Ego Pro Wrestling “Return To The Forge” results: Vetter’s review of WWE star Kofi Kingston’s appearance, AEW’s Top Flight vs. Davey Bang and August Matthews, Dirty Dango vs. Alfonso Gonzalez

By Chris Vetter, Contributor (@chrisvetter73)

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Ego Pro Wrestling “Return To The Forge”
October 5, 2024 in Joliet, Illinois at The Forge
Available for streaming via

I recognize most of the names here, except for some in scrambles. The big news is that Kofi Kingston was here (but not wrestling), even though WWE had the “Bad Blood” PLE going on at the same time. Also on the show are AEW’s Top Flight and TNA’s Dirty Dango. The Forge appears to be a small bar or nightclub. Lighting over the ring is okay. This is a standing room crowd of about 150-200.
1. Sabin Gauge vs. Quintero vs. Ace Perry vs. Gary Jay vs. David Ali vs. Victor Inestra in a “Tracy Smothers Invitational.” I’ve always described Gary Jay as a red-headed Brodie Lee. David Lee brought a barbed-wire bat to the ring. Jay hit some forearms on Sabin to open, as the other four were on the apron in each corner. They took turns diving onto each other. Ali (think Anthony Bowens) hit a German Suplex. Perry (think Kit Wilson of Pretty Deadly) hit a German Suplex. Gauge hit a Pele Kick, then a Poison Rana at 3:30, then he dove to the floor on four guys. Perry hit a top-rope flip dive onto the pile of guys on the floor.
This is my first time seeing Quintero; he hit a springboard corkscrew dive onto the pile. Everyone got back into the ring at 5:00. Inestra dove off a HIGH platform near a fan on the CEILING and crashed onto the other five, rightfully earning a “holy shit!” chant. Inestra dove over the ropes onto Gauge on the floor. Perry hit a stunner on Gary Jay on the apron at 7:00. In the ring, Gauge hit a Jay Driller. Ali hit a double-underhook suplex. Ali hit a Cradle Shock on Sabin Gauge. Quintero hit a top-rope flying elbow drop to pin Ali. That was fun; these six put together a fun, fast-paced match.
Quintero defeated Sabin Gauge, Ace Perry, Gary Jay, David Ali, Victor Inestra at 8:26 in a Tracy Smothers Invitational. 
2. Koda Hernandez vs. Solomon Tupu. I always say Koda is on the verge of breaking out in the Midwest. Tupu has a lot of the same looks/features of Bronson Reed. They pounded fists at the bell before locking up. Tupu has the size advantage (he’s not as big as Bronson!) Tupu hit a clothesline and flexed. Koda hit a dropkick that sent Tupu to the floor, then he dove onto him at 2:30. Koda hit a slingshot senton back into the ring. Koda hit an enzuigiri. Tupu hit a Samoan Drop and they were both down at 5:00.
Tupu hit a shotgun dropkick into the corner, then a rolling cannonball for a nearfall. Koda hit a tornado DDT for a nearfall at 7:00. Tupu hit a uranage out of the corner and a senton for a nearfall. Koda hit a running kick to the side of the head for a nearfall. He hit a superplex at 10:00, then a Razor’s Edge for the pin. That was really good action.
Koda Hernandez defeated Solomon Tupu at 10:11.
3. Lili Ruiz vs. Aminah Belmont. Belmont made her AEW Rampage debut in August in a losing effort to Nyla Rose and she wore her plaid schoolgirl outfit. Ruiz wore a plain black top and she looks like a shoot fighter. Belmont yanked her to the mat by her hair in the first minute and was loudly booed. Aminah hit a suplex at 3:00, then another. Ruiz hit a hard clothesline and they were both down. Ruiz hit a spinebuster with a jackknife cover for a nearfall. She hit a Death Valley Driver for the pin. Good for the time given. I looked and these two have fought each other numerous times in singles and multi-person matches, and their familiarity showed.
Lili Ruiz defeated Aminah Belmont at 6:25. 
Chico Suave came to the ring. Ryan Matthews and Robbie Reeves came out next. Reeves is clearly beloved by this crowd! Ryan got on the mic but the crowd drowned him out; I have no idea what he’s saying, as Matthews is a heel. I don’t think I’ve seen Matthews before; he’s white, probably right around age 20, and of average size. Matthews has an opponent lined up for Chico!
4a. Chico Suave vs. Apex. Chico’s lucha outfit reminds me of Gringo Loco’s gear; he’s a regular at Chicago’s Freelance Wrestling. Chico tossed Apex around and pinned him! Matthews immediately got back on the mic. He has another opponent for Chico!
Chico Suave defeated Apex at 00:57.
