Johnny Gargano on whether his NXT TV match with Tommaso Ciampa will be similar to the Boneyard Match or the Firefly Funhouse match from WrestleMania 36, showing off a new side of his character

By Jason Powell, Editor (@prowrestlingnet)

Pro Wrestling Sheet interview with Johnny Gargano
Interview conducted by Ryan Satin
Interview available at

Gargano on the “Blackheart vs. Rebel Heart: One Final Beat” match against Tommaso Ciampa that airs on tonight’s NXT television show: “It is not like the Boneyard match. It is not like the Firefly Fun House match. There’s obviously certain elements that can be implemented from both, but this thing lives on its own. It’s its own monster. It is incredibly unique. It is incredibly special. But one thing I will say about it, is it is incredibly physical. It will be physical. When you have me and Tommaso, we are physical. I promise you, everything does hurt way more when there’s no people around too. I promise you guys that! No audience keeping you going. But everything you see is gritty. It’s dirty. It’s real. It’s authentic. And that is what me and Tommaso are all about, that realness. That authenticity and that physicality. So if you’re looking for a physical fight, you’re gonna get a physical fight.”

On being excited to show a new side of his character: “I’m so excited. Because, you gotta think, I’ve done the same thing on NXT since I’ve been there. Since the beginning I have been lovable underdog Johnny Gargano and I have been pigeonholed as this lovable underdog. Everyone says, “Oh, he is the best babyface of a generation! Love this Johnny Gargano that does that!” Guys, I haven’t been an underdog since … I’ve main evented more TakeOvers than anyone. First Triple-Crown champion in NXT history. Kinda hard to be the underdog when you’re the most-decorated man in the company. And, honestly, I’ve been received that way.

“I’m not an underdog anymore. That time is well-gone. So to get a chance to do this new thing, show this new side of my character, to kinda create these new things. Things that I am very excited for. Because you gotta think, I’ve put more thoughts into this than a lot of people. I’ve sat back and I’ve found so many different things. So many new things that I’m excited to do and try out. That’s why this needed to happen. That’s why me and Tommaso needed to happen. It needed to end so we can both move on. The only way that I can move on, the only way I can evolve, the only way I can change is to put Tommaso Ciampa behind me this way.”


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