NXT TV results (3/5): Moore’s review of NXT Roadblock with Carmelo Hayes vs. Tony D’Angelo for a shot at the NXT Title, Kabuki Warriors vs. Lyra Valkyria and Tatum Paxley for the WWE Women’s Tag Titles

By John Moore, ProWrestling.net Staffer (@liljohnm)

Orlando, Florida at the WWE Performance Center
Aired live March 5, 2024 on USA Network

[Hour One] The show started with a cinematic intro by Lexis King (Brian Pillman Jr) to introduce the Roadblock themed episode. Lexis was driving a stylish car and running down the show. Clips were shown to hype the upcoming card…

John’s Thoughts: Lexis King actually comes off better and more “cool” in these pre-tapes than he does live and at the Performance Center. Hopefully he can find a way to bring that energy and charisma to his live performances.

Vic Joseph and Booker T were on commentary. Alicia Taylor was the ring announcer…

There was a steel cage set up in the ring. There were random “weapons” hanging in and on top of the ring (ah, so this is another PG version of TNA’s Lethal Lockdown match). Vic Joseph noted that all the matches on this week’s show will be uninterrupted…

Entrances for the opening match took place. For some reason, the cameraperson turns the camera upside down during Gacy’s entrance (ugh. It’s a little motion sickening)…

John’s Thoughts: LOL… Two unintentional TNA references in one match. Heck, Dijak’s past BDSM cinematics might make him into “TNA”, I kid, I kid. TNA used to hold Asylum matches in Nashville, and those were moreso their version of the Elimination Chamber with a jungle gym cage. This in NXT is closer to TNA’s Lethal Lockdown matches where it’s a cage match with weapons.

1. Dijak vs. Joe Gacy in an “Asylum” match. Gacy missed spraying Dijak early on with a fire extinguisher. Dijak then threw Gacy around. Gacy recovered and tossed around Dijak against the cage. Gacy teased opening a “do not open” wooden box, but then decided to continue to tease the crowd. Dijak yelled “What’s in the BOXXXX!!!” (a reference to the Brad Pitt line from the movie Seven). Dijak opened up the box and a goofy boxing glove punched him. This allowed Joe Gacy to take control heading into the picture-in-picture commercial.[c]

Dijak climbed all the way to the top of the cage. That tall ass man hit a top of the cage moonsault. Vic Joseph called it that damnest moonsault he’s ever seen. Dijak only got a two count off that (ugh). A “That was awesome” chant enused (and that it was). Dijak put Gacy in a straitjacket. Gacy fought back to keep his hands from getting tied. Dijak set up a door in the corner, which drew an oddly loud amount of cheers. Gacy gave Dijak a saito suplex.

Gacy revealed a table with an x eyed smiley face on it. This allowed Dijak to recover and swing a chair into Gacy’s gut. Dijak managed to get Gacy’s arms tied in the jacket and placed him on the top rope. Dijak went for a superplex into the table, but Gacy managed to hold on to the top rope and use a headbutt to send Dijak through the table. Gacy hit Dijak with a no hands Swanton Bomb for a good nearfall. Dijak recovered and hit Gacy with a follow through clothesline.

Dijak ripped open some cuttape and wrapped it around Gacy’s eyes and nose. Dijak then hit Gacy in the back with a kendo stick. Gacy did a mule kick to Dijak’s balls. Gacy hit Dijak with a spinning Uranage while blind for a nearfall. Dijak no sold some kendo stick shots and tossed Gacy through the door. Gacy kicked out for a good nearfall. A “This is Crazy” chant ensued. Dijak hit Gacy with Feast Your Eyes. Gacy no sold it and ran at Dijak. Dijak hit Gacy with a 2nd Feast Your Eyes for the pinfall win.

Dijak defeated Joe Gacy via pinfall in 12:46. 

