Glory Pro Wrestling “Ascend” episode 14 results: Vetter’s review of Laynie Luck vs. Maggie Lee, Jay Marston and Shain Boucher vs. SK Bishop and Campbell Myers, Dak Draper vs. Kenny Alfonso

By Chris Vetter, Contributor (@chrisvetter73)

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Glory Pro Wrestling “Ascend” (episode 14)
Premiered December 11, 2023 via
Taped October 25, 2023 in Collinsville, Illinois at The Gateway Center

It appears this weekly show is moving from being released on Thursdays to Mondays. Reed Duffy provided solo commentary.

1. Dak Draper defeated Kenny Alfonso at 12:43. Dak, the former ROH standout, is much taller than Alfonso (think Kofi Kingston.) Dak is wearing a button-down shirt and blue jeans tonight, with ugly red knee pads over his pants. (Seriously… did he forget his gear?) Dak hit a swinging back suplex at 2:30 and was in charge early on. They brawled to the floor and traded chops, and Dak powerbombed Alfonso onto the ring apron, and he was in charge in the ring. Dak hit a springboard back elbow at 8:00 and paused to celebrate. He choked Kenny and kept the ref out of position from seeing it. Kenny fired up and hit a series of forearms, then a huracanrana, then a flip dive to the floor on Dak at 10:00.

Back in the ring, Kenny hit a Lungblower for a nearfall. He got a sunset flip for a nearfall. Dak got Kenny on his shoulders, but Alfonso fought free. Draper put him on the shoulders again, but Kenny choked him to break free. Kenny set up for a Lethal Injection, but Dak hit a low blow punt kick! Dak put Kenny on his shoulders and slammed him to the mat for the cheap pin.

* A video recap of Calvin Tankman defeating Camaro Jackson to win the Crown of Glory Title on June 24. A very good segment.

2. “The Premier” SK Bishop and Campbell Myers defeated Jay Marston and Shain Boucher at 5:48. I don’t think I’ve seen these four before.  The premier are taller and wore identical blue-ish/purple trunks and they worked over the smaller team. One of the Premier hit a Lungblower, and his partner dropped the opponent over his knees, for the pin. Basic; not bad, but they didnt’ do much either.

* We have the announcement that next week will feature the rematch between Crown of Glory champion Calvin Tankman and No. 1 contender (and former champion) Camaro Jackson. This is what has been missing from recent Ascend episodes — a preview to get fans to tune in next week.

3. Laynie Luck defeated Maggie Lee at 8:38. I just watched both of these two compete on shows in the Chicago area. Laynie is a babyface here, Maggie is the redhead with long curly hair, somewhat like WWE’s Isla Dawn. Laynie tied up Maggie on the mat, applying an STF. Maggie mounted her and hit a series of punches at 5:00. Laynie hit a spinebuster, but Maggie blocked a German Suplex. Moments later, Laynie hit the German Suplex for a believable nearfall at 6:30. Maggie hit a top-rope Spanish Fly for a believable nearfall. “I can’t believe Laynie kicked out of that!” Reed Duffy exclaimed. Laynie put Lee in a Torture Rack and dropped to her knees. She then hit a Death Valley Driver for the pin. That was a really good match.

* Dak Draper hopped in the ring, grabbed Laynie by her hair, put her on his shoulders, and slammed her to the mat! “This is despicable!” Duffy shouted. Duffy wondered who “paid off” Dak for him to attack her like that, as the show concluded.

Final Thoughts: In retrospect, I like how the first and third match were tied together, with Dak hitting his finisher against first Kenny Alfonso, then hitting it on Laynie Luck. Dak is so big, he really needs to be a heel. The women had a strong main event for the time given. The middle match was just there, neither good nor bad. It went too quick for me to really figure out who was who, and unfortunately, no one really stood out. As noted above, I am glad we have the preview of next week’s title match to hook fans and get them to tune in.


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