5/19 NXT UK TV results: Gibbons’ review of Eddie Dennis vs. Wild Boar in a Dog Collar Match, Kenny Williams vs. Josh Morrell, Teoman and Rohan Raja vs. Dave Mastiff and Jack Starz, Amale and Angel Hayze vs. Xia Brookside and Eliza Alexander

By Laurence Gibbons, ProWrestling.net Contributor (@Gibbonsgob)

Taped in London, England at BT Sport Studios
Streamed May 19, 2022 on WWE Network and Peacock

The broadcast team was Andy Shepherd and Nigel McGuinness who previewed the Dog Collar match main event… Amale made her entrance. Her tag team partner Angel Hayze made her entrance. Xia Brookside and Eliza Alexander made their entrance…

1. Amale and Angel Hayze vs. Xia Brookside and Eliza Alexander. Amale started on the frontfoot against Brookside, tossing her around the ring with a couple of scoop slams. Amale demanded Alexander tag in but she refused. Amale continued to beat on Brookside with kicks and strikes.

Hayze tagged in and picked away at the injured Brookside. Alexander came in and weathered some early pressure from Hayze before managing to swing things her way. Alexander tagged in Brookside to allow her to dominate Hayze. Hayze worked out of a chinlock and hit a super kick to allow her to bring Amale in.

Amale chucked Brookside out the ring and then controlled Alexander for a while. With Hayze and Brookside in the ring, Brookside hit Amale to distract the referee. This allowed Alexander to knee Hayze. Brookside hit the Broken Wings for the win.

Xia Brookside and Eliza Alexander defeated Amale and Angel Hayze in 6:04.

Gibbons’ Opinion: Brookside held wins over Hayze and Amale going into this match – in part thanks to Alexander. This was supposed to be an opportunity for Hayze and Amale to score some retribution but the underhand tactics of Brookside and Alexander meant they’ll have to wait a bit longer to do this. Decent tag match featuring some of the newest women on NXT UK. This marked the first time Hayze has had an entrance, seemingly highlighting her as a full time member of the roster. It would be nice to see Brookside and Alexander continue to run through the NXT UK women’s roster and maybe set something up with Meiko Satomura and Emilia McKenzie.

Ivy Nile entered Meiko Satomura’s dressing room and requested a title match. Satomura gladly accepted… Sha Samuels accused Damon Kemp of disrespecting him in front of Lash Legend… Die Familie made their entrance. Dave Mastiff and Jack Starz made their way into the BT Sport Studios…

2. “Die Familie” Teoman and Rohan Raja (w/Charlie Dempsey) vs. Dave Mastiff and Jack Starz. Starz and Mastiff used quick tags to control the first minute and a half and dominate Raja. Raja managed to get away from Starz and tag in Teoman who quickly used his aggression to hurt Starz. Starz failed to get a hold of Teoman who leapfrogged and ducked away from him before hitting a hard dropkick.

Raja got a blind tag and as Teoman left the ring Starz knocked him to the outside. Dempsey distracted the – now legal – Starz allowing Teoman to dive at him with a dropkick. Mastiff managed to evade but Raja took him down with a knee strike. Raja and Teoman used quick tags to keep Mastiff on the canvas.

Raja and Teoman went for a double team move on Mastiff but he sent them both over his shoulders. As Mastiff went for the tag, Raja knocked Starz off the apron. Raja then hit an impressive scoop slam on Mastiff.

Mastiff hit slams to Raja and then the interfering Teoman before tagging in Starz. Starz came in hot and got the better of Teoman. Dempsey distracted Starz by slamming his ring jacket on the apron. Starz lunged for Dempsey but Raja then sent him into the ringpost. Mastiff hit a topé to Dempsey and Raja. Back in the ring, Teoman hit his finisher on Starz for the victory.

“Die Familie” Teoman and Rohan Raja (w/Charlie Dempsey) vs. Dave Mastiff and Jack Starz in 8:01.

Gibbons’ Opinion: The winner of this match was guaranteed the reward of being added into the Moustache Mountain and Smith & Carter NXT UK Tag Team Championship match. If Die Familie can use its number advantage as well as it did here then they could come out of that match with the gold.

Lash Legend gave an interview in which she spoke about her future opponent Emila McKenzie. McKenzie overheard and attacked Legend… Sid Scala approached Die Familie and said he was unhappy with how they won the match. He said Teoman and Raja would be banned from ringside when Dempsey faces A-Kid next week… Kenny Williams made his entrance…

3. Kenny Williams vs. Josh Morrell. Williams started on top until Morrell managed to grapple him on the canvas and put the head scissors on. Morrell transitioned to a headlock and then hit a hip toss. Williams managed to use the top rope to injure the arm of Morrell.

Williams failed to capitalize as he was too busy looking for his stalker. Morrell knocked Williams to the mat and hit a cartwheel to a standing corkscrew body attack. Williams fought back into the match but was distracted by a fan in a mask in the crowd. Williams held a toe and ankle lock whilst glancing at the crowd constantly.

Morrell nearly scored a win from a small package. Morrell went up top but Williams grabbed his leg and attacked the knee in the corner. Williams hit a running knee attack but was again distracted by masked men in the crowd. Williams hit Bad Luck on Morrell for the win.

Kenny Williams defeated Josh Morrell in 5:29.

After the bell, another masked figure appeared in the entrance way which infuriated Williams.

Gibbons’ Opinion: Williams’ paranoia offered a great opportunity for the young and inexperienced Morrell to have a lot of offense in this match. It also created a unique match and reflected Williams as being unhinged and obsessed with everyone being out to get him. Fun match.

A-Kid vs. Charlie Dempsey in a Heritage Rules match was hyped for next week. We also got confirmation of Lash Legend vs. Emilia McKenzie for next week…

Trent Seven cut a promo saying he was confident that Moustache Mountain would win the triple threat NXT UK Tag Team Championship match and retain their gold. Tyler Bate reminded Seven that they didn’t need to be pinned to lose their titles. Seven said he was wise and suggested they talk tactics…

Mark Andrews previewed the Dog Collar match main event until he was distracted by Kenny Williams. Andrews told Williams that he had a lot of enemies. Eddie Dennis’s music hit but he didn’t show. We saw Dennis at Gorilla Position refusing to come to ringside. Wild Boar chased him into the BT Sport Studios and hit a topé to knock him down. Boar beat Dennis around ringside before finally connecting the chain to Dennis’s dog collar to start the match.

4. Eddie Dennis vs. Wild Boar in a Dog Collar Match. Boar stayed on top of Dennis until the ‘Swansea Savant’ rolled out the ring. Dennis yanked the chain to send Boar into the ropes. Dennis dragged Boar out the ring and sent him into the barricade. Dennis played up to the fans allowing Boar to fight back. But Dennis dragged him into the ring post. Back in the ring, Dennis wrapped the chain across the fingers and then the back of Boar. Dennis hit a side slam for a close two.

Dennis choked and then gauged the eyes of Boar with the chain. Dennis tied Boar up in the corner with the chain and kicked him repeatedly. Dennis kept Boar in the corner for a few minutes. With both men on the apron, Boar managed to use the chain to drag Dennis into the ring post. Wild Boar whipped Dennis with the chain before hitting a powerbomb. T-Bone and Primate came to the ring but Boar speared T-Bone into Primate.

Boar hit a spear on Dennis and looked like he had the win until Primate hit a diving headbutt to break up the pin. Boar sent Dennis into Primate. Boar used the chain to lock on a crossface. With the whole chain wrapped around Dennis’s face, he tapped out.

Wild Boar defeated Eddie Dennis in 10:17 in a Dog Collar Match.

Gibbons’ Opinion: This was one of the longest stories NXT UK has told. Wild Boar was kicked to the curb by Eddie Dennis more than a year ago. Since returning Boar has had to go through the stable Dennis set up in his absence – Symbiosis – to get his match with Dennis. This was brutal and flew by. It looked like Dennis’s Symbiosis would help keep Boar down but he managed to take them all out to get the win. Nice story and a decent payoff.


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