John’s Thoughts: I walked into reviewing this match wanting to hate it, and yes the story was Nick Jr. worth awful; but both men worked hard here for a strong indie no-sell hardcore match, in a good match. I wasn’t a big fan of Gacy kicking out of Dijak’s top of the cage moonsault, but we were in for no selling from both men to balance things out while escalating the entertainment of the match. WWE doesn’t overdo this style so it works for these to pop up every once in a while. I kinda hope Dijak gets more protected moving forward as he looked good here and was the fan favorite with his fun spots. He even had the comedy spot of the match with the Brad Pitt box line. Gacy meanwhile is cold as ice. He’s just a Nick Jr. version of Mankind.

Adriana Rizzo and Channing Lorenzo were psyching up Tony D’Angelo for his number one contender’s match. Stacks brought in the NXT Lawyer wrestler, Luca Crucifino, to meet with Tony D. Tony said he needs a consigliere. Luca accepted the role and was accepted into the D’Angelo Family…

Fallon Henley was chatting with Riley Osborne. Fallon thanked Riley for talking to Thea recently. Riley said he just thought Thea was a better person before dating her. Fallon noted that Thea just got bad advice and was just playing hard to get. Blair Davenport cut in and talked trash to Fallon. Blair also noted that Thea is not even Riley’s type. Henley talked trash back before Blair left. Riley said he has to walk away to help Duke and Andre for their upcoming match…

The Wolf Dogs, Baron Corbin and Bron Breakker, made their entrance. Baron Corbin wore Bron’s hoodie and furry mask to the ring to show solidarity…[c]

John’s Thoughts: I kinda want to see Riley Osborne turn heel if it means he gets shot up the card. Only reason I had the thought is Blair made the reference to Riley’s “type” and in real life Blair Davenport announced a few months ago that Riley proposed to Blair and she said yes. HBK does like his line blurring stories.

Tatum Paxley told Lyra Valkyria backstage that after their upcoming match, they’ll be “more than friends”; they’ll be tag team champions. Lyra said that they need to keep their relationship professional. Tatum said she’ll do anything to become a champion later. She then said she’s going to reach into darkness and rip out their opponents souls until they are begging for agony. Lyra wondered if she’s doing that for Lyra or the titles? Tatum said “does it matter?” before leaving…

Chase University made their entrance. Alicia Taylor handled the formal in ring championship match introductions…

2. “The Wolf Dogs” Baron Corbin and Bron Breakker vs. “Chase University” Andre Chase and Duke Hudson (w/Thea Hail, Jacy Jayne, Jasmyn Nyx, Riley Osborne) for the NXT Tag Team Championships. Chase got a two count off an early small package. Corbin came back with a reverse chokeslam. Breakker tagged in and hit a high low German Suplex with Corbin on Chase. Breakker did a kip up. Bron put Chase in a military press. Chase escaped and ate a back elbow. Bron revved up and hit Chase with a high speed shoulder tackle. Corbin tagged in and tossed Chase into Breakker’s gutbuster. Hudson broke up Corbin’s pin.

Hudson dumped Breakker and Corbin to ringside. Chase fired up after a few PK’s on both opponents. Chase hit both opponents with a cannonball from the apron heading into the picture-in-picture.[c]

Breakker hit Chase with an athletic Frankensteiner during the picture-in-picture (uncle scotty would be proud). Breakker hit Chase with a sweet looking Back Suplex flip Cutter for a two count. Chase dumped Breakker to ringside and tossed Corbin into the ringpost to get a window of opportunity. Bron tagged in and Duke Hudson got the hot tag. Hudson took down Breakker with a Big Boot. Hudson hit both Breaker and Corbin with Chase U Bionic Elbows.

Hudson hit Breakker with a Bossman Slam and hit the tagged in Corbin with a Sidewalk Slam for a nearfall. Hudson hit Corbin with a Slingshot German Suplex. Chase tagged in. Hudson put Corbin in a Gory Special. Chase hit Corbin with a Blockbuster out of the Special. Breakker broke up Chase’s pin. Chase dumped Breakker to ringside with a knee. Corbin hit Chase with a hip toss into the turnbuckle. Hudson and Hundson traded strikes. Breakker took out Hudson over the table wit a diving clothesline over the table. Chase tossed Breakker in to the steel steps and hit Corbin with a gamengiri.

