11/24 Impact Wrestling TV Results: Moore’s review of Rich Swann vs. Ken Shamrock for the Impact World Championship, Johnny Swinger goes to wrestler court, Ethan Page faces a “Phenomenal Opponent”

By John Moore, ProWrestling.net Staffer (@liljohnm)

Impact Wrestling TV
Taped in Nashville, Tennessee at Skyway Studios

Aired November 24, 2020 on AXS TV

Highlights from last week’s Impact Wrestling show aired…

After the Impact theme, they cut to a “hospital” bed where a comatose John E Bravo was at. Scott D’Amore and the toy dog Mr. Mundo were beside John E. The Doctor walked in and assumed D’Amore was Bravo’s father, but D’Amore noted that he wasn’t but has the power of attourney. D’Amore said it was ok to pull the plug. The Doctor said there is no need because he’s going to recover but he not be the same John “Emmett” Bravo that Scott knew before.

Scott said he never knew the E stood for “Emmett”. D’Amore told the comatose John E that there will be justice tonight because Johnny Swinger was in Wrestler’s Court…

Josh Mathews was on commentary and he welcomed Matt Striker as the color commentator for this week. Mathews introduced a graphic that showed the brackets for the Knockouts Tag Tournament. Striker wished the viewers a happy Thanksgiving week. Josh Mathews did end up noting that Madison Rayne was missing this week’s show due to being at Wrestler’s Court…

1. Kiera Hogan and Tasha Steelz vs. “The Sea Stars” Ashley Vox and Delmi Exo in a first round match of the Knockouts Tag Team Championship Tournament. Delmi and Kiera started out the match. Delmi used a Suplex and Gator Roll on Kiera to start the match. Delmi got a two count off a backslide. Delmi reversed a hip toss into a neckbreaker for a two count. Vox tagged in and hit Kiera with a Blockbuster for a two count. Steelz tagged in. Vox fell for Tasha’s trap when Tasha asked for a handshake. Vox ate a kick from Tasha.

Vox hit Tasha with a front dropkick. Tasha regained control when Kiera kicked Vox in the back. Kiera tagged in and hit Vox with a basement big boot. Kiera and Tasha traded tags to cut the ring in half on Vox. Vox managed to avoid a lariat and tag in Exo who hit Kiera with chops and a Fisherman Suplex. Tasha broke up the pin attempt. Matt Striker noted that the referee isn’t enforcing the tag rules with Tasha staying in the ring. Exo caught Tasha and Kiera with elbows. Exo Tossed Kiera into Tasha with an exploder suplex to give Exo a two count over Kiera.

Vox tagged in and hit Kiera with an Air Raid Crash for a two count. Tasha and Kiera rallied back after dragging Vox to ringside. Kiera hit Delmi with a twisting backbreaker for the victory.

Kiera Hogan and Tasha Steelz defeated The Sea Stars via pinfall in 7:10 to advance in the Knockouts Tag Team Tournament.

Josh Mathews introduced the updated tournament graphic which showed Kiera and Tasha advancing…

John’s Thoughts: Really good tag team match between one of Impact’s established women’s tag teams and another team with solid chemistry. Ashley Vox has had solid appearances on NWA Powerrr and Striker did note that Exo was Vox’s sister. I wouldn’t mind seeing Impact bring in Exo and Vox down the road to boister their strong Knockouts roster which now has tag titles. If they do sign Exo and Vox, it would do them well to tweak their presentation a bit because they came out looking very cheesy and low budget (which works in this case because they were here to tune up Kiera and Tasha).

The show cut to backstage where Jordynne Grace and Jazz were watching the last match on a monitor. Gia Miller walked up to Jazz and wondered if Jazz was Grace’s mystery partner. Jazz said she was retiring, but before that she would like to retire on top. Jazz ran through her past championship accolades. Grace and Jazz high fived to end the segment…

Josh Mathews and Matt Striker checked in from the commentary set. Josh noted that Rayne would return next week once she’s back from Wrestler’s Court. Josh introduced the Tag Team Brackets again with Jazz added to the graphic. Josh and Matt then ran through the advertised segments for this week’s Impact episode…

Ethan Page and Josh Alexander were chatting backstage where Page noted that he received good news. Page noted that Doc Gallows would end up missing 4-6 weeks. Page wanted to be commended for putting Gallows out of action. Josh Alexander berated Page for putting Gallows on the shelf because that means it would take them longer to get their championships back. Page walked away saying that he’ll fix this. Josh Alexander facepalmed…

Cousin Jake was escorting Johnny Swinger to Wrestler’s Court. Johnny Swinger was wearing a neckbrace…[c]

Johnny Swinger made his way to the defendant table and the narrator noted that he was being defended by the only person in Impact how kinda likes him, Madison Rayne. Rayne asked Johnny why he was wearing a neckbrace? Swinger noted that “McDevitt” told him that the brace would garner him sympathy. D’Lo Brown was representing the locker room. Tommy Dreamer was the judge. Dreamer banged the gavel and said the court was in session.

