New Texas Pro Wrestling “Already Platinum” results: Vetter’s review of Vix Crow (f/k/a Alicia Fox) vs. Hyan, Stephen Wolf vs. Brick Savage for the New Texas Pro Title, Texas Contenders Series Battle Royal

By Chris Vetter, Contributor (@chrisvetter73)

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New Texas Pro Wrestling “Already Platinum”
Streamed on IndependentWrestling.TV
August 25, 2024 in Pasadena, Texas at Campbell Hall

The venue is a large pole barn and attendance was maybe 250-300.

1. Danny Orion vs. Isaac Morales vs. Dustin Nguyen vs. Diego De La Cruz in a four-way to become No. 1 contender. These guys are all cruiserweights. The crowd loves Dustin (think 1970s kung fu movies) the most. The under-sized Morales, wearing red-and-black, hit some crossface blows on Dustin. Orion, in blue pants, hit some quick kicks on Morales. Orion hit a crossbody block on Diego at 5:30. Dustin hit his Fatal Gale kung fu strike on two guys. Dustin tied Morales in a Dragon Sleeper at 9:00, but Isaac escaped. Morales applied a sleeper on Orion, but Danny escaped. Orion then hit a spin kick to Isaac’s head to score the pin!

Danny Orion defeated Isaac Morales, Dustin Nguyen and Diego De La Cruz in a four-way to become No. 1 contender at 10:24.

* AQA returned to the ring! She bowed out of AEW shortly after she signed a contract there. The announcers talked about how she challenged Jade Cargill for the TBS title. She got on the mic and thanked the fans. She listed some of the matches later in the show. However, she gave no indication if or when she might return to in-ring competition.

2. JJ Blake vs. Mysterious Q. I’ve seen the muscular, masked Q before, and he has just returned from a knee injury. They locked up, and Q hit a bodyslam. A commentator said Q has had just one match in the past 10 months. JJ targeted Q’s previously-injured knee. Blake tied him in a Figure Four Leglock around the ring post at 3:00! Back in the ring, JJ kept Q grounded and twisted the knee. Q hit a dropkick into the corner, then a German Suplex. Q dove through the ropes onto Blake at 7:00. In the ring, Q put him into a Torture Rack and spun him to the mat in a powerbomb for a nearfall. Blake reapplied a Figure Four Leglock. They fought in the corner, and JJ dropped Q knee-first on the top rope. Q hit a Q Cutter onto  Blake on the ring apron. He then hit another Q Cutter for the pin. Solid match.

Mysterious Q defeated JJ Blake at 11:14.

3. “The King Bees” Danni Bee and Charity King vs. Amira and Brooke Havok. The King Bees showed off their NWA Women’s tag team title belts as they walked to the ring. Brooke and Danni Bee opened with a lockup. Charity entered and slammed her teammate onto Havok, and they began working Brooke over in their corner. Amira tagged in for the first time at 2:30. However, Charity hit a double suplex on both opponents. Charity hit a powerbomb for a nearfall on Brooke, then a sliding clothesline for a nearfall, and the TKB were right back to working over Brooke. (Weird, really, as Amira’s time in the ring at this point can be measured in seconds.)

Amira got the hot tag at 5:30 and she hit a Stinger Splash into a corner on both opponents. Havok hit a side slam on Bee. King speared Havok. Amira speared King! And suddenly everyone was down. King and Amira traded forearm strikes while on their knees, then while standing. Bee hit a Lungblower on Havok. King immediately hit a swinging face plant to pin Havok. Solid tag match. The champs grabbed their tag belts and posed more with them.

“The King Bees” Danni Bee and Charity King defeated Amira and Brooke Havok at 9:06.

4. Shawn Hendrix vs. Teflon Jon in a street fight. Hendrix came out dressed for a street fight and carrying a trash can. Jon came out to a Pearl Jam song and he’s dressed like a 90s grunge rocker. (I hated the whole grunge music era!) They immediately traded forearm strikes. They took turns whacking each other with weapons. Hendrix hit him with a trash can at 4:00, then a hard stick (clearly a bit thicker than a kendo stick.) Jon pulled a ladder from under the ring at 7:00. Shawn pulled out handcuffs, and we saw him hand the key to the ref.

Hendrix locked Jon’s arms behind his back! He put Jon’s head on the ring steps, which were in the ring. He was ready to swing it but he stopped. Jon stood up and he handcuffed them together at the wrist! They traded punches with their free hand. Shawn locked in a submission hold on Jon on top of the ring step, and the ref called for the bell. Okay match. The commentators said it appeared Jon had passed out.

