TNA announces a new match for Tuesday’s “live” Impact (Orlando correspondents needed)

Logo_TNA_dn_600TNA has announced a mixed tag match for Tuesday’s “live” edition of the Impact Wrestling television show. Drew Galloway and Gail Kim will face “The Miracle” Mike Bennett and Maria in a mixed tag match.

Powell’s POV: I’m curious to see if Maria actually wrestles or if the plan is for her character to continue to slip away from Kim. I hope it’s the latter, as I like the idea of making fans want to see Kim eventually get her hands on Maria. Impact will be taped on Tuesday at Universal Studios in Orlando, Florida and will air shortly thereafter on Pop TV. Join me for live coverage as the show airs on Tuesday night.

We are looking for correspondents for all of the TNA Impact Wrestling television tapings in Orlando. If you attend a show, you are encouraged to send a report to


Readers Comments (1)

  1. I will be there for the first two tapings. Not able to stay for the next 3 days since i’m traveling a few hours but will definitely send an email to ya

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