Chase hit Corbin with a High Fly Flow for a good nearfall. Chase and Corbin treaded forearms. Chase caught Corbin with a superkick. Breakker tagged in. Corbin stumbled, but hit hit End of Days into Chase, which set Chase up for Breakker’s spear to give Breakker the pinfall win.

The Wolf Dogs defeated Chase University via pinfall in 11:18 to reatain the NXT Tag Team Chamionships. 

Thea Hail randomly threw a fit and stormed to the back…

Carmelo Hayes was backstage surrounded buy a buncha black dudes in T-shirts, ski masks, and tactical vests. Kelly Kincaid interviewed Melo. Melo talked about how Tony D had security bribed last week, which is why this week he has his own hand picked and hired security. Melo then talked about being the biggest star in NXT and how he’s going to make history this year by making it back to Stand and Deliver, because “I am Him”…

Shawn Spears (f.k.a. Tye Dillinger/Gavin Spears/Stan from Catering) was shown walking in the hallways backstage…[c]

John’s Thoughts: Great tag team match with two well meshed teams. Andre Chase is one of the most underrated bell-to-bell wrestlers in NXT who can manage to walk up the crowd with good selling and hope spots. Duke Hudson has become a very strong hot tag machine. The Wolf Dogs, meanwhile, are a fun accident to happen, in that nobody expected them to be such a fun and organic tag team. Their psychology is nice and they’ve managed to come up with good tandem moves. In terms of singles moves, Breakker has been pulling out that sweet looking back suplex cutter recently. That should be a finisher if sold right because it looks sweet!

“Truth will ultimately prevail, but it is pain that will bring it to light” were words shown on the entrance walls while canned Shaws Spears audio was narrating it. Shawn Spears made a dark and ominous entrance. Uriah Connors was “already in the ring”…

3. Shawn Spears vs. Uriah Connors. Spears pressed Connors into the corner and whispered something in his hears. Connors came at Spears with strikes. Spears came back with s knife chop and some side clinch knees Spears hit Uriah with a running Death Valley Driver. Spears did a slow and methodical crawl over

Shawn Spears defeated Uriah Connors via pinfall in 1:12. 

Spears took a mic with the lights off and a spotlight on him. He said it takes a certain type of man to hold a mirror to humanity. He said most won’t like what you see. He then talked about how people are hypocrites. He then called out Ridge Holland. Spears talked about how Holland always brings up fighting for family. Spears said that sounds like a moral success, but he doesn’t believe him. Spears talked about how the darkness catches up to us.

Spears said when he holds a mirror to his face, he doesn’t ashamed of what he sees. Spears said Holland can’t say the same. Spears said it’s time for Holland to be a man. Holland made his entrance with Spears daring him to hurt him. Holland took down Spears and beat down Spears to boos. Spears tossed Holland a chair and told Holland to “embrace it” and hit him. Referees ran in and got in between Ridge and Spears. Holland backtracked up the ramp with Spears smirking in the ring…

Josh Briggs met up with Brooks Jensen backstage and asked him if he was sure he has to face Oba Femi. Jensen said he’s just taking Briggs’s advice to grow some balls. Briggs said he’s not sure if Jensen is ready. Jensen said he needs to step up and become NXT Champion. Briggs wished Jensen luck as Jensen walked off. Dijak walked over and told Briggs that while he calls him a brother, he’s lying to his face. Dijak said Jensen is a dead man and Briggs knows it…

Vic hyped up the upcoming women’s tag team title match…[c]