Rayne made an objection and noted that it’s tough to imagine that Dreamer would be an impartial judge due to him accusing Johnny Swinger in the first place. Dreamer agreed and said it made sense. Dreamer and D’Lo switched places with D’Lo as lawyer now. Dreamer gave the opening statement, and said that D’Lo looks like Uncle Phil. Dreamer pointed out that Swinger had the motive and smoking gun in the fanny pack. Rayne pointed that the shooting of Bravo was conducted by a mastermind, and because Swinger isn’t smart, he should be exonerated.

Dreamer then questioned several wrestlers at the podium who all blamed Johnny Swinger for shooting Bravo. Swinger tried to bribe D’Lo with beer…

John’s Thoughts: A few of the jokes were funny, but this didn’t have the same amount of charm as the last time they did a Wrestler’s Court. On one hand, it felt like they repeated a bunch of jokes. This humor is also very esoteric in that it is catered to old school wrestling fans who may be even turned off by the cheesy humor.

Suicide ended up taking Rohit Raju up on his latest Defeat Rohit Challenge. Josh Mathews reminded viewers that Suicide is a character from the TNA Wrestling video game. Josh also noted that Rohit being champion puts him in the same breath as people like AJ Styles, Chris Sabin, or Low Ki who also held the X title at one point or another.

Rohit Raju took the mic and pointed out that he’s making this Rohit Challenge non-title because he knows Suicide’s game…

2. Impact X Division Champion Rohit Raju vs. Suicide in a non-title Defeat Rohit Challenge. Rohit beat up Suicide in the corner. Suicide hit Rohit with an armdrag and dropkick. Rohit punched Suicide off the ropes during a slingshot move heading into commercial.[c]

Rohit hit Suicide with an elbow drop for a two count. Josh Mathews plugged New Japan’s Super J Cup where TJP and Chris Bey are competing. Raju worked on Suicide with methodical offense. Suicide locked Rohit in an Octopus Hold. Raju used a back suplex to escape the hold. Suicide reversed a suplex into a a Russian Legsweep for a two count. Raju hit Suicide with a Paydirt. Raju ended up taking the mask off Suicide. Raju claimed he knew it was TJP. TJP ended up making his entrance. The unmasked Crazzy Steve used a Sunset Flip to roll up Rohit Raju for the win.

Crazzy Steve defeated Rohit Raju via pinfall in 4:50 of on-air time.

Steve and Perkins mocked Raju from the stage…

John’s Thoughts: More good stuff from Rohit Raju who’s continuing to grow in front of our eyes as a solid heel. I was actually afraid initially that they were going with TJP under the Suicide/Manik mask this soon and I liked the swerve of it being Crazzy Steve under the mask. I don’t expect Steve to end up taking the title off of Raju because I have a feeling they are going to continue to build towards Raju vs. TJP in some form down the road, but at least that means we’re getting more fun stuff with Raju as champ. I also would like to see Crazzy Steve eventually shift back to his more serious Decay character instead of his old Menagerie gimmick.

Sami Callihan was firing up the rage filled Ken Shamrock backstage. They then cut to the “Moose vision” POV camera where Moos walked up to Shamrock and Callihan. Moose told Callihan and Shamrock that the Impact title is the number two title in the company. Moose said he has respect for Shamrock. Moose said that Shamrock needs to remember that the last time they faced, Moose beat Shamrock. Callihan held back Shamrock, who wanted to fight with Moose now. Callihan said Shamrock needs to stay fresh for his title match later in the show…[c]

Tenille Dashwood and Kaleb Konley were going over some potential looks for her instagram page. Alisha Edwards walked up to Dashwood, saying that they should continue on as a tag team. Dashwood told Edwards that her tag teams with Jordynne Grace and Madison Rayne didn’t work out and they got the hint to move on and Edwards should do the same. Edwards said anything is possible if you put more effort in it. Edwards brought up the “at first you don’t succeed” line. Dashwood ended up teasing that she might want to continue as a team…

Deonna Purrazzo and Kimber Lee made their entrance for Kimber’s singles match. Her opponent was former NXT UK Wrestler Killer Kelly who made her entrance with Renee Michelle (the real life wife of Rockstar Spud/Drake Maverick)…

3. Kimber Lee (w/Deonna Purrazzo) vs. Killer Kelly (w/Renee Michelle). Kimber beat up Kelly in the corner with chops followed by a toss. Lee dominated the early part of the match. Kelly turned the tide with a headbutt and suplex. Kelly used a handstand into a meteora. Striker joked that it was odd to see Mathews actually calling moves today. Kelly got a two count off Lee. Lee escaped a Fireman carry with elbows. Lee gave Kelly a backbreaker. Lee hit Kelly with the Swanton Bomb for the win.