4b. Chico Suave vs. Koa. My first time seeing Koa, who looks like a maniac with crazed uncombed hair. Koa hit a spear, but he missed a frog splash. Chico immediately applied an ankle lock, dragged Koa to the center of the ring, and Koa tapped out. Matthews was livid, and he had another opponent for Chico. (The crowd chanted “Robbie!” They want Reeves in there.) Instead, a guy in a Boston Bruins jersey attacked Chico from behind!
Chico Suave defeated Koa at 1:15. 
4c. Chico Suave vs. Benny Bargas. Bargas is older and bald. He ripped off the hockey jersey and hit some punches and was in charge. Chico hit a pair of stunners at 2:00, then a rolling cannonball. Bargas hit a superplex and they were both down; Benny went for a lazy cover, but Chico hooked both arms, rolled him over, and scored the fluke pin!
Chico Suave defeated Benny Bargas at 3:32.
4d. Chico Suave vs. Ryan Matthews. Ryan was frustrated his guys all lost so quickly, so he ripped off his shirt and charged into the ring. They traded punches. Ryan hit a backbreaker over his knee. Chico again applied an ankle lock. Robbie Reeves hopped in the ring; Chico let go of the hold. Matthews shoved Reeves! Reeves hit a Lungblower to Matthews’ chest. Suave immediately hit an Angle Slam and scored the pin. Reeves and Chico celebrated together. An acceptable gauntlet.
Chico Suave defeated Ryan Matthews at 2:27.
5. Missa Kate vs. Tootie Lynn. Both women are regulars in the Midwest and have been in NWA. I’ve noted before that Kate has the same tough-girl persona of NXT’s Adriana Rizzo. Lynn wears her karate gear and swung her nunchucks, and her offense is definitely kick-based. They took turns playing to the crowd, then Missa hit a shotgun dropkick and stomped on Tootie. Tootie hit a running Penalty Kick for a nearfall at 2:00. Missa hit a snap suplex and she tied her up on the mat. They got up and Tootie hit a series of forearm strikes and a Pele Kick, then some running kicks into the corner at 6:30, and a bulldog for a nearfall.
Tootie went for a Fujiwara Armbar but Kate quickly got to the ropes. In the center of the ring, Tootie spun her to the mat and again applied a Fujiwara Armbar. They traded rollups. Missa hit a spin kick to the head and scored the pin. Like in the prior women’s match, you could see the familiarity between these two. Good action.
Missa Kate defeated Tootie Lynn at 8:51. 
6. Dirty Dango vs. Alfonso Gonzalez. Gonzalez wore his karate robe; he’s another regular in Freelance Wrestling. Dango is a BABYFACE and hit some punches and was in charge early on. They went to the floor, where Dango accidentally chopped the ring post at 4:30. In the ring, Gonzalez hit a backbreaker over his knee and a fisherman’s suplex for a nearfall. Dango hit a backbreaker over his knee and they were both down at 6:30. Dango hit some running back elbows in the corner and a Russian Leg Sweep. Gonzalez applied a Boston Crab but Dango reached the ropes. Gonzalez got a rollup with his feet on the ropes for the tainted pin. This was merely okay.
Alfonso Gonzalez defeated Dirty Dango at 9:14.
7. Davey Bang and August Matthews vs. “Top Flight” Darius Martin and Dante Martin. Bang and Matthews also were on AEW Collision at the Chicago taping I attended Sept. 6, and this match is the reason I tuned in. Bang and Dante opened with basic reversals and a standoff. They traded rollup attempts. Darius entered and hit some armdrags and grounded Bang. Matthews tagged in at 3:30. B&M worked over Darius in their corner. Darius hit a dropkick; Dante got the hot tag at 7:00 and hit a powerslam. Dante hit a powerslam on August and a stunner for a nearfall. TF hit stereo front-and-back kicks at 9:00 on August and they were now keeping him in their corner.
August hit a Cave-in stomp to Darius’ chest and they were both down. Bang and Dante tagged in. Bang hit a double back elbow. Bang hit a top-rope flying elbow. Matthews hit an enzuigiri. Bang hit a modified Buckshot Lariat at 12:30. Darius hit a leaping Flatliner on Matthews for a nearfall, but Bang made the save, and we got  a “This is awesome!” chant. Dante hit a top-rope crossbody block. Matthews hit a Blockbuster that knocked down everyone at 15:00. Bang hit his top-rope moonsault to the floor, while Matthews dove through the ropes onto another opponent.
B&M hit their team doublestomp on Darius’ back for a nearfall at 17:00. Bang nailed the Spears Tower for a believable nearfall and all four were down and we got another “This is awesome!” chant. Dante hit a series of forearms on each opponent. They again went for Spears Tower but this time Top Flight blocked it. August hit a half-nelson suplex. Darius hit a German Suplex and a