cut a good genuine promo earlier in the night, so I’ll give her that one. I’m hoping she lives up to the hype.

Bron Breakker met with Carmelo Hayes backstage. Bron said he knows how Melo feels right now. Bron said when Melo lost, the crowd immediately cheered for Ilja. No more Melo chants. Bron said he knows this is bothering Melo, all that frustration, all that rage. Bron said to take it from the most dominant NXT Champion.

Bron said Melo should take all that rage and anger and unleashed it on everyone, including Trick. Melo told Bron to leave Trick outta this. Bron asked Melo where was Trick on Sunday? Was he in Gorilla to tell Melo everything’s alright? No, Melo had to find Trick. Bron told Melo to think about it…

John’s Thoughts: Great logical exchange, connecting Bron’s turn to the dark side to Melo’s current situation. This is some Star Wars stuff with Bron Breakker seducing Carmelo Hayes with the dark side of the force and having sound logic for it.

Vic Joseph hyped Gigi Dolin vs. Blair Davenport for after the break…[c]

Ilja Dragunov had just gotten his personalized plates screwed into the NXT Championship. Baron Corbin showed up to confront Ilja. He bragged about taking down Bron Breakker and how nothing stands in his way for the title. Ilja said he disagrees. Corbin said Ilja should take the title to the photographer to take as many shots as possible of Ilja with the title, because he’s not holding the title for that much longer…

Blair Davenport made her entrance. Gigi Dolin jumped Davenport while she was posing to her laser lights. Gigi tossed Blair ringside. The bell rang once both women were standing saparate in the ring…

3. Blair Davenport vs. Gigi Dolin. Dolin yanked Blair against the ropes and gave Blair a dropkick for a nearfall. Blair recovered and gave Gigi a double stomp to the tailbone for a nearfall. Blair worked on Gigi’s lower back with knees and a kick. Blair gave Gigi another double stomp to the lower back for a nearfall. Gigi tripped Davenport and gave Davenport a sliding forearm. Both women traded forearms in the center of the ring. Gigi blocked a kick and gave Davenport a Dragon Screw.

Gigi dumped Davenport to ringside. Davenport slammed Gigi on the announce table. Gigi dodged a chairshot and tossed Davenport in the ring. Gigi rallied with lariats in the ring. Gigi caught Davenport with a Question Mark Kick for a nearfall. The referee prevented Gigi from hitting Blair with a chair. Blair stole the chair and the referee tried to take it from Blair. Gigi rolled up Blair for the win.

Gigi Dolin defeated Blair Davenport via pinfall in 3:48. 

Blair Davenport choked the ref a bit for costing her the match. Blair yelled that this wasn’t over…

A replay aired of Roxanne Perez defeating Tiffany Stratton June 7th of last year to win the Women’s Breakout Tournament…

McKenzie Mitchell tried to interview Kiana James, but James was distracted on her phone. She then got off the phone and mentioned how she didn’t want to give Perez another chance at getting a championship. Kiana noted that Perez won the breakout tournament last year, but she was also in it. Kiana said people remember Perez as women’s tag team champion, but forget that Kiana was also a tag champion. Kiana said if Perez can beat her hired gun, she can get Kiana in the ring. Kiana noted that Perez will face Asuka next week on NXT…[c]

Vic Joseph plugged the premier of the John Wick Continental show on Peacock Network…

Lola Vice, Dani Palmer, Kelani Jordan, Ariana Grace, Jaida Parker, Jakara Jackson, Karmen Petrovic, Kelani Jordan, and Izzi Dame were all lined up on the ramp as competitors in the NXT Women’s Breakout Tournament…

4. Kelani Jordan vs. Izzi Dame in a first round match of the NXT Women’s Breakout Tournament. Jordan dominated with arm wrench moves. Izzi came back with a shoulder tackle. Izzi lowered her weight to block a Sunset Flip. Jrodan gave Izzi a shoulder tackle. Izzi came back with a running knee for a two count. Izzi blocked a crossbody and gave Jordan a body slam. Izzi gave Jordan shoulder tackles in the corner. Izzi gave Jordan a backbreaker. The rest of the women went to the back to watch the match in the NXT watchparty room.

Izzi put Kelani in a chinlock. Kelani fought out with elbows, but was immediately slammed back to the mat. Izzi worked on Kelani with a backbreaker rack. Jordan rolled up Izzi to break the rack. Kelani dodged Izzi and tripped her into the rope. Jordan hit Izzi with a tiger feint armdrag. Jordan then hit Izzi with a dropkick. Jordan hit Izzi with a crossbody for a two count. Izzi escaped an Overdrive attempt and gave Kelani a Big Boot for a nearfall.

Kelani dodged Izzi and hit her with a slingshot dropkick. Kelani hit Izzi with a split legged moonsault for the win.

Kelani Jordan defeated Izzi Dame via pinfall in 4:52 to advance to the semi-finals of the NXT Women’s Breakout Tournament. 