John’s Thoughts: Uhmmmm? Not 100% sure how to take this. In-ring, Spears actually did a great job getting across his new dark and ominous personality. That’s never been a problem with him because his in-ring has always been miles ahead of his personality. Where he loses me is when he grabs a mic and starts acting like he’s in a Shakespearian local townhouse play. It’s borderline bad-Scrypts (the bucket head scrypts), but at least he doesn’t have a bucket on his head. The fans are also chanting “10”, which makes this reek old Lord Tensai vibes (Bray Wyatt managed to shake off the Husky Harris chants with good work). He did show spurts of good character work in AEW, so I hope with get him acting more real, instead of what he did tonight, where he even stumbled on his rehearsed lines. On top of that, Holland is the babyface, but he’s annoying as hell with his “sad” character.

Kelly Kincaid interviewed Ilja Dragunov about how things took an unexpected turn last week with Tony D’Angelo getting involved in his feud with Melo. Ilja said as champion you can’t be surprised by anything. He said he likes Tony D’s vision, but they see the vision differently. He said he also likes to see Melo squirm and try to earn a title shot. Stacks and Luca Crucifino showed up and talked about how Tony D is going to be the man going to meet Ilja as Stand and Deliver. Ilja told Kelly he can’t wait until that match…

[Hour Two] Lyra Valkyria and Tatum Paxley did Lyra’s usual fog machine entrance. The Kabuki Warriors were out next. Alicia Taylor handled the formal in ring championship introductions. Vic noted that this match is actually Lyra and Tatum’s 2nd match as a team…

4. “The Kabuki Warriors” Asuka and Kairi Sane vs. Lyra Valkyria and Tatum Paxley for the WWE Women’s Tag Team Championships. The match started with a collar and elbow chain wrestling sequence between Lyra and Asuka. Lyra used a neck bridge to block a Test of Strength advantage. Lyra got at wo count off a crucifix rollup. Asuka ducked a crescent kick. Sane tagged in to Kairi Chants. Paxley tagged in and did a creepy crawl. Kairi and Tatum both circled the ring crawling. Kairi jabbed Tatum in the gut. Tatum avoided a duck.

Kairi slapped her ass and did a taunt to mock Tatum’s creepy crab walk. Tatum and Kairi traded strong style right hands in the center of the ring. Kairi hit Tatum with a huracanrana to send her to ringside. Kairi attacked Lyra which distracted the ref enough for Asuka to hit Tatum with a cheap shot kick. Asuka tagged in and yelled at Tatum. Asuka took a kick to the gut and rapid head hicks. Kairi tagged in and hit Tatum with an axe kick. Asuka hit Tatum with a bulldog and Kairi hit Tatum with a dropkick.

A picture-in-picture showed Thea Hail being pulled apart from Kiana James and Izzi Dame (I think?). Tatum gave Kairi kicks in the corner Lyra tagged in and calmed Tatum down to not get DQ’d Lyra put Kairi in a Guillotine and tagged back in Tatum. Tatum and Lyra did a hip toss into a cartwheel on Kairi. Lyra and Tatum used Dropkicks to dump The Kabuki Warriors to ringside. Lyra and Tatum hit both opponents with stereo wrecking ball dropkicks heading into picture-in-picture.[c]

Back from break, Asuka had Tatum in an ankle lock. Tatum escaped, but Kairi tagged in and knocked Lyra off the apron to prevent the hot tag. Kairi put Tatum in an ankle lock. Kairi ducked an enzuiguri. Tatum tagged in Lyra who hit Kairi with a dive kick. Lyra hit both opponents with a crossbody. Lyra and Asuka kept a lwo base to block a suplex. Lyra hit Asuka with a DDT. Tatum hit Asuka with a modified Olympic Slam. Lyra hit Kairi with a Fisherman Buster for a two count. Asuka hit Lyra with a Codebreaker. Kairi hit Lyra with a Fold.

