NXT TV results (9/24): Moore’s review of Kelani Jordan vs. Wren Sinclair for the NXT Women’s North American Title, Grayson Waller Effect with guests Nathan Frazer and Axiom, Ridge Holland vs. Riley Osborne

By John Moore, ProWrestling.net Staffer (@liljohnm)

Orlando, Florida at the WWE Performance Center
Aired live September 24, 2024 on USA Network

[Hour One] Vic Joseph and Booker T were on commentary. Mike Rome was back as ring announcer. No intro this week as entrances for the opening match took place…

1. Kelani Jordan vs. Wren Sinclair (w/Tavion Heights, Charlie Dempsey, Myles Borne) for the NXT Women’s North American Championship. Kelani slapped Wren to start the match and return the favor. Wren got a two count off a basement crossbody. Both women traded rapid pinfall variations for nearfalls. Kelani dumped Wren to ringside and hit her with a Corkscrew Plancha, cut to PIP.[c]

Back from break, Wren had Kelani in a grounded Octopus Hold. Kelani countered it with a Jackknife pin for a two count. Wren turned it into an abdominal stretch but Kelani quickly countered into a hip toss and axe handle rally. Kelani got a two count off a X Factor. Wren grabbed Kelani’s leg to block a one of a kind. Wren also dodged a Five Star Frog Splash.

Wren planted Kelani with a few suplexes. Kelani rolled up Wren for a two count. Borne and Tavion trash talked to Kelani. Wren accidentally hit Myles and Tavion with a crossbody. Kelani caught Wren with a spinning heel kick and One of a Kind for the win.

Kelani Jordan defeated Wren Sinclair via pinfall in 9:45 to retain the NXT Women’s North American Championship.

Vic Joseph plugged NXT’s debut on CW. The show cut to b-roll of NXT press rounds…

The show then cut to the NXT Press Conference started by Ethan Page. Page talked about becoming the face of the company and doing a good job carrying the company on his back. He said he’s on one of the stacked rosters in the industry, and a cut above. A media member asked Page about the positives with Trick. He said Trick is a former champ, but not as good as him. Another press person asked how CM Punk will effect the match? Page said Punk will be a non factor. Page quickly sent the show back to the main NXT show…

Vic Joseph and  Booker T checked in on commentary where they hyped up Roxanne Perez vs. Giulia for the CW debut. They also plugged A-Town Down Under returning to NXT for after the break…[c]

John’s Thoughts: Good win for Kelani, but also cool to see Wren Sinclair clicking with the live crowd. NQCC has struggled to click initially due to various departures, but Wren Sinclair has added some personality to the group, while also getting over in her own sense. Her just trying to fit in has really acclimated her to the crowd. Not to mention, she is an experienced in-ring wrestler and does elevate her opponents in the ring.

The show cut to CM Punk chatting with Je’von Evans then talking with Trick Williams in the locker room. Trick talked about how Ethan Page is going to be underhanded in his upcoming match. Punk talked about watching Trick win and lose the title, but Trick is still in the mix. Punk said he’s going to call the match down the middle. He said he’s not playing favorites and if Page wins, Page wins. Both men dapped it up to end the segment…

Austin Theory and Grayson Waller made their entrance for the Waller Effect talk show segment. Waller said it was cringe that fans were chanting “Welcome back” to him and Theory. Theory yelled to cut the booing and that they are the greatest graduates of NXT. Theory bragged about beating John Cena at Mania and also winning Money in the Bank. Waller bragged about how they built a PLE in Australia around them.

They introduced Axiom and Nathan Frazer as their guest. Waller joked that Frazer looks like Curt Cobain and Axiom looks like a power ranger. The tag team champs made their entrance. Waller said that Frazer and Axiom would look great on Smackdown, as singles wrestlers. Frazer said they are fine as a tag team. Frazer said people are wondering when Theory and Waller will break up. Theory said him and his boy are solid. Waller said nobody wants A-Town Down Under to break up.

