Damien Kane on the creation of ECW, his role, working with Paul Heyman, meeting Tod Gordon

By Jason Powell, ProWrestling.net Editor (@prowrestlingnet)

The Two Man Power Trip of Wrestling Podcast with Damien Kane
Host: JP John Poz
Twitter: @TwoManPowerTrip
Website: www.tmptempire.com
Interview available at Tmptow.podomatic.com

On ECW: “I used to work a lot with Larry Winters, he wrestled as Larry Winters. He was a local Philadelphia guy. He started around the same time that I did, and he was working with Tod (Gordon). And actually tied in a little bit with Dennis Coralluzzo at the time. He had been doing the stuff that he had Eddie Gilbert book. It was going good to a certain extent. I hadn’t paid any attention at all to what they were doing down there. The place that I had up in Redding (Pennsylvania). I was up there working with some guys, and, Larry comes walking up the ramp. I haven’t seen him in a while. And little did I know that they were preparing to make some changes down there in Philadelphia. ECW, Eastern Championship wrestling, they were running there. He said: ‘Your name came up when Tod was talking about making some changes in the booking end of the group. It’s getting to be too much of the Eddie Gilbert show. So he wants to take it a little different direction than that, and your name came up. They knew that I know you really well, and asked me if I could get ahold of you. I said yeah, let me go see if I can track him down. So I came up to talk to you, basically, see if you would be interested in talking with Tod.’

“I was like yeah sure, see what he’s got going on, and see if I can help him in any way. So I gave him a call. He said: ‘Yeah, Damien, you got any time to come down? I’d like to talk to you. See if we can work something out.’ I said well, sure. So I went down on a day when he was in his jewelry store, I walked in, and he took me to the back, and we sat down and talked. He said, ‘Yeah, Im looking to change things up. I was talking with Paul (Heyman), and I know you worked with Paul before.’ He said. ‘I think you guys get along good, you know, and that’s what I’m looking for. I’m looking at a good, solid team to get this thing where I want it to be. I just want to change directions on what we’re doing.’ It was just a basic getting to know each other’s story. And he was interested in having me be a part of it and was like, okay, well, sure, I’d be interested in working with you.”

On Paul Heyman: “He was actually a photographer, when I got to know him. He had started following stuff that we were doing, and he would take a lot of shots for our stuff and kind of work his way in socially and got to know us. And he got to know that me and (DC) Drake were pretty key guys in the group as far as National Wrestling Federation went. We ended up giving him the responsibilities of handling our programs, and he was doing a good job with that. And Heyman was a big fan of the business. He’s the wrestling historian. He knew what we were doing and wanted to be more of a part of it. We started looking at what more we could do with him to utilize some of that talent, which it was obvious he knew the business inside and out. You know, he was around it as a kid, just like I was, you know, our upbringing. Even though there was few years between us, he was young and hungry.”

Other topics include breaking into the business, ECW, Tod Gordon, Paul Heyman, what he is doing today, and more.


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