9/8 Evolve 113 results: Velveteen Dream vs. Darby Allin, Shane Strickland vs. Tracy Williams for the Evolve Championship, AR Fox vs. Austin Theory, Joey Janela vs. JD Drake

By Jason Powell, Prowrestling.net Editor (@prowrestlingnet)

We are looking for reports on all WWE, NXT, Impact Wrestling, ROH, MLW, Evolve, and other notable live events. If you attend a show, you are encouraged to send a report or even basic results to dotnetjason@gmail.com

Evolve 113
Queens, New York at La Boom
Results courtesy of PWPonderings.com

1. Anthony Henry beat Facade, Jason Kincaid, Harlem Bravado, Jon Davis, and Josh Briggs in a six-way.

2. JD Drake beat Joey Janela (w/Penelope Ford) in a non-title match.

3. Chris Dickinson defeated Stokely Hathaway.

4. Chris Dickinson and Jaka defeated Leon Ruff and Adrian Alanis to retain the Evolve Tag Titles.

5. Austin Theory (w/Priscilla Kelly) defeated AR Fox (w/The Skulk).

6. Shane Strickland defeated Tracy Williams to retain the Evolve Championship.

7. Velveteen Dream defeated Darby Allin in the dark main event.

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