Waller said he actually sees Axiom and Frazer as good singles wrestlers. Theory said Frazer is good with his flippity doo dah things. Waller said that Axiom’s Spanish pretzel move is good. Axiom and Frazer defended themselves, Frazer saying they are going to put A-Town down six feet under. Waller talked about Axiom and Frazer putting on banger after banger, but they are in the biggest lights via the main roster. Waller said that the Waller effect will be Axiom and Frazer losing.

Frazer pointed out how Waller only mentions “Waller effect” leaving Theory out. Theory said that’s a good idea. Waller said he only does it because of the initial setup before they met. Waller and Theory then jumped Axiom and Frazer and left them fallen…

The show cut to Meta Four hanging out backstage. Lexis King showed up to chat with Oro Mensah. King said he actually agonized over Oro’s dad issues and can relate. King talked about how his father was never around, but if he was, he’ll want King to be the bigger man. King respectfully shook hands with King. Oro told King to make his Dad proud…

The show cut to a Hank and Tank promo where they hyped up going against the Good Brothers…[c]

John’s Thoughts: Good standard segment to hype up the tag team title match. A smart dichotomy with both teams on the verge of a breakup. Frazer and Axiom have slowly creeped up as a solid tag team so it would be fun to keep the belts on them. The built in feud is there though with the looming breakup they keep teasing. Austin Theory as a babyface down the road might be fun too, especially with his dorky, but endearing dorky persona.

Karmen Petrovic was warming up with a bunch of developmental women. Ashante the Adonis showed up with a rose to hit on the women. Adonis talked about how Tatum Paxley excites him. Tatum said her heart belongs to someone else…

Hank and Tank made their entrance first followed by the Good Brothers. A picture in picture promo aired about the Good Brothers cutting a promo to hype up their match, where they called Hank and Tank nerds…

2. “The Good Brothers” Luke Gallows and Karl Anderson vs. Hank Walker and Tank Ledger. Tank and Anderson brawled to ringside. Gallows and Anderson then cut the ring in half on Hank with quick tags. Hank and Tank swarmed Gallows with Stinger Splashes and a sandwich press. Gallows took down Tank with a Roundhouse to the head. Gallows and Anderson then worked on Tank with methodical offense. Hank blocked an Irish Whip for Tank to get him into the hot tag.

Hank rallied with hands. Hank took out Gallows with a spin kick. Hank hit Anderson with a Bossman Slam for a two count. Anderson hit Hank with a jump kick off the distraction and hit him with a Superplex. Anderson spinebustered Tank on Hank to get the two count on Hank. Tang dragged Anderson to ringside to block a Magic Killer. Hank and Tank hit Gallows with a double team power slam finish to give Tank the win.

Tank Ledger and Hank Walker defeated The Good Brothers via pinfall in 4:51. 

Je’von Evans chatted with Cedric Alexander backstage about having the biggest match of his life in a few weeks against one of his heroes. Austin Theory and Grayson Waller showed up to talk trash, calling Cedric Alexander an uncle. Evans faked out A-Town Down Under, scaring them by saying Kevin Owens was behind them…

Lexis King made his entrance…[c]

John’s Thoughts: Very good on the veteran tag team putting over the developmental rookies twice over. Only thing that takes back is Gallows and Anderson have been losing for years and beating them doesn’t mean as much as say 5 years ago. Selfless, but maybe too selfless since The Good Brothers have been losing for a long while. And they can be credible workers! Pre-Omega in Impact, they were a strong tag team. Luke Gallows vs. Joe Doering was one of the best big man matches I’ve seen in years. They can be credible, but sadly they just lose too much these days. Happy for Hank and Tank though as those two have something.

Meta Four made their entrance…

3. “On Sight” Oro Mensah (w/Lash Legend, Jakara Jackson) vs. Lexis King. Both men traded hands after an initial pin attempt from King. Oro got a two count off a power slam. A Picture in Picture showed NXT GM Ava at a press conference. King dumped Oro to ringside off a springboard counter. Oro got a two count off a rollup. King came back with a power slam and front kick. King planted Oro with a backbreaker.

Oro came back with a spin kick. King countered a Rolling Sobat with a superkick for a two count. King put Oro in a back body stretch. Oro rallied with chops and a punch. Oro hit King with a nice looking Lionsault. Oro hit King with a Koppu Kick for a two count. King broke up his own leverage pin to win fairly. Oro then picked up the win with a leverage pin.

