WrestleMania 32 Poll: Predict the winner of the ladder match for the Intercontinental Title March 29, 2016 CategoriesREADER POLLS App users, please click here to vote in our poll. WrestleMania 32 Poll: Predict the winner of the ladder match for the Intercontinental Title Kevin Owens retains the Intercontinental Title Sami Zayn wins the Intercontinental Title Dolph Ziggler wins the Intercontinental Title Stardust wins the Intercontinental Title Sin Cara wins the Intercontinental Title The Miz wins the Intercontinental Title Zack Ryder wins the Intercontinental Title pollcode.com free polls Listen to "Pro Wrestling Boom Podcast" on Spreaker. WE VALUE YOUR PRIVACY PRIVACY POLICY INFO HERE Topicsdolph zigglerkevin owenssami zaynsin carastardustthe mizwrestlemaniazack ryder
Powell’s WWE Raw Hit List: Andrade vs. Apollo Crews for the U.S. Title, Edge promo, Nia Jax vs. Charlotte Flair vs. Natalya for a shot at the Raw Women’s Championship, spectator wrestlers, Kevin Owens vs. Angel Garza
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