An updated bracket graphic was shown…

John’s Thoughts: A better-than-expected match given that Dame and Jordan are two of NXT’s more “developmental” projects. This match was an example of why it helps to not expose unexperienced talent talent and set them up to lose. Izzi Dame, I assume, has been hidden on Level Up and the Florida loop to work out her kinks. I thought she looked really good here, showing potential as a powerhouse-style wrestler. Meanwhile, Kelani is coming fresh off of wrestling in front of a large arena crowd and looking decent there. This is going to be an interesting and probably fun tournament, mostly consisting of home-grown WWE wrestlers.

Selfie of “the new” Thea Hail was shown on Twitter…

Duke Hudson and Andre Chase were looking over that picture in the hallway. They then approached Thea and Jacy Jayne to ask if they can support Thea at ringside. Thea refused. Jacy said it might be a good idea actually. Jacy then led them in a Chase U chant. Hudson was surprised while Chase looked weary at Jacy’s actions…[c]

The presumed Brian Pillman Jr. vignette aired…

Entrances for the next match took place…

5. Jacy Jayne and Thea Hail (w/Andre Chase, Duke Hudson) vs. Lola Vice and Elektra Lopez. Hail started the match with a side headlock takedown and armdrag. Lopez blocked a armdrag into a body slam. Lopez got a two count off an elbow drop. Vice tagged in. Lopez hit Hail in the back. Vice hit Perez with a sweet looking and quick Cyclone Kick. Vice hit Hail with an Axe Kick. Vice then put Hail in a headlock. Hail escaped with a snapmare.

Hail tripped up Vice. Vice cut off Hail at the pass from a tag. Lola missed a corner splash. Hail booted Vice away and tagged in Jayne. Jayne hit Vice with a Kick and forearm combo. Jayne hit Vice with a back tackle and neckbreaker for a two count. Vice escaped a fireman carry and knocked down Jayne with a spinning back chop. Lopez tagged in. Jayne sent Lopez into the corner and slammed Lopez to the mat. Hail tagged in and put Lopez in the Kimura for the submission win.

Thea Hail and Jacy Jayne defeated Elektra Lopez and Lola Vice via submission in 4:10. 

John’s Thoughts: Did they already give up on Hail using Jody Threat’s entrance theme? Parts of the internet were having a bit of fun with that. Back to this match, anything involving Chase U continues to be compelling TV due to their surprisingly deep levels of character development. Hail going through her bad girl phase has been fun so far. On the other side of the ring, I continue to say keep a lookout for Vice. I’m just really enthralled by her translating real life martial arts into the ring (reminds me a bit of some of the stuff Kyle O’Reilly and Bobby Fish do consistently, mixed in with a bit of Mike Bailey Tae Kwon Do). If she cleans up her pro wrestling, she’s a star in the making.

An interviewer caught up with Carmelo Hayes in the parking lot and asked him if he’s going to take Bron’s advice? Melo said he isn’t and in fact he requested a match with Bron Breakker next week. He said he just got off the phone with GOAT John Cena who gave him advice. He noted that Cena lost the title 16 times and came back up. Carmelo said that John Cena is going to be in Melo’s corner next week…

Vic Joseph and Booker T checked in from the commentary table and were excited for John Cena appearing on NXT next week. They then aired a graphic for Melo vs. Breakker next week with John Cena in Melo’s corner…

Dominik Mysteio and WWE Women’s World Champion Rhea Ripley made their entrance…[c]

Vic Joseph hyped John Cena appearing on NXT next week again. Vic then announced Cody Rhodes appearing on NXT next week for a huge announcement. Vic then hyped Asuka vs. Roxanne Perez for  next week…

John’s Thoughts: Wowzers. Cody, Cena, and Asuka? WWE’s going all-in, no pun intended, with this main roster crossover stuff. I guess they ‘re really shopping NXT as a valuable asset in upcoming TV deals.

NXT North American Champion Trick Williams made his entrance. Vic joked that Booker was silent due to Wade Barrett posting a better freestyle to Trick’s theme on social media. Booker then said Wade wasn’t going to one-up him. Booker then went into his usual vibing to Trick’s song. Alicia Taylor handled the formal in-ring championship introductions…

John’s Thoughts: One interesting dynamic here is Trick Williams is a vulnerable babyface here. What’s also interesting is due to John Cena being in Melo’s corner next week, they’re almost saying we’re not getting a Melo heel turn tonight. I’m happy they’re not playing their hand and leaving the viewer in suspense as to how this is going to end.

6. Trick Williams vs. Dominik Mysterio (w/Rhea Ripley) for the NXT North American Championship. Trick dominated early on with a striking combo into a pop up uppercut. Dom retreated to Rhea at ringside heading into picture-in-picture.[c]

[Overrun] Finn Balor and Damian Priest showed up at ringside which allowed Dom to hit Trick with a back suplex due to the distraction. Dom hit Trick with a Flying Jalapeño. Trick escaped a headlock and rallied with elbows to the gut. Dom gave Trick a power Irish Whip into both corners. Dom did the Eddie shimmy and hit Trick with a slingshot Senton for a nearfall. Melo used his knee to choke Trick on the 2nd rope.

