9/18 WWE in Huntsville results: Sasha Banks, Bayley, and Alicia Fox vs. Charlotte, Dana Brooke, and Nia Jax, Rusev vs. Roman Reigns for the U.S. Championship, Kevin Owens vs. Seth Rollins vs. Sami Zayn for the WWE Universal Championship

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WWE Raw Live Event
Huntsville, Alabama at Von Braun Center
Report by Dot Net reader Nicholas Cannella

WWE made their annual stop in Huntsville for a House Show featuring the Superstars of the Raw Brand. This weekend was the 1st official Raw House Shows in the United States of this new draft era in Louisville, Kentucky, Evansville Indiana, and Huntsville.

1. Sasha Banks, Bayley and Alicia Fox defeated Charlotte, Dana Brooke and Nia Jax. Sasha gave Dana the Bank Statement for the win. Good opening contest with Emma as the special guest referee.

2. Darren Young (w/Mr. Backlund) defeated Titus O’Neil. Young won a good back and forth match with a Gut Buster.

3. Braun Strowman defeated Sin Cara. Strowman won the squash match with the Yokosuka Cutter. Sin Cara drew some good pops.

4. Golden Truth defeated Bo Dallas and Curtis Axel. Truth pinned Axel after the “What’s Up?” This was a good, entertaining tag team match up with comedy spots.

Lana came out and cut her usual heel promo praising Russia, and Rusev as the U.S Champion, which led Rusev to come out to some big heat.

5. Roman Reigns defeated U.S Champion Rusev (w/Lana) via DQ. Rusev hit Reigns with the ring bell for the DQ. During the match, Lana was eventually thrown out by the referee. Afterwards, Roman hit Rusev with a spear and was really over with the crowd then celebrated with the fans.

6. Kofi Kingston and Xavier Woods (w/Big E) defeated The Shining Stars and Enzo and Big Cass in a Triple Threat to retain the Raw Tag Titles. Woods placed Epico back first over his knee and Kofi hit the Double Stomp for the win. Enzo and Cass were very over with the crowd. The match was originally scheduled to have Luke Gallows and Karl Anderson, but right as Enzo was about to cut his usual promo, The Stars interrupted and subbed in.

7. Cesaro defeated Karl Anderson (w/Luke Gallows). Cesaro won via submission with the Sharpshooter. Cesaro was pretty over and Gallows kept trying to interfere during the match but eventually Cesaro hit him with a Euro upper cut and a Cesaro Swing to Anderson right before he made him tap out.

8. Kevin Owens defeated Sami Zayn and Seth Rollins in a Triple Threat Match to retain the WWE Universal Title. Rollins gave Zayn the Pedigree, then Owens kicked Rollins out of the ring and scored the pin fall on Zayn. After the match, Rollins chased Owens to the back. The crowd chanted for Zayn as he slowly made his way to his feet. Zayn closed the show saying he felt like he let himself and the fans down by losing but their support really meant a lot to him. He promised that he would eventually become Universal Champion one day and talked about how much the WWE loves coming to Huntsville. All three men drew some good pops from the crowd.

Overall, It was a great show with lots of entertaining action. The Von Braun Center was about half full and no return date was announced, but I assume it will be in 2017. The lineup changed several times before the show. First, the double main event was advertised with Reigns vs. Rollins, and Finn Balor vs. Owens. Balor got injured at SummerSlam so obviously that changed to Zayn vs Owens. Next it was Reigns vs. Rusev for the U.S Title, and Owens vs Zayn. Eventually, Owens won the Universal Title, and for some reason they removed Rollins from the card. Then last week it was finally updated leading into tonight with Owens vs. Zayn vs. Rollins (added him back on the show), Reigns vs Rusev, along with New Day vs Enzo and Cass vs Gallows and Anderson, and Sasha, Bayley and Alicia vs. Charlotte, Dana and Nia Jax.


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