Oro Mensah defeated Lexis King via pinfall in 4:38. 

Riley Osborne vs. Ridge Holland was hyped for after the break…[c]

John’s Thoughts: An interesting feud built off daddy issues, but it kinda works. Interesting to have the babyface pick up the dirty win, but I kinda get it based off the personal nature of the feud. I hope they do more with Oro as he was elevated coming off his main title feud against Ethan Page. Meanwhile, Pillman Jr. does a great job in his role as a pest heel.

[Hour Two] Vic Joseph plugged WWE Wrestlemania in Las Vegas…

The show cut to a random building where The Tony D’Angelo Family were having a training montage. Tony D was working out, doing pullups, rope climbs, and such to get ready to face Oba Femi. At one point Tony D pushed a pickup. The then boxed against a random black dude in a gym. He got knocked out at first but then made a comeback and knocked the guy out. Vic Joseph plugged Oba Femi vs. Tony D for the St. Louis show…

John’s Thoughts: Rocky 3 is a good go-to I guess. Does Rocky 3 guarantee a Tony D win?

Entrances for the next match took place…

4. Ridge Holland vs. Riley Osborne (w/Thea Hail). Osborne hit Holland with a flip dive before the bell. Holland came back with a underhook suplex. Holland then worked on Osborne with clinch knees. Osborne staggered Holland with a superkick for a rollup two count. Osborne hit Holland with a standing Red Arrow for a two count. Holland dumped Osborne to ringside. Osborne tackled Holland through a barricade. Holland blocked a Shooting Star and hit Osborne with the Redeemer DDT for the win.

Ridge Holland defeated Riley Osborne via pinfall in 3:06.

Holland beat up Osborne after the match. Osborne kept making comebacks . Thea hail got in Holland’s face, which allowed Osborne to get the upper hand. Security Guards ran out to pull them apart…

The show cut to a Miz tweet video where he talked about wanting to host the Oba Femi vs. Tony D contract signing on MizTV next week…

Wes Lee vs. Zach Wentz was hyped for next week. They camera then cut to the preparation of their upcoming split screen interview…[c]

John’s Thoughts: A fun way to keep the Ridge Holland vs. Chase U feud going without just making Osborne a stepping stone. This feud has me kinda hyped for whenever NXT’s Bobby Knight makes his return to NXT. Thea Hail is even in there as a wild card. It wouldn’t be surprising if she does turn against Chase U to team with her surrogate dad. I’m happy for Ridge Holland who legitimately showed a lot of improvement on the mic and in the ring coming off the sad dad story. Osborne might want to break away from the group down the road. He’s one of NXT’s best in-ring guys, but lost in the shuffle in the Chase U stable. He also struggles to get TV time, only getting some in-ring time via the NXTNA relationship.

The show cut to Oba Femi at a press conference. The first question was about Oba’s thoughts on him appearing on MizTV next week. He said he has no thoughts. The next person asked about the Tony D training montage. He said she still sees Tony as broken. Oba then ended the conference. Vic hyped MizTV for next week…

The show then cut to the split screen interview with MSK. Zach called Wes a piece of shit. Wes said he wonders how Trey is doing? Wentz called Wes a bitch for jumping Trey in Ohio and how he’s going to beat the F out of Wes. Wes told Zach to shut the F out and make sure that Gigi Dolin doesn’t watch their street fight. Zach told Wes to keep his fiance’s name out his F’n mouth. Wes called Zach a punk ass bitch and told him to come and see him. Both men got up and brawled backstage.

Vic Joseph and Booker T checked in on commentary. Vic apologized for the vulgar language used in the interview. Vic and Booker then thanked USA network for airing NXT over the years. A montage aired of NXT highlights…

John’s Thoughts: Fun split screen interview with the dirty words adding to the segment, making it personal. Reminded me a bit of the Seth Rollins and Matt Riddle interview from a few years ago. More personal here for fans who have been following MSK since their That 70’s Show days on TNA. Looking forward to what should be a great match!

