Powell’s Impact Wrestling Hit List: Rohit Raju vs. TJP for the X Division Title, Karl Anderson vs. Josh Alexander, Chris Sabin vs. Acey Romero, Madison Rayne and Tenille Dashwood vs. Havok and Nevaeh, Chris Bey vs. Eddie Edwards

By Jason Powell, ProWrestling.net Editor (@prowrestlingnet)

Impact Wrestling Hits

Rohit Raju vs. TJP for the Impact X Division: The presentation left something to be desired with this being the second match of the night and the broadcast team talking about Madison Rayne’s tag match early on rather than building this up as a big match. Ultimately, though, it was a well worked match and I was pleased to see Raju keep his title. The stipulation of the match was that TJP is no longer allowed to challenge for the X Division Title due to losing. Will this lead to him working as Suicide or even another character in his quest to win the championship?

Madison Rayne and Tenille Dashwood vs. Havok and Nevaeh: The babyface team of Jordynne Grace and Alisha Edwards failed to win a recent match, and now the heel team of Rayne and Dashwood came up short. It gave Havok and Nevaeh a win heading into the tournament for the Knockouts Tag Titles, while also helping work toward the story of Dashwood and Grace forming an odd couple tag team.

Chris Bey vs. Eddie Edwards: Fun while it lasted. Bey and Edwards worked well together, so it was actually disappointing that the match time was less than five minutes. The match served as a way to get to the angle with Bey, Sami Callihan, and Ken Shamrock forming an alliance. It’s an odd trio and I’m not sure where Eric Young fits in, but I am curious to see how it shakes out.

Impact Wrestling Misses

Turn Your Brain Off Moments: The current Impact regime clearly enjoys including elements of sports entertainment in the product. And while I’ve been more annoyed by the Undead Realm and other nonsense from the past, Impact is going overboard with the number of moments that require viewers to turn their brains off to enjoy the product. The “Who Shot John E Bravo” whodunnit, Sami Callihan teleporting, Su Yung’s supernatural moments, wrestlers fighting over a wad of cash that no one spends, the strange Moose POV camera, and The Rascalz being evicted from a treehouse studio are minor annoyances individually, but they add up and make the show less enjoyable for this viewer.

Karl Anderson vs. Josh Alexander: The match was entertaining until the weak DQ finish. Obviously, they wanted the pull-apart at the end to serve as a hook for the tag title match at Turning Point, but it felt formula and uninspired. The X Division Title match belonged in the main event slot even without a Turning Point connection.

Chris Sabin vs. Acey Romero: The match was fine. The Miss is more about Impact not getting enough out of its super heavyweight tag team. I thought they might be setting up Sabin for a singles run while his tag team partner Alex Shelley is sidelined, but then they set up James Storm as Sabin’s tag partner for Turning Point later in the show.

Reno Scum vs. Fallah Bahh and Crazy Steve: I just didn’t care. Reno Scum loses more than they win, and Bahh hasn’t been as fun without KM or Scarlett Bordeaux.


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