* They hugged afterward! This brought out Father Oday, who looked angry at them. Several of Oday’s masked followers also came out from the back. Someone in a mask jumped in the ring and speared Teflon Jay! He took off his mask and it’s Brother Tracy. He was there to reunite with Father Oday. (I don’t follow this promotion enough to totally get their storylines; I’m here for the matches!)

Shawn Hendrix defeated Teflon Jon at 11:24.

5. Jay Davis vs. AJ Gray. Jay Davis came out first and he carries a Hercules-style chain. Gray is the babyface and he wore a Stone Cold-style jacket. Both men are Black with similar (very good) physiques. Davis hit a German Suplex, then an impressive overhead belly-to-belly suplex. Gray hit a spin kick to the head. They traded forearm strikes, and Gray hit a spinebuster for a nearfall at 5:00. However, he missed a top-rope moonsault. Davis immediately hit three consecutive German Suplexes for a nearfall.

Gray hit a standing powerbomb with a jackknife cover for a nearfall at 7:30. Davis applied an anklelock. Davis nailed a second-rope back suplex for a nearfall. Gray nailed a decapitating clothesline but Davis popped up at the one-count! They traded more forearm strikes, and Gray hit two more decapitating clotheslines. I really liked that.

AJ Gray defeated Jay Davis at 10:12.

* A commercial aired…

6. Texas Contenders Series Battle Royal. This show didn’t air live, so there are already about a dozen guys in the ring when we return from that commercial. The Guardian got a ring introduction, though. Next out is Roger Vick. He dove in the ring and attacked, and we’re underway. The announcers quickly said a bunch of names but I don’t think I’ve seen any of these guys! I guy named Maximus Stone was tossed and they said we have nine left. Mr. Mundo is much bigger so everyone attacked him, but he powered out. However, they eventually tossed Mundo. Ax Manson wore flannels and he was popular, but someone whipped him to the floor.

Jay Pierce got tossed and suddenly we have four left: Jack Calloway, Jay Rock and the Guardian are left in the ring and apparently Roger Vick is on the floor but still in the match. Jay Rock hit a top-rope 450 Splash. However, The Guardian immediately picked up Jay Rock and tossed him. Guardian  tossed Calloway and thought he won, but Vick climbed back in… so the only two guys who had a real ring intro are the final two. Vick had ‘dislocated his shoulder’ right at the start of the match and was selling it. They fought onto the ring apron. Guardian got in the ring; he charged at Vick, but Vick low-bridged the top rope and Guardian fell to the floor. Okay battle royal but I really don’t know why you don’t show all 12 or so intros.

Roger Vick won a battle royal at 13:02.

7. “The Dream Team” KC Kreme and Danny King vs. Jus X Nic and Kenny Kalypso for the New Texas Pro Tag Team Titles. Kreme and King hit the ring to Jan Hammer’s “Axel F” and have that 1980s dance club vibe. Nic is in orange-and-purple trunks, while Kenny wore black. They hit stereo dives to the floor on the Dream Team at 1:30, and they all brawled at ringside. In the ring, Danny King beat up Kalypso and hit a Bronco Buster. KC hit a kneedrop to Kalypso’s forehead and the Dream Team kept Kenny in their corner. Kenny hit a Lungblower at 6:00 on KC.

Nic got the hot tag and they hit a team move for a nearfall on King, earning a “That was three!” chant. They hit a team back suplex move on King for a nearfall at 9:00. KC snapped Nic’s throat across the top rope, and Nic fell to the floor. The Dream Team hit a team bulldog faceplant on Kenny for a nearfall. All four got in the ring and traded punches. Nic accidentally struck Kenny! KC hit a powerbomb on Nic, and Danny immediately hit a frogsplash on Nic for the pin. Fairly basic.

“The Dream Team” KC Kreme and Danny King defeated Jus X Nic and Kenny Kalypso to retain the New Texas Pro Tag Team Titles at 12:02.

8. Rachell Rose vs. Hanako. Stardom-based Hanako is about 6’0″ and I saw her a week ago on a show in San Francisco. Rose has appeared in AEW/ROH a couple times, both under this name and an alias. They tied up — the height difference is noticeable — and a commentator confirms this is Hanako’s second U.S. match, after the one she had in Kitsune. Raychell rolled to the floor to regroup. In the ring, Hanako knocked her down with a shoulder tackle, and she hit a running Stinger Splash into the corner, then a Michinoku Driver for a nearfall at 2:00. Rose snapped her throat across the top rope, then a clothesline, and she was booed.

