By Jason Powell, Editor (@prowrestlingnet)
You can sign up for both pools at Just click on the “join a group” option and use the information listed below.
The first pool is a straight up “Pick ‘Em” contest where you simply pick the winners of the weekly games.
League ID: 24288
Password: pwboom
The second pool requires players to make picks against the point spread.
League ID: 24303
Password: pwboom2
Powell’s POV: Both pools run through the NFL Playoffs. The grand prize is a one-year membership (or one-year membership extension for existing members). Second place is a six-month membership, and third place is a three-month membership. If the league is cancelled before Week 10, then no prizes will be awarded. If the season goes through ten weeks and is cancelled, then we will recognize the leaders as the winners.
You are welcome to play in both leagues, but we will not pay the same winner twice. In other words, if you win both leagues, you will not score a two-year membership. Rather, you will win a one-year prize and then be passed over for the next non-winner (in the non-spread league). There will be tiebreakers used so that only one winner is crowned in each pool and I don’t end up giving out free memberships or extensions to 200 people. Good luck!
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