MLW Fusion results: Powell’s review of Jacob Fatu vs. Bestia 666 in an Apocalypto match, King Muertes vs. Octagon Jr. vs. El Dragon vs. Hijo de LA Park for the Caribbean Championship, and Holidead vs. Chik Tormenta

By Jason Powell, Editor (@prowrestlingnet)

Major League Wrestling Fusion (Episode 144)
Taped March 31, 2022 in Dallas, Texas at Gilley’s
Streamed May 12, 2022 on the MLW’s YouTube Page and FITE TV

Jacob Fatu opened the show with a cuss-filled backstage promo about facing Bestia 666 in the Apocalypto match… The Fusion opening aired… The broadcast team of Rich Bocchini and Joe Dombrowski ahead of the opening match introductions, which were handled by ring announcer Tim Barr. They cut backstage where Cesar Duran spoke with Arez about being a solution to his problem (it was tough to make out due to background noise)…

1. Holidead (w/Gangrel, Dr. Dak) vs. Chik Tormenta. Holidead performed a clunky spinebuster for a two count. She hoisted up Tomenta, who elbowed her way free. Tormenta went up top and performed a nice Meteora for a near fall. Tormenta went for a middle rope moonsault that Holidead avoided. Holidead followed up with her finisher and got the clean pin…

Holidead defeated Chik Tormenta.

Afterward, Bocchini interviewed Holidead at ringside and asked her what’s next. She said she was running though the featherweight division and dark days are upon us…

Powell’s POV: A brief and forgettable match. The featherweight division basically feels like the Holidead division at this point. MLW has brought in a number of women in recent months, but Holidead seems to be the only regular. I suspect the talent shortage is one of the reasons that MLW has had so many stops and starts with its women’s division. They’ve used some talented women, but many have ended up signing elsewhere.

A video package recapped the recent drama involving 5150 and the Von Erichs…

A Ross Von Erich, Marshall Von Erich, and Kevin Von Erich promo aired. A graphic listed that it was recorded “earlier this week” in Hawaii. Kevin told his sons to focus on the match they get with 5150 and beat the hell out of them… [C]

MLW Heavyweight Champion Alex Hammerstone was shown arriving at the building and being greeted by Ross and Marshall Von Erich…

2. King Muertes vs. Octagon Jr. vs. El Dragon vs. Hijo de LA Park in a four-way for the Caribbean Championship. Park was accompanied to the ring by a kid who was dressed like him (probably his son?). A few minutes into the match, Octagon performed a 450 splash on Dragon and had the pin, but Park broke it up. [C]

Park performed a Canadian Destroyer on Octagon for a near fall. Dragon may have been late breaking up the pin. Muertes returned to the ring and speared Park. Ocatgon superkicked Muertes and then Park and Dragon followed up with moves on the big man before Octagon hit him with a springboard splash. Oddly, Octagon played to the crowd and let Muertes roll out of the ring.

Octagon put Dragon in electric chair position. Park went up top and dove onto Dragon for a Doomsday Device style move that resulted in Dragon landing horribly on his head and neck. A short time later, Park dove onto Muertes, who was behind the barricade. Dragon got up and seemed to be fine while fighting with Octagon, who hit him with a top rope fallaway slam into a moonsault and scored the pin…

Octagon Jr. defeated El Dragon, King Muertes, and Hijo de LA Park in a four-way to win the Caribbean Championship.

Powell’s POV: The wrestlers mostly took the approach of having two wrestlers in the ring while two were down at ringside, and it turned out to be an entertaining match. That said, it’s hard to be excited about the title change. MLW just started making a fuss over Octagon Jr. by giving him a video package last week, so most American fans don’t know him. Meanwhile, the Caribbean Championship feels like a throwaway title in MLW. It’s hung around longer than I expected it to, but it just doesn’t feel nearly as important as the other two singles titles.

A 5150 video aired. Rivera did the talking while Hernandez stood by. Rivera spoke about facing The Von Erichs in a bunkhouse brawl on next week’s show…

Powell’s POV: Rivera is getting to show off his gift of gab. This reminds me when Konnan did the talking for Santana and Ortiz. Once Konnan was sidelined, we learned that Santana and Ortiz were good talkers, and Santana in particular is actually a great talker.