Kimber Lee defeated Killer Kelly via pinfall in 3:08.

John’s Thoughts: While I’m happy that Kimber Lee finally picks up a win, she still needs to eventually beat a contracted and credible opponent for viewers to take her seriously against showcased Impact wrestlers (and look like more than just a gatekeeper). Good showcase that I’m assuming is just a preview for the Tag Team Tournament match. Killer Kelly and Renee Michelle are two wrestlers that Impact should think of signing to their stacked Knockouts division if they can afford it (AEW should look at them too to boister their thin women’s division). Kelly has looked really good in WWE, but for some reason has never moved past the gatekeeper role herself. Renee Michelle showed a lot of personality (and a funny pissed-off face) on WWE Raw when she was in the WWE 24/7 segments with her real life husband Drake Maverick.

Some strange sound effects started playing as Susie Yung made her entrance. Susie made her entrance aid said that it’s bad that Lee and Purrazzo hurt her friends. Susie said her friend is now here which will make things really bad for Lee and Purrazzo. All of a sudden through the power of turning her back and TV editing, Su Yung made her entrance with “Susie” looking in another direction. Su Yung beat up Kimber Lee and Deonna Purrazzo in the ring. Yung used a big boot to dump Lee to ringside. Yung pulled the bloody glove out of her bra, which caused Purrazzo to cower in fear and retreat with Lee up the ramp.

Su Yung also made her exit and, through the power of editing, Susie was able to turn around…

John’s Thoughts: A bit cheesy in terms of their obvious editing and Josh Mathews acting over the top in terms of thinking that both Su and Susie are different people, but at the same time I applaud Impact for not resorting their horrible Adobe After Effects effects and deciding to use more practical effects. Practical effects are usually the way to go in terms of live special effects because they don’t come off as “fake” and force the viewer to suspend their disbelief.

Gia Miller interviewed Chris Sabin and Alex Shelley. Shelley said his neck was all better and they were going to hit the reset button on their impact careers. Sabin said the Guns are taking a three step process: 1) Go after XXXL for attacking Alex Shelley. 2) Go after the North for injuring Shelley’s neck. And 3) Go after the Good Brothers and the tag team championships…[c]

John’s Thoughts: I actually like that three step process in that it doesn’t immediately rush the Guns back into the title picture and instead gives them three solid feuds. This also allows for them to build towards what is actually a real dream match between the Good Brothers and the once-retired Motor City Machine Guns.

Rich Swann and Willie Mack were chatting backstage. Mack said he was disappointed that the ref decided his fate last week against Mack’s will. Chris Bey then walked in and tried to cozy up to Rich Swann to pitch a future match between Bey and Swann for the World Title. Swann took offense when Bey called Swann a loser. Bey left saying that he would like a call if Swann can make it past Shamrock…

Ethan Page and Josh Alexander made their entrance. Karl Anderson then made his entrance and cut a promo. Anderson talked about being IWGP and “New York” (WWE?) champions, and finally picking up the Impact tag titles. Anderson brought up Page injuring Gallows. Anderson then went back into merch shilling mode. Anderson the reminded Page that if Page can beat the “phenomenal” opponent, then The North can get a rematch for the tag titles. Suddenly AJ Styles’s Get Ready to Fly theme played with Josh Mathews saying “It can’t be, is he here?”. [Horn]Swoggle made his entrance cosplaying as AJ Styles…

4. “The Weenominal” AJ Swoggle (w/Karl Anderson) vs. All Ego Ethan Page (w/Josh Alexander). Page laughed and told Swoggle that he can get the first punch in. Swoggle got a handful of chops and hit Page with a nice huracanrana. Swoggle called Page a son of a bitch. Alexander distracted Swoggle which allowed Page to hit Swoggle with a big boot. Alexander tossed around Swoggle while the referee was distracted. Page took down Swoggle with a lariat. Page showboated and hit Swoggle with a delayed elbow drop.