The Kabuki Warriors hit Lyra with stereo basement kicks to give Asuka a two count. Tatum dumped Kariri to ringside. Askuka hit Lyra with a knee to the head. Lyra got at wo count off a victory roll. Lyra hit Asuka with an enzugiri. Tatum tagged in and put her on her knee. Lyra hit Asuka with a leg drop. Kairi broke up Tatum’s pin. Lyra went for a crescent kick on Kairi and accientaly hit Tatum. Kairi hit Lyra with a backfist to send her to ringside. Asuka kicked Tatum and held her in a Dragon Sleeper for Kairi to hit the InSane Elbow for the victory.

The Kabuki Warriors defeated Tatum Paxley and Lyra Valkyria via pinfall in 13:14 to retain the NXT Tag Team Championships.

Roxanne Perez ran out in street clothes and tossed Tatum Paxley away. Perez then beat up Lyra. Perez stomped on Lyra’s arm with the turnbuckle hook at fulcrum. Lyra writhed in pain. The medics stretchered Lyra out of the ring…[c]

John’s Thoughts: A good tag team match for the third good match on this week’s themed show. Tatum Paxley probably gained a lot of experience here getting to work with two of the top female Japanese wrestlers in the world (who are also two of the hardest hitting). As expect, Tatum takes the pin because the other three women are protected. The post-match showing that they’re moving quickly towards a heel Roxanne Perez vs. Lyra Valkyria at Mania weekend (though, I would have been more excited for a Lyra heel turn in the big picture, mostly because she’s struggled to connect as a babyface character).

Vic Joseph used his somber voice to recap the injury angle before the break. The camera then cut to Lyra Valkyria being put in an ambulance. Ava and Shawn Michaels were also there to check on Lyra before the ambulance drove off…

Fallon Henley made her entrance. Blair Davenport made her entrance…

5. Blair Davenport vs. Fallon Henley. Davenport clocked Henley with a forearm. Henley came back with a back elbow, a baseball slide trip, and a house call kick. Henley hit Blair with her signature slide into a punch for a two count. Blair dragged Henley to the corner and hit her with a double stomp to an elbow draped on the 2nd rope. Blair then worked on Henley with some joint manipulation. Henley kicked out and rallied back with a few strikes to take Blair off her feet. Henley hit Blair with a running facebuster for a nearfall. Henley dumped Blair to ringside with a clotnesline.

Blair blocked Henley and tossed Henley into the steel steps. Henley sidestepped Blair to send Blari’s knee into the steel steps. While Henley distracted the ref, Sol Ruca returned and did a nice cartwheel on the barricade right into the cutter. Henley hit Biair in the ring with a Shining Wizard in the ring for the win.

Fallon Henley defeated Blair Davenport via pinfall in 3:28. 

Vic Joseph hyped up Cody Rhodes and Seth Rollins at upcoming WWE meet and greets…

John’s Thoughts: Good to see Sol Ruca back as she’s coming off one of the many (I assume) dreaded ACL injuries that have plagued the NXT Women’s Roster. She’s just as smooth as ever with that cartwheel into a cutter. She has the size and creativity to be WWE’s female Kofi Kingston if they want to go that route with her (in terms of innovative athleticism). Her feuding with Blair makes sense as they credited a lot of the ACL injuries in kayfabe to Blair being the parking lot attacker.

Jacy Jayne and Jasmyn Nyx were with Andre Chase and Duke Hudson backstage. Jayne berated both of them a bit for losing the title match. Thea Hail stumbled in energetic, noting that she has a tag team match against Kiana James and Izzi Dame next week. Jayne wondered who Hail’s tag partner was. Hail assumed Jayne? Jayne said she can’t because she’s busy next week. Jayne and Nyx walked off (by the way, they only gave Nyx a graphic once in the last four weeks, to the point where I’m not sure how to spell her name)…

The No Quarter Catch Crew were shown in front of the NXT Heritage Cup backstage…[c]

