Glory Pro Wrestling “Ascend” episode 22 results: Vetter’s review of Jake Something vs. Warhorse in a Three Stages of Hell match for the Crown of Glory Championship

By Chris Vetter, Contributor (@chrisvetter73)

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Glory Pro Wrestling “Ascend” (episode 22)
Premiered February 4, 2024 via
Taped December 30, 2023 in St. Louis, Missouri at Delmar Hall

The lights are low so it’s hard to see the fans. Reed Duffy provided solo commentary.

1. Warhorse defeated Jake Something in a Three Stages of Hell match to win the Crown of Glory Heavyweight Title at 29:13. Warhorse has his paint and red-and-yellow gear here. Jake came out second, wearing the Crown of Glory title. The ring announcer said there is a 30-minute time limit. The first fall is a regular match, the second fall is a tables match, and the third fall is a dog collar match. Jake hit some clotheslines early and they traded slaps to the face. Warhorse hit some headbutts at 2:30. They brawled to the floor and it’s far too dark to see from one of the cameras. Warhorse hit a baseball slide dropkick, then an Exploder Suplex in the ring for a nearfall. Jake hit a spear into the corner at 5:30.

They hit simultaneous clotheslines and were both down. They got up and traded punches. Warhorse hit a German Suplex. Jake hit Warhorse in the head with the title belt and the ref disqualified Jake Something at 8:01! Warhorse takes a 1-0 lead! Reed noted that the second fall is no-DQ. The match continued and they brawled out of the ring and up onto a stage. They teased putting each other through a table. Warhorse put the table in the corner of the ring. Jake set up for a powerbomb but Warhorse escaped. They hit clotheslines and were both down at 13:00. They fought on the ropes in the corner and they teased Warhorse getting a powerbomb but Jake blocked it.

Jake blocked a Frankensteiner. Jake hit a superplex through the table at 18:44 to tie it at 1-1. (There is a 30-second commercial while the dog collars are applied.) Warhorse yanked the chain up through Jake’s legs to his groin at 22:00, and he hit a clothesline and a powerslam. Jake pulled on the chain to yank Warhorse off the top rope to the mat. Jake then hit a powerbomb for  a nearfall. We have a 25-minute call (my stopwatch is at 24:30 but I did zip through a commercial.) Warhorse hit a top-rope elbow drop for a nearfall. Jake hit a low blow uppercut but this is now no-DQ. Jake hit a Black Hole Slam for a nearfall.

Jake hit a powerbomb for a nearfall at 26:00. Warhorse dove through the ropes onto Jake and they were both down on the floor. They got back in the ring and the crowd chanted “Fight forever” even though we were told three minutes left in the time limit. Warhorse hit a headbutt as they fought on the top rope, and Jake fell backward to the mat. Warhorse hit a top-rope elbow drop for a nearfall at 28:00. He went for the Sharpshooter as we’re told we’re at one minute remaining. Jake tried to hold on, but he tapped out! New champion! That was a great tease, as I fully expected Jake to hold on and force a time-limit draw. Several wrestlers from the back came onto the stage, then entered the ring to hug Warhorse and celebrate with him. Warhorse and Jake shook hands, and Jake left.

* Warhorse got on the mic and said it feels good to win the title. He said no one else can do what he does. He loves each and every one of the fans. He talked about a match he has scheduled the next day where his career is on the line. (Of course, that is more than a month ago now.) He said he doesn’t know what his future is, so he’s leaving the Crown of Glory title in the ring in case he doesn’t win.

Final Thoughts: A good one-match show, and I truly didn’t expect Warhorse to win the title. From a production standpoint, I would have liked the lights on or figure out how to improve lighting. The episode clocks in at 43 minutes.


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