Page had the visual pinfall, but then pulled Swoggle up at three. Page teased a Styles Clash on Swoggle, but Swoggle bit Page in the thigh. Swoggle hit Page with a shin and superkick. Anderson made sure to knock down Alexande a ringside. Swoggle rolled up Page for the win.

Swoggle defeated Ethan Page via pinfall in 2:24.

Anderson and Swoggle two sweet’d at the top of the ramp with Ethan Page throwing a fit and crying in the ring. Striker and Mathews said that it must be embarrassing for Page to lose to Swoggle…

John’s Thoughts: There was one point in time where I would have been disappointed in Swoggle being a reveal to a tease, but they weren’t treating this as anything serious and Swoggle hasn’t been as overexposed on TV as he was at one point of his career. This was a fun chapter in the Good Brothers and North feud to kill time while Karl Anderson is out.

They cut back to Wrestler’s Court. Tommy Dreamer asked Swinger if Swinger thought he would get away with murder. Swinger said he couldn’t have done it because he doesn’t want to jeopardize his successful business ventures. Swinger said he was the OJ Simpson of Pro Wrestling. This caused everyone to groan and Swinger said he’s not up to date because he last read a newspaper in 1991. Swinger said that Dreamer knows that Swinger won’t shoot someone and that it’s the fault of another stooge. Dreamer ended his questions and Rayne didn’t even want to attempt.

Dreamer called James Mitchell to the podium. Dreamer asked if Mitchell has any skills that can help out with the case. Mitchell said he’s a whore mongerer and that he has a PhD in Para-psychology and Demonology. Dreamer wondered about the importance of virgin blood. Mitchell said virgin blood is valued for its special properties by “some people”. Dreamer wondered if one of these people might have killed John E.

They called Rosemary to the podium. Dreamer wondered when Rosemary suddenly got feelings for John E. Rosemary refused to answer and said it was personal. Dreamer then yelled and asked Rosemary if she really loved John E. Rosemary said she didn’t love John E and Mitchell fist pumped at calling it. Rosemary then said she was seduced by the sent of virgin blood. John E shoed up and called Rosemary a bitch. Rosemary and John E then yelled at each other. D’Lo then said it’s clear who shot Bravo now. John E then claimed that Rosemary didn’t shoot him. John E said he didn’t see who shot Bravo, but he smelled him…[c]

Back at Wrestler’s Court, Larry D was on the podium where he said he didn’t shoot Bravo. The lie detector said Larry was telling the truth. Dreamer then shot bottled bad Impact Adobe After Effects at Larry, which caused him to transform into “Lawrence D”. Lawrence said he shot Bravo. It was hard to hear what he was saying because there was loud music playing. D’Lo banged the gavel and then noted that given the confession, Johnny Swinger was innocent. Johnny Swinger celebrated with his entrance theme playing…

John’s Thoughts: While the humor wasn’t that funny, it’s still not as bad as what they were doing with the Undead Realm and whatnot, so I guess that’s a victory? I still don’t understand why Impact feels the need to fill their shows with mediocre and esoteric-humor comedy segments.

Fallah Bahh made his entrance next. His opponent was Shawn Daivari (throw the Shawn in there because Ariya wrestles on 205 Live weekly)…

5. Fallah Bahh vs. [Shawn] Daivari. Daivari gave Bahh a series of chops in the corner. Bahh came back with a series of punches. Bahh gave Daivari a series of punches. Suddenly, Eric Young and Joe Doering ran out to interfere with the match and the match was called off after Doering shoved Bahh away.

Fallah Bahh vs. Shawn Daivari ended in an apparent no-contest in 0:38.

Young gave Daivari a Pile Driver after Bahh was dumped to ringside. Matt Striker noted that the Pile Driver was outlawed in wrestling for years due to how it ends careers. Young cut a promo saying that this world is sick and you’re looking at the cure. Young was cut off by Rhino, who sprinted to the ring. Rhino got a few punches on Young and Doering, but ended up losing due to the numbers game. Young grabbed a mic and said the world doesn’t belong to Rhino, “It belongs to us”. Young and Doering left up the ramp…

John’s Thoughts: I really like the slow development of Young and Doering as it gives Young something new and fresh after losing the title from Rich Swann. Joe Doering has also looked really solid in what little we’ve seen from him so far. I’m actually looking forward to Young and Doering destroying Rhino down the road. Credit to Rhino too. His recent segments with Heath [Slater] have brought him back to his very lovable “Cheese and Crackers” role that he played in WWE during his last run. I always thought that “Gore gore gore” Rhino was generic as hell, and “Cheese and Crackers” Rhino allowed Rhino to finally show personality and affability.