Rosemary and Wendy Choo made their entrance…[c]

Vic Joseph plugged WWE’s upcoming Saturday Night Main Event show…

The show cut to NXT GM chatting with Lola Vice and Jaida Parker, who bickered. Ava calmed them down and booked them in a tag team match against Fatal Influence. Parker and Vice continued to bicker. Ava told them to figure things out…

Karmen Petrovic and Brinley Reese made their entrance. I continue to appreciate Karmen’s weeb sword!…

5. Rosemary and Wendy Choo vs. Brinley Reese and Karmen Petrovic. Reese took down Choo with an armdrag and tagged Petrovic. Petrovic hit Choo with a Rolling Sobat for a two count. Choo and Rosemary used tags to cut the ring in half on Petrovic. Petrovic fought out of the corner with kicks. Reese tagged in. A PIP showed Kelani Jordan at the press conference. Choo tagged in and caught Reese with a high kick. Rosemary hit Reese with a basement forearm. Choo hit Reese wtiha  cartwheel forearm and kick in the corner.

Rosemary tagged in and put Reese in the Upside Down move. Rosemary and Choo went back to tags to cut the ring in half on Reese. Reese hit Choo with a front flip into a lariat. Ashante the Adonis showed up to hit on some shawtys. Adonis handed the rose to a lady in the front row. Petrovic got in Adonis’s face to berate him for hitting on shawtys. Rosemary hit Reese with a Wing Clipper for the win.

Rosemary and Wendy Choo defeated Brineley Reese and Karmen Petrovic via pinfall in 4:02. 

CM Punk was chatting with Sol Ruca backstage. Ruca left when Ethan Page showed up. Page referenced being in the same company as Punk before (AEW), and how he doesn’t appreciate Punk getting in his business. Punk said he’s calling things down the middle. He said he doesn’t appreciate Page cheating in past matches and how he won the title by just falling on somebody. He said he’ll raise Page’s hand if he’s the guy, but if he doesn’t win, he won’t raise nothin…

Je’von Evans and Cedric Alexander made their entrance…[c]

John’s Thoughts: Hey! Rosemary and Choo get a win. I say that because for some reason both NXT and TNA have been poorly booking Rosemary and Choo. At least Rosemary gets, some, talking time in TNA; but it’s shocking that both companies aren’t giving  her mic time since she’s one of the best talkers in the business. Sucks that it took an assist from Adonis for them to get the win this time. Rosemary is coming off a character reboot. I’m confused too at why they give Choo so little character development after her reboot. Again, the silence during that good No Mercy match speeks wonders.

The show cut back to Fatal Influence at the press conference. One of the press members asked them if they decided who will face Jaida Parker and Lola Vice. Fallon Henley said “yep” and said everyone will find out next week. Jacy Jayne talked about how they are about to get to the top of the division by winning championships. Jayne said Kelani Jordan doesn’t deserve to be champ. Jaida Parker and Lola Vice then pulled up and had to be dragged off by security…

Vic Joseph plugged Fatal Influence vs. Parker and Vice for next week as well as Giulia and Roxanne Perez for next week…

A-Town Down Under made their entrance…

6. Je’von Evans and Cedric Alexander vs. “A-Town Down Under” Austin Theory and Grayson Waller.  Theory worked on Evans with tackles in the corner. Down Under then used the quick tags to cut the ring in half on Evans. Evans hit Theory with a huracanrana. Waller tagged in and took a huracanrana and dropkick from Evans. Waller came right back with a right hook. Ced tossed Waller into the barricade. Evans got a two count off a Sunset Flip on Theory.

Theory hit Evans with a stomp and then followed up with a cravate. Evans got a two count off a Cradle. Alexander tagged in for the first time. Evans hit Theory with Sliced  Bread. Alexander got a two count off a PK. Alexander hit Waller with a Dragon Screw. Evans hit both opponents with a a Flip Dive, but was caught. Alexander took down both opponents with a flip dive. The show cut to PIP.[c]

Theory and Waller cut the ring in half on Alexander for a few minutes. Evans caught the hot tag and cleaned house with kicks. Evans took out both opponents with subsequent dives. Evans caught Theory with a slingshot move for a two count that Waller broke up. AT Down Under hit Evans with Stereo Forearms. Alexander broke it up and slammed Theory on the apron. Waller turned Cedric inside out with a clothesline.