Raychell choked her in the ropes and was in charge early, and the crowd rallied for Hanako. Rose hit a double kneedrop to the gut for a nearfall. Hanako draped Rose on the top rope and kicked her in the head at 5:00. Hanako then hit a suplex for a nearfall. She hit a big boot. Rose hit a German Suplex and they were both down at 8:00. They got up and traded forearm strikes and chops, then some slaps to the face. Hanako hit a back suplex for a nearfall. Raychell hit an Angel’s Wings faceplant for a believable nearfall. Raychell got a jackknife cover, put her feet on the middle ropes for added leverage, and scored the tainted pin!

Rachell Rose defeated Hanako at 10:33.

9. Hyan vs. Vix Crow (f/k/a Alicia Fox). A huge pop for Vix, who looks healthy and good. The commentators talked about Hyan winning the Queen of Indies tournament last week (which I just reviewed!). An intense lockup to open and standing switches, and Vix is taller. Hyan hit some deep armdrags at 2:30. Vix is a boot to the face and she took control, and kept Hyan grounded. She hit a nice Northern Lights Suplex for a nearfall at 4:30, and she tied a leglock around Hyan’s waist. Hyan hit a back suplex at 7:00. Vix hit an axe kick to the back of the head as Hyan was in the ropes. Hyan hit a headbutt. Vix got a sunset flip rollup for a nearfall. Hyan hit the Beauty Sleep double-arm faceplant (Taya’s Road To Valhalla) for the clean pin. A fun match.

Hyan defeated Vix Crow at 9:45.

10. Stephen Wolf vs. Brick Savage for the New Texas Pro Championship. I’ve compared Brick’s overall look, his round face, to Bronson Reed, but he isn’t as rotund, and fans chanted “Brick is gonna kill you!” at the heel Wolf. Very elaborate introductions made this match feel significant and historic. Brick is bigger, and Wolf rolled to the floor to avoid a lockup. Brick knocked Wolf down on the apron. Wolf set up for a dive to the floor but Brick caught him. Wolf hit an Asai Moonsault. Savage hit a slingshot crossbody block, then a dropkick at 2:30, then a twisting powerslam for a nearfall. Brick hit a running Stinger Splash in the corner and a hard chop.

Wolf hit a top-rope stomp on Brick’s arm as Brick held the ropes at 4:30, and Wolf began targeting the damaged left arm. He hit a basement dropkick on it but only got a one-count. Brick hit a sit-out piledriver on the ring apron at 7:30, and Wolf rolled to the floor. Savage finally rolled him into the ring but only got a nearfall. The commentators agreed if he had been quicker, he would have won the title. Brick applied a modified Cobra Clutch. Wolf escaped and applied a crossface at 9:00. Wolf hit Vertigo (an inverted suplex, with Brick landing stomach-first) for a nearfall, but Brick got a foot on the ropes.

Brick hit a headbutt that dropped Wolf. Danny King tried to grab Savage’s foot, so Savage dragged King into the ring. Brick beat up both King and KC Kreme. Savage slammed Wolf for a visual pin but the ref had been knocked down. KC Kreme kicked Brick, and Wolf slammed onto Brick. The ref was revived but Savage kicked out at a one-count. Savage hit a gutwrench powerbomb. Savage punched Wolf; as the ref tried to stop the punches, Brick clocked the ref with a forearm at 13:00. Wolf hit a low blow uppercut. King and KC Creme interfered some more. Wolf hit a top-rope Shooting Star Press, and a new ref made the three-count!

Stephen Wolf defeated Brick Savage to retain the New Texas Pro Championship at 14:19.

Final Thoughts: A very good main event easily takes best of the show. I really like what I’ve seen of Brick in the past, and he did a great job here as a babyface who just couldn’t quite overcome a 3-on-1 beat-down. I enjoyed Hanako-Raychell a lot for second, and I’ll go with the four-way opener for third. The former Alicia Fox did well and Hyan always delivers, and I really enjoyed Jay Davis-AJ Gray, too. So, a lot to like here. The battle royal was weird; there is no need to edit out most of the ring intros, except it basically said “only the two guys who got a real intro are potential winners.”


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