Dom worked on Trick with rope assisted boots. Dom hit Trick with two of the Three Amigos. Trick blocked the third amigo and hit Dom with a neck breaker. The crowd chanted “Whoop… That Trick… Whoop Whoop That Trick” similar to the tune of The Elite’s Being the Elite theme . The crowd really looked into it.  Trick hit Dom with a Crescent Kick. Trick reversed a crossbody into a power slam. Trick yanked Dom into a Book End for a nearfall. Rhea tossed the Women’s title and distracted the referee. Dom DDT’d Trick on the title. Trick kicked out at two for a great nearfall.

Dom gave Trick a Small Package for a two count. Dom kept Trick on the mat with strikes. Dom dialed it up with a catapult and hit Trick with the 619. Trick blocked a Frog Splash with his knees. Trick hit Dom with a running flying knee. JD McDonnagh ran in and got dumped to ringside by Trick. The referee prevented Dom from hitting Trick with Priest’s purple briefcase. Finn Balor hit Trick with the Raw Tag Title Belt. Dom followed up with a Frog Splash on Trick for the win.

Dominik Mysterio defeated Trick Williams via pinfall in 10:20 to become the new NXT North American Champion. 

Judgment Day celebrated in the ring while JD McDonagh was grinning at ringside. Vic noted that the Judgement Day are like cockroaches and they overwhelmed Trick Williams…

The show then cut to Paul Heyman cutting a promo. Heyman hyped up Carmelo Hayes and Bron Breakker renewing their feud next week. Heyman noted that Melo is accepting advice from the 2nd greatest of all time, John Cena. Heyman said that’s the same Cena that is getting involved in Bloodline business. Heyman said the Bloodline must reciprocate to Cena’s actions.

Heyman said Roman Reigns has bestowed upon Heyman the task and privilege of providing wisdom to Bron Breakker. He said he’s not doing it through TV, telephone, or long distance, but in-person. Heyman said he’s going to be in Bron Breakker’s corner next week to close the show…

John’s Thoughts: Short, good, and efficient match at putting sympathy on Trick Williams will continuing to heat up Judgment Day. Trick wasn’t even supposed to be in the match on Saturday and now he’s embroiled in a very compelling story with one of the top factions in WWE. They’ve gotten me to buy in, and it’s with basic hero vs. evil storytelling. Stack the deck, put the hero in despair, overwhelm the hero, and hopefully that hero overcomes the odds in the end. In 3 days, they’ve got me wanting to see more of Trick and Dom. Good stuff.

Next week though. Cody Rhodes, John Cena, Paul Heyman, Asuka? Becky Lynch and Dominik Mysterio are champions. Some Raws and Smackdowns don’t randomly get this stacked. This feels quick and abrupt, to the point where it has me wondering “why?” (A shot out of the dark uneducated guess has me wondering if they want to use next week as almost a “pilot” to send out to potential suitors for the NXT rights deal, only if it can pop a rating, which NXT has proved it can in recent weeks). We’ll see how that pays off. I’ll be back in a little bit with my audio review for the Dot Net Members and Patreon Patrons….

(UPDATE: As multiple have pointed out in the comments section, due to the Major League Baseball Playoffs, AEW Dynamite got bumped to Tuesday next week. That’s why WWE’s stacking the show with top stars. Selfish side note, GO DODGERS!!! I bleed blue just as much as I bleed Lakers purple and gold.)

NXT TV Poll: Grade the October 3 edition

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Readers Comments (16)

  1. Indi showing up on NXT doesn’t bring any star power, it just looks like someone who couldn’t cut it on the main roster, but then again, she still sucked while she was in NXT. On a different note, Gallus is just plain boring.

  2. I could of sworn it was Corbin confronting Ilja backstage right?

    • Weeks of reviewing a Bron vs. Baron feud have gotten to me.

    • What’s funny is Tony panicking and giving away Edge’s debut match for no other reason than this episode is going head to head against NXT. Seems like AEW fired the first shot, and WWE blew them out of the water.

  3. Valkyria sure has one ugly looking splash – second only to Snoop’s.

  4. They sure are going above and beyond to make NXT feel like it doesn’t exist in a pocket dimension. Imagine the possibilities had Vince actually allowed this to happen during the black ahold era.

  5. Black and gold. Damn auto-correct.

  6. They’re stacking next week to compete with AEW Dynamite, it’s on Tuesday next week and is Adam Copeland’s deBut.

  7. Maybe the show is being stacked because next Tuesday the first hour of NXT is going up against the 2nd hour of Dynamite.

  8. I’m assuming NXT is stacking up next week because AEW is on next Tuesday as well..

  9. I believe it’s to counter Adam Copelands debut match on aew Title Tuesday match. So having a loaded card will make people choose again.

  10. AEW Dynamite and NxT next Tuesday.

    It’s a good time to be a wrestling fan.

  11. “Becky said everyone makes a good point, but they can do a little less talking and a little more talking.”


    • Hmmm… I have no clue where that sentence is said?!?


      (Just teasing you. Just some of the stuff you should expect from a live recap homie)

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