Ava told Gigi Dolin that Ariana Grace doesn’t want to fight Gigi. Ava said that Grace told her she’ll run away if booked in a match. Gigi said she just wants to punch Grace in the face. Grace walked into the office. Ava wondered if she reconsidered having a match. Grace said no and she doesn’t see a point. Gigi said fighting is what they do and Grace needs her ass kicked for what she did last week. Grace said Gigi doesn’t need to be a potty mouth. Grace accepted and said if Gigi loses she’ll teach Gigi how to be a proper lady. Gigi accepted. Grace clapped and walked off…

Kelly Kincaid caught up with Shawn Spears in the parking lot and noted that Holland most likely would want to come after Spears. Spears said he’s counting on it. Spears said rage is Ridge Holland’s best friend and next week he’ll teach Ridge how to embrace it…

The No Quarter Catch Crew were doing their hand pose in the center of the ring. Alicia Taylor introduce Charlie Dempsey as the new NXT Heritage Cup Champion. Drew Gulak said the world now knows what they already saw in Charlie Dempsey that Dempsey is one of the most unique grapplers in all of professional wrestling. Gulak said the Heritage Cup now sits with the No Quarter Catch Crew. Dempsey said he’s had interest in the cup for quite some time. Said the cup aligns with his vision of the pure art of the sport. Dempsey said the cup isn’t his alone.

Dempsey handed the title to Gulak. Damon Kemp then talked about how via the “Catch Clause”, they will all as a group defend the title. Gulak also noted that they will also be inserted in Ava’s new tag team tournament. Suddenly, old familiar music played as former NXT General Manger William Regal made his entrance (The graphic named him “Mr. Regal”). Regal said it was good seeing everyone in NXT again. A “that’s your father” chant ensued for Regal.

Regal said the Heritage Cup means a lot to him because the cup represents competitors from the European scene for generations. Regal said it’s a tribute to those European legends every time the title is defended. Regal said he hopes the No Quarter Catch Crew can defend the cup with integrity that it deserves. Dempsey got in his dad’s face and said he’ll defend the title better than Regal ever could. Regal nodded and said “fe fi fo fum. I’ll be watching”. Regal glared at his son before the end of the segment…

The camera cut to Oro Mensah and Lash Legend looking worried while Noam Dar was in his comatose Weekend at Bernies state. Lash then asked Noam if he was okay. Noam broke out of his short coma and said that the Meta Four are off to bigger and better things…

Tony D’Angelo was shown walking backstage. They then showed Carmelo Hayes walking, surrounded by his ski mask security…[c]

John’s Thoughts: The No Quarter Catch Crew’s part of the promo wasn’t anything to go home about. I hope they don’t regress to what made Drew Gulak boring on the indies (Gulak actually did a better job as the “Catch” wrestler late in his 205 Live run, even after the MS PowerPoint run). What made the segment fun was William Regal returning to NXT to confront his son. Given how good Regal was in his promo segments last time we saw him on TV, when he was doing promos in AEW for the Blackpool Combat Club, it would be a travesty to not utilize Regal at some level on TV to get people over.

Robert Stone was sitting down backstage angrily watching Lexis King cutting a promo about Stone and his kids. Von Wagner walked up and said he’s not done with Lexis King. Stone said this is more than that. Stone said King attacked him and talked bad about his kids. Stone asked Von to step aside to fight Lexis King. Stone said he’s a man, husband, and father, and he has to do this alone. Stone said he was here for Von when no one else was and is asking Von for the favor of doing it alone. Von said “you got it”…

A replay aired of the Perez-Valkyria stretcher angle from earlier. Vic noted that you should be able to get a medical update on WWE’s social media later on…

Ridge Holland vs. Shawn Spears and Oba Femi vs. Brooks Jensen for the NXT North American Championship were advertised for next week…

Tony D’Angelo made his entrance to new more epic sounding entrance music. He also had blood red font and color for his entrance wall. Carmelo Hayes made his entrance with his personal security…

John’s Thoughts: New theme? Main event push? We’ll see…

6. Tony D’Angelo vs. Carmelo Hayes (w/unnamed personal security) for a title shot at the NXT Championship at NXT Stand and Deliver. Melo started with an enzuigiri. D’Angelo got his hands on Melo and backdropped him. Tony gave Melo a few shoulder tackles in opposite corners. Tony D hit Melo with a delayed gutwrench suplex for a two count. Melo got control and mocked the Italian “ehhhh” hand pose. Tony D reversed Melo and hit him with his signature hockey punches.