The broadcast team hyped the main event along with a press conference that Cesar Duran would hold… [C]

A Calvin Tankman video feature aired. He spoke about spending a lot of time in church because he grew up the son of a preacher. He said he also spent time playing sports, and he became a big pro wrestling fan when his cousin Travis would come over and they would watch WCW Nitro. Tankman said wrestling was the first thing that he wanted to pursue and he loves it more than anything other than his child. Tankman said that Heavyweight Hustle is essentially that when you want to quit, you keep going no matter what…

Powell’s POV: I’m really happy to see these personality profiles become a regular part of MLW Fusion. They are so effective when it comes to letting viewers get to know the characters. I can’t believe we don’t see more of this in other pro wrestling companies.

Two masked henchmen were shown setting up for Duran’s press conference… Entrances for the main event took place…

3. Jacob Fatu vs. Bestia 666 in the Apocalypto match. Both men fought at ringside to start with Fatu dominating. Fatu barked at the fans and the broadcast team. Bestia eventually ducked a chop, which caused Fatu to slam his hand against the ring post. Bestia also chopped the post moments later when Fatu moved.

In the ring, Fatu performed a crossbody block from the ropes for a near fall. Fatu got up and barked at a ringside cameraman. Fatu cussed out Bestia while tossing chairs inside the ring. Fatu executed a twisting slam heading into a beak. [C] A teaser video hyped Taya Valkyrie returning at the Philadelphia event.

Besita put Fatu down with a DDT and then covered him for a two count. Bestia wedged a chair in the corner. Bestia went for a cutter, but Fatu blocked it and then superkicked him. Fatu went for a Samoan Drop, but Bestia countered into a crucifix bomb for a near fall.

Bestia ran Fatu into the chair in the corner and then sat him on the middle rope and gave him a Muscle Buster for a near fall. A short time later, Fatu rallied with a popup Samoan Drop for a two count. Bestia came back with a Code Red for another near fall.

Bestia set up a door board over two chairs in the ring. Bestia ran the ropes, but Fatu put him through the board with another popup Samoan Drop. Fatu followed up with his rope jumping moonsault and scored the clean pin.

Jacob Fatu defeated Bestia 666 in the Apocalypto match.

Powell’s POV: There was just no reason to think that Bestia was going to beat Fatu clean. However, Fatu is highly entertaining and Besita looked good in defeat, so the match worked. Ultimately, though, MLW needs to build up someone as a credible threat to Fatu now that he’s done about everything there is to do with Mads Krugger.

A graphic hyped The Von Erichs vs. Rivera and Hernandez in a Bunkhouse Brawl…

Cesar Duran stood at a podium for his press conference. He said he hated talking with the press because he gives them the best lucha libre in the world and it’s not appreciated. Duran introduced Richard Holliday as the next challenger and said that Holliday assured him that he’s willing to go to the extreme and even to die.

Holliday and Alicia Atout walked to the podium. Holliday said the time has finally come for the top of the mountain of MLW to get the change that it desperately needs. Holliday started talking about being the sole proprietor of The Dynasty when he was interrupted.

Alex Hammerstone showed up and jawed with Holliday while Duran and two other men tried to stand between them. Atout threw a glass of water in Hammerstone’s face. Hammerstone took a swing at Holliday, but he ended up hitting Duran instead. Duran sold it like he was out cold. Dombrowski said there would be hell to pay once Duran realizes what happened…

Powell’s POV: A good show closing angle that may set the table for a title change. The Holliday and Duran characters already seemed to be warming up to one another, and the Duran character should be even more motivated to make sure Hammerstone loses the championship. Of course, MLW could be making it seem like the deck is stacked against Hammerstone so that it’s more impressive if he retrains, but my guess is that they pull the trigger and move the title to Holliday on Friday in Philadelphia.

Overall, this was a solid episode that moved quickly and did not overstay its welcome. The last couple of Fusion shows have been shorter in length, which isn’t a negative in my book. It’s okay to leave viewers wanting more. I will have more to say about MLW Fusion in my weekly audio review for Dot Net Members (including our Patreon patrons).


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