Axiom and Frazer walked out to get in Waller’s face. They were tossed down by Waller. Frazer accidentally tripped Evans off the top rope. Theory hit Evans with A-Town Down for the win.

A-Town Down Under defeated Je’von Evans and Cedric Alexander via pinfall in 11:37. 

Axiom and Frazer bickered after the match…

The show cut back to the press conference, with Trick Williams. Trick talked about how big the win will be for him. He said he wants to be a part of the small group of two time NXT Champions. He said NXT is reaching new heights and it needs to involve him, not Ethan Page. A person asked about Punk getting involved as ref. He said he’s cool with Punk after what Punk ensured. Trick said he’s going to have to control his emotion and you best believe he’s going to be the new champion. Sarah Schreiber then said that the rest of the Press Conference will take place in the Performance Center Arena…

Separate shots of Roxanne Perez and Giulia (w/Funaki) were shown…[c]

John’s Thoughts: Makes sense to have AT Down Under go over heading into their title match. Evans takes the loss here and will most likely lose to Orton, but losses are a part of his young character development. They also continue to be consistent in teasing the Axiom and Frazer discord. It has actually worked in building up vulnerability in their matches, supplemented with them even losing the titles at one point.

[Overrun] Vic Joseph ran through the following segments for next week’s CW launch: Ethan Page vs. Trick Williams for the NXT Championship, Roxanne Perez vs Giulia for the Women’s Championship, the Tony D and Oba Femi MizTV contract signing, Wes Lee vs. Zach Wentz, and Lola Vice and Jaida Parker vs. Fatal Influence…

Byron Saxton was moderating a sitdown press conference between Roxanne Perez and Giulia with Funaki also there. The first question was in regards to Giulia possibly winning the title, Perez cut off the interviewer and said you shouldn’t assume she’ll lose the title. Giulia took the mic and spoke in Japanese. Funaki translated that Perez’s time is up. He mentioned how Perez carried the brand at 20 years old, but Giulia came to the brand to become champion. Funaki talked about how it’s time for Perez to pass the torch to Giulia.

The next question was for Perez asking how Giulia backs up what she does in the ring. Perez talked about how she was a Giulia fan before NXT fans knew her. She said she has watched every single Giulia match in Japan and she wondered if they’ll cross paths. Perez said this is a dream match, for Giulia, because she never faced someone like Perez. Perez said she’s the reason Giulia came to WWE. She said she doesn’t care about what championships Giulia because the NXT Women’s title is the only title that matters.

She said NXT is entering a new realm and the only person that deserves to be at the top is her. Giulia asked Perez what will happen when she beats her. Saxton sent the show to the next question. The next press member asked Giulia if she’s feeling overconfident. Giulia said moving to America has been wonderful. A random USA chant started.

Giulia said everything is new, but what is now new is she’s the most feared wrestler in the world. She said NXT gets to feel the Beautiful Madness. A voice cut in and Saxton assumed it was a press member. Stephanie Vaquer appeared on the big screen and talked about how she’ll be waiting for the winner of the match. She appeared via satellite from Chile. NXT closed…

John’s Thoughts: A solid show closing segment. The press conference segments throughout the show were odd in that there was little substance and the pacing was weird. Thankfully this one worked. It helps that WWE sent out Smackdown’s NUMBER 1 translator Funaki to make things right. Giulia’s English isn’t great, and she did freeze at one point, understandably so because English isn’t her first language; but I think she makes up for it in her “aura”, charisma, and alluring appearance.

NXT’s women’s division is getting boosted even more too with Stephanie Vaquer on the horizon. Someone AEW actually got right in terms of development with consistent video packages heading into her match against the former Sasha Banks. With Vaquer around the corner, they might not take the title off Perez, though I totally think they’ll take the title off Perez. Okay episode of NXT this week, but nothing too earth shattering heading into the CW debut (One day before my birthday too, so you will get live coverage, I just need to figure out how to overcome the West Coast tape delay). I’ll also be a bit late this week again with my audio review. Work issues. What can I do?

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