Glory Pro Wrestling “Ascend” episode 13 results: Vetter’s review of Ethan Price and Moses the Deliverer vs. Mike Outlaw and Rahim De La Suede, Shazza McKenzie vs. Blair Onyx, Jake Something vs. Marcus Muncherson

By Chris Vetter, Contributor (@chrisvetter73)

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Glory Pro Wrestling “Ascend” (episode 13)
Premiered December 3, 2023 via
Taped October 25, 2023 in Collinsville, Illinois at The Gateway Center

This show was released four days late; I was starting to assume they were skipping a week, presuming that they didn’t produce one Thanksgiving week.

* Jake Something came to the ring and said he’s a man of his word. He demanded a shot at the Crown of Glory title, and the crowd jeered him.

1. Jake Something defeated “Big Munch” Marcus Muncherson at 5:00. Again, Munch is a big Black man, similar in size to Keith Lee. Jake attacked as Munch entered the ring. Muncherson hit a bodyslam at 3:00 and a hard clothesline, and he was fired up. However, he missed a Vader Bomb. Jake hit a standing powerbomb for the pin. Decent, short match.

2. Shazza McKenzie defeated Blair Onyx at 6:52. Blair has the overall size advantage; she’s a spooky character and a smaller Jessicka Havok. Mat reversals to open, with Blair hitting some deep armdrags. Blair hit a Flatliner for a nearfall at 5:00. Shazza fired back with a running knee to the face in the corner for a nearfall. Blair hit a chokeslam for a believable nearfall. Shazza nailed the Splits Stunner for the pin. Good match.

3. Mike Outlaw and Rahim De La Suede defeated Moses the Deliverer and Ethan Price to retain the Glory Pro Tag Titles at 12:24. Price and Moses had some issues but they have apparently put them in the past and reunited. Outlaw is a bigger Cedric Alexander, while Rahim reminds me of a young R-Truth. All four brawled at the bell, and the heels went to the floor to regroup, so Price and Moses followed them. Lighting on the floor is awful. Back in the ring, Moses hit a release German Suplex, so teammate Ethan also hit a German Suplex. It appeared Moses was going to make a pin at 3:00, but the ref got pulled from the ring by Outlaw’s faction partners, so the ref threw them out.

Outlaw hit Moses in the back with a chair. The heels worked over Moses in their corner. Outlaw hit a back suplex for a nearfall at 5:30. Price finally made the hot tag at 7:30 and he cleared the ring. He hit a top-rope crossbody block on Rahim for a nearfall. Outlaw hit a backbreaker over his knee on Price. Price hit a double suplex at 10:00, then a spinebuster. The ref got bumped! Moses hit a TKO stunner and suddenly everyone was down. Rahim got a chair and he hit Moses with it. Price took the chair; the ref awoke and saw him with it. Outlaw also hit Price with a chair to the back. Rahim immediately hit a Flatliner faceplant for the pin. Solid match.

* Moses got on the mic and he said they want another title shot. Price grabbed the mic and said they should have a TLC match on Dec. 17 against them and PME in a three-way tag.

Final Thoughts: These are solid wrestling shows. It clocked in at 42 minutes. Reed Duffy does a decent job on commentary, and I feel the episodes flow well from week to week. My usual complaint that lighting must improve, and I miss that they don’t advertise next week’s shows in advance, as they did that with the first batch of tapings. But, this is a decent free hour of TV.


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