Tony D put Melo on the apron and knocked him off the apron. Melo’s personal security caught Melo and softened his fall. Melo praised his personal security and pat them on the back heading into picture-in-picture.[c]

Back from the break, Melo had Tony D locked in a Fujiwara Armbar. A picture in picture showed that Melo gave a codebreaker to Tony D’s arm to get the advantage. Tony D tried to hockey punch back, but Melo kept control of the injured elbow. Tony made it to his feet and shrugged Melo off by slamming Melo into the buckle. Both men traded right hands. Tony floored Melo to gain a bit of momentum. Melo came back with a PK to the injured elbow.

[Overrun] Tony D fired himself up and hit Melo with a few belly to belly suplexes and a spinebuster. Tony D hit Melo with a modified Black Hole Slam for a two count. Melo blocked a Fisherman Suplex and continued to work at Tony D’s injured arm. Tony D went for a suplex, but Melo lowered his weight. Melo hit Tony D with a Final Cut for a nearfall. Melo quickly put Tony D into an armbar right after the kickout.

Tony D used a rollup to break the submission. Tony D punched Melo off the top rope (not sure what move any man was going for) to give Tony a two count. Melo went back at the injured elbow of Tony and hit him with a Codebreaker for a nearfall. Melo went up for Nothin’ but Net, but all of a Sudden Trick William’s entrance theme played. Vic asked “is he here” as Melo and security started at the ramp. Tony D took advantage of the distraction by hitting Melo with a Uranage. Tony D hit Melo with a Fisherman Buster for the victory.

Tony D’Angelo defeated Carmelo Hayes via pinfall in 10:34 to earn a NXT Championship Title Shot at NXT Stand and Deliver.

A replay aired of the distraction finish that gave Tony D the win. Tony D took a mic and said he apologized for the stunt he just pulled and he has a present to make it up to Melo. Trick’s theme then played. Trick entered from the crowd and dropped Melo with hands. Trick cleared the personal security from the ring. Melo teased going after Trick but jumped out of the ring when Trick saw him coming. Trick Williams closed the show looking extra hype while the crowd chanted “Whoop Dat Trick” and Melo was held back by his personal guards…

John’s Thoughts: Yes a distraction finish which we get a ton of in pro wrestling, but this was a babyface comeuppance distraction that made sense after all the storyline stuff Melo has been pulling for months.  While nothing to epic, I like seeing Tony D back in the singles division with a renewed push. The guy’s great on the mic and character stuff, but he was really doing great work in the ring before his injury layoff. Then he gets back and I felt he was limited being stuck in the tag team with Stacks. Happy to see him getting pushed again as the singles division needs him.

It could just be a regular match, but I’m looking forward to Ilja vs. Tony D at Stand and Deliver. The Trick vs. Melo match will have the emotional investment, but I’m very intrigued to see Tony D’s biggest singles match in a real NBA sized arena crowd. Tony D’s best matches were those stiff matches against Pete Dunne, and Ilja can more than deliver on the stiffness. Again, may be a average match, but there’s the potential for greatness given how quickly Tony D acclimated to the in ring (he does have amateur wrestling background, and that usually helps). One of the best episodes of NXT in weeks, but NXT always has it in them. This week, they toned it down with all of the random unnamed women all over the place being pushed on TV just because NXT has the (good) problem of too many talented women in their training pipeline. Here’s hoping the road to Stand and Deliver is smooth.


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