Glory Pro Wrestling “Ascend” episode 41 results: Vetter’s review of Moses vs. Zeeko, and ATM vs. Rahim De La Suede

By Chris Vetter, Contributor (@chrisvetter73)

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Glory Pro Wrestling “Ascend” (Episode 41)
Premiered June 23, 2024 via
Taped May 25, 2024 in St. Louis, Missouri at South Broadway Athletic Club

Reed Duthie is back on solo commentary. Lighting is good and the crowd is perhaps 150-200.

1. ATM defeated Rahim De La Suede (w/Cinko) via DQ at 5:15. Rahim wore his long, fluffy jacket to the ring and was really channeling a Velveteen Dream look and vibe today. ATM wore white-and-black pants. These two are roughly the same size; Rahim is a bit thinner. Rahim attacked from behind to open. He hit a bodyslam at 4:00 and jawed at the fans and played with his hair. ATM fired back with flying forearms and a backbreaker over his knee and a Falcon Arrow for a nearfall. Mason St. Goods ran into the ring and attacked ATM, causing a DQ. Jabari King ran in to make the save. We are going to restart as a tag match.

2. ATM and Jabari King defeated Rahim De La Suede and Mason St. Goods (w/Cinko) at 6:19. Jabari is the big guy somewhat comparable to WWE’s Odyssey Jones. The heels worked over ATM in their corner. Jabari got a hot tag and hit some running Stinger Splashes on each corner. Mason hit a blow to the back of Odyssey’s head for a nearfall at 4:30. Mason collapsed and sold a knee injury and he was helped from the ring by Cinko. Jabari nailed Rahim with a blow to the face and a piledriver for the pin. Solid match. Duthie wondered if we just saw the birth of a dangerous new tag team.

3. Zeeko defeated Moses at 9:44. Again, Zeeko is formerly known as Karam, and he’s a big, muscular man. A feeling-out process early on. Moses hit a dive to the floor at 3:00; he went for another but Zeeko caught him, and they brawled at ringside. Zeeko kept Moses grounded in the ring. Moses hit an enzuigiri at 8:00. Zeeko hit a fisherman’s suplex for a nearfall. Moses hit a tornado DDT. Rahit Raju appeared at ringside and distracted Moses. It allowed Zeeko to hit a spinebuster for the pin.

Final Thoughts: A merely okay episode. Nothing bad but nothing that really excited me either, and it didn’t help that we had the same type of interference in each match. A second straight week of a short episode, with this one clocking in at a mere 34 minutes. I’ve said it before, but this would have been a great week to pad the show with some video packages of ongoing feuds, or insert some fresh backstage interviews. Glory Pro needs to keep us more updated on what the top stars are doing on the weeks when they do NOT have a match. More so than typical, this is an episode that viewers can skip.


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