Glory Pro Wrestling “Ascend” episode 47 results: Vetter’s review of “Warhorse” Jake Parnell vs. Alex Shelley for the Crown of Glory Title

By Chris Vetter, Contributor (@chrisvetter73)

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Glory Pro Wrestling “Ascend” (Episode 47)
Premiered August 12, 2024 via
Taped July 28, 2024 in St. Louis, Missouri at Casa Loma Ballroom

Reed Duthie is back on solo commentary. This is the second episode from this recent taping in late July, and it’s indoors before a crowd of perhaps 250.

1. Jay Marston defeated Solomon Tutu, Cordell Cain, and Aminah Belmont in a four-way at 7:14. I’ve seen Aminah a few times now in the Chicago-area indies and she’s the rich girl gimmick there but she is a babyface here; she is much smaller than these three male opponents. Tutu looks a bit like Bronson Reed but not as round, and I’ve seen him a few times, too. If I have seen Cain or Marston… well they didn’t stick with me. Cain is really thin and looks raggedy with a flannel shirt tied around his waist; think a blond Raven. Marston has short black hair. Cain hit an enzuigiri on Tutu. Belmont dove through the ropes onto two guys, then Cain dove over the ropes onto two guys at 2:00.

Tutu hit a second-rope superplex on Marston while the others were on the floor. Aminah hit a frog splash on one guy while Cain hit a Swanton Bomb on the other, and suddenly all four were down at 5:00. Tutu hit a rolling cannonball in the corner on Marston, then a uranage for a nearfall. Aminah hit a stunner move on Tutu. Marston threw Cain snake-eyes on the top turnbuckle, then hit a Mafia Kick for the pin. Good action; these four all clearly know each other.

Laynie Luck spoke backstage about an upcoming women’s tournament! She said she’s not taking it lightly.

Blair Onyx (again, think Jessica Havok but smaller) and she also spoke about the women’s tournament. She said she’s on top of her game and she’s ready to win it.

2. “Warhorse” Jake Parnell defeated Alex Shelley via DQ to retain the Crown of Glory Title at 19:48. I’m glad I don’t read spoilers; I didn’t even know this match was happening! A nice pop for Shelley, who came out first. They circled each other and eventually locked up as we had a feeling-out process. Shelley immediately tied up the left arm. He backed Parnell into the corner and hit a series of punches, and Warhorse rolled to the floor to regroup at 3:00. In the ring, Shelley hit a Dragonscrew Legwhip, and he applied a Figure Four at 5:30. They brawled to the floor, with Shelley still in charge. Parnell began whipping Shelley into the guardrails at 10:00.

Shelley rolled back into the ring, but Jake stomped on him and kept him grounded, and he applied a Fujiwara Armbar. Parnell hit a backbreaker over his knee at 11:30. Shelley went back to work on Jake’s knee, slamming it across Alex’s own leg. Shelley nailed a flying forearm at 14:00 and was fired up. Jake hit a short-arm clothesline for a nearfall. Shelley hit a Flatliner into the second turnbuckle. Shelley applied a Border City Stretch. They got up and traded forearm strikes while holding onto each other’s left wrist. Alex set up for Shellshock, but Parnell avoided it and applied a sleeper on the mat, but Alex reached the ropes at 18:00.

Jake grabbed his belt but the ref blocked him from using it! Shelley accidentally splashed the ref in the corner. Jake hit a low blow uppercut and got a believable nearfall! A second ref jumped in the ring. Parnell again got the title belt, but Shelley avoided it, and Alex hit a DDT onto the belt! Shelley got a nearfall, but he rolled Jake over, applied the Border City Stretch, and Parnell tapped out! New champion! I did NOT see that coming, especially as everyone is expecting Shelley to sign with WWE. BUT WAIT! The ‘original’ ref got up and disqualified Shelley for hitting him on that splash in the corner, so Parnell retained.

* Parnell continued to attack Shelley, so Kody Lane and Dan the Dad ran in for the save. Kody swung the title belt at Jake, but he accidentally struck Dan! Parnell scampered to the back with his belt. Can Dan trust Kody??? A very good way to end the show.

Final Thoughts: A very good main event. We’ve all seen this ‘Dusty Finish’ before, with someone celebrating with the title, only for the ref to then disqualify them. It was a very good match. Shelley is so good, so fluid, he’s going to have a good match with anyone, whether they’ve worked together in the past or not. The opener was decent action and like I said, those four probably all traveled together from Chicago and had a ‘game plan’ for their match, and it showed. A very good show all around. I liked the backstage segments, too. After putting the hot, outdoor taping from June in the rearview mirror, I feel like these recent episodes have the promotion back on track.


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