NXT Level Up results (6/16): O’Connor’s review of Channing “Stacks” Lorenzo vs. Javier Bernal, Dani Palmer and Kelani Jordan vs. Elektra Lopez and Lola Vice, and Boa vs. Bryson Montana

By John O’Connor, ProWrestling.net Contributor (@thereal_JOC

NXT: Level Up (Episode 70)
Taped in Orlando, Florida at the WWE Performance Center
Streamed June 16, 2023 on Peacock/WWE Network

The clips in the opening video showing footage of the likes of Roman Reigns, Charlotte Flair, Seth Rollins and Becky Lynch in NXT alongside footage of them now on the main roster has been updated but the show theme remains the same.

Elektra Lopez and Lola Vice made their way to the ring as the broadcast team of Blake Howard and Byron Saxton welcomed us to the show…

1. Elektra Lopez and Lola Vice vs. Dani Palmer and Kelani Jordan. Jordan and Lopez started the match and Jordan gained the early advantage before tagging in Palmer and Lopez tagged in Vice. Vice dropped Palmer across the middle rope to gain a near fall before Lopez headed back into the ring to continue the beatdown on Palmer. Palmer rolled through and made the tag to Jordan and Jordan attempted to pin Lopez but Vice made the save and sent Palmer to the outside when she attempted to intervene. Back in the ring, Lopez nailed the chokebomb on Jordan for the win.

Elektra Lopez and Lola Vice defeated Dani Palmer and Kelani Jordan via pinfall in 4:21. 

The commentary team hyped Boa vs. Bryson Montana for after the break…[c]

2. Boa vs. Bryson Montana. Boa kicked Montana early to little effect as Montana grabbed a necklock on Boa. Boa responded and hit another kick to take control and looked for a sunset flip but Montana shrugged him off and hit a clothesline and a running powerslam for a two count. Montana looked to wear down the midsection of Boa as the audience voiced their support for Boa who made his way back to his feet and hit a series of kicks and a gordbuster on Montana before finishing the big man with a back leg round kick for the victory.

Boa defeated Bryson Montana via pinfall in 4:12. 

The commentary team hyped the main event…[c]

3. Channing “Stacks” Lorenzo vs. Javier Bernal. Stacks took Bernal down to the mat early but Bernal rolled through and grabbed a wristlock. Stacks responded with a wristlock of his own and trash talked Bernal as he worked on the arm. Bernal looked for a clothesline but Stacks avoided and grabbed the arm once more before draping Bernal onto the top rope.

Stacks sent Bernal into the corner and attempted to follow up but Bernal countered with neckbreaker across the knee to take control. Bernal hit a series of back suplexes on Stacks for a near fall before applying a Boston crab to work on the back. Stacks pushed Bernal off and rocked Bernal with punches and a basement dropkick to the side of the head before following up with the ‘cement shoes’ stomp middle of the ring for the finish.

Channing “Stacks” Lorenzo defeated Javier Bernal via pinfall in 6:41.

John’s Ramblings: Well that was ‘Level Up’ for this week. I think the show would benefit from more storylines being woven into the matches rather than just putting talent out there cold with no reason to fight but that doesn’t look like it is going to change anytime soon. However, it was another week of perfectly fine matches.


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