Swoggle and Steve were backstage where they were talking about each other’s attires. TJ Perkins showed up and congratulated Steve on getting an X Division title shot down the road. Bryan Myers showed up to mock all three men. Myers called TJ Perkins manipulative. Myers left, calling Perkins and Steve clowns…[c]

Deonna Purrazzo and Kimber Lee walked up to James Mitchell to help them out with Su Yung. Lee said she would prefer that Mitchell makes sure that Susie stays Susie and not Su Yung. Mitchell said he’ll do it at a price…

Josh Mathews and Matt Striker checked in from their commentary set where they hyped the following segments for next week: XXXL vs. MCMGs, Rohit Raju vs. Crazzy Steve for the X Title, Killer Kelly and Renee Michelle vs. Jordynne Grace and Jazz in a tournament match, and Willie Mack vs. Chris Bey…

Entrances for the main event took place…[c]

6. Rich Swann vs. Ken Shamrock (w/Sami Callihan) for the Impact World Championship. Swann made sure to keep his distance from Shamrock early on. Matt Striker analyzed Shamrock’s foot positioning. Callihan distracted Swann, which allowed Shamrock to get some punches in. The referee ejected Callihan who left, calling the decision bull crap.

Shamrock ended up tossing Swann around the ring. Shamrock then worked on Swann with methodical boots and knees. Shamrock mixed in a little joint manipulation. Shamrock wore down Swann with a front chancery.[c]

Swann fought back Shamrock with punches. Shamrock no-sold a flying lariat. Shamrock took down Swann with a big boot. Shamrock gave Rich a knee to get Swann to stay on the mat. Swann hit Shamrock with three spinning roundhouse kicks, with the third kick taking down Shamrock. Swann used a rolling thunder splash to get a two count on Shamrock. Shamrock went for a Juji Gatame, but Rich rolled out.

Rich Swann hit Shamrock with a Five Star Frog Splash for a two count. Shamrock went back for the Juji Gatame, but Rich kept his hands clasped and got his feet on the bottom rope. Rich Swann went for a back kick, but Shamrock caught the foot and turned it into an Ankle Lock. Swann quickly got to the bottom rope. Shamrock went for a Rear Naked Choke, but Swann floated over and pressured Shamrock’s shoulders on the mat for the win.

Rich Swann defeated Ken Shamrock via pinfall in 10:11 of on-air time to retain the Impact World Championship.

Ken Shamrock punched the referee in the gut after the match. Sami Callihan ran back out and called the ref an idiot. Sami did his thumb thing and then gave Swann a Package Pile Driver. Callihan grabbed a bat from under the ring. Callihan taunted Swann, but Eddie Edwards ran out for the save. Callihan ended up hitting Eddie in the gut. Shamrock and Callihan beat up Eddie. Callihan taped Eddie’s left arm to the top rope. Callihan then hit Eddie Edwards in the eye (Triple H sledgehammer style) with the bat. Eddie Edwards then bled.

D’Lo Brown and security guards ran out to berate Shamrock and Callihan. Shamrock knocked out D’Lo with a punch. Scott D’Amore ran out to try to calm down Callihan and Shamrock. Callihan and Shamrock continued to attack D’Lo and Eddie. Callihan and Shamrock calmed down when D’Amore got on the apron and the show closed…

John’s Thoughts: The match was fine enough, but I felt like there was a missed opportunity here. This match was kinda just thrown on TV with no build to make the viewer think that Shamrock had any chance to get the world title. The story could have wrote itself with Shamrock being the first TNA Champion and going after the title. I have no doubt that the sports-style feud could have been wonderful, given that Ken Shamrock has had several very fun programs in Impact since returning (including the Moose feud that was referenced earlier). I’m also not sure where they go from here because Shamrock and Callihan are nothing more than annoying pests at this point as opposed to be any real threats to the title.

All that said, this was a decent episode of Impact. Impact still feels the need to throw in campy humor for some reason, but aside from that the show is a solid wrestling show that breezes by. The real strength Impact has now is having one of the deepest women’s rosters in all of pro wrestling, certainly deeper than AEW’s and only right behind NXT’s women’s roster (I’d give NXT the edge due to the star power and match quality). They have some solid men’s feuds too, especially at the top of the tag team division. I have no doubt they’ll figure things out with the men’s title soon because those feuds have been good for a while. Sadly, I feel like they wasted Ken Shamrock’s first shot at the world title. They might be able to build to that down the road if they want to?


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