WWE Raw onsite report: In-person perspective on the Night After WrestleMania

Logo_Raw_dnDot Net reader Nathan Saegi attended Monday’s WWE Raw in Dallas, Texas and sent the following report.

Raw was for mine, disappointing. It really felt like a marathon. One of my friends asked me for the matches (they’re at work back in Australia) and when I wrote them out it felt like a superstars episode. Live was the same. Baron Corbin and Dolph Ziggler lost the crowd to the point we were all cheering and chanting for a beachball.

Raw Highlights

-Sami Zayn’s pop.

-The Fatal 4 Way main event.

-Charlotte’s bragging.

-Chris Jericho seeking heat and nothing else. Jericho is great. He said he wouldn’t let us idiots hijack the show so we chanted ‘we are idiots’. That was pretty funny.

-Enzo Amore and Big Cass woke the crowd up. Cesaro’s return was cool but not shockingly he didn’t win.

Raw Lowlights

-While we popped for Shane McMahon as general manager for the night it made zero sense. None. At all. The matches aside the Fatal 4 Way.

-No knock on the talent, but The Dudleys v The Usos, Miz vs. Zack Ryder, Sasha Banks vs. Summer Rae, Corbin vs. Ziggler, and Tyler Breeze vs. Apollo Crews. Meh. Superstars deluxe.

-No Samoa Joe. No John Cena. No Brock. No Taker.

-WWE continued ignoring of how not over Roman Reigns is. I read in the report what JBL said. What on earth? The whole show was a drag between the bookends.

Jim Ross’s show was much more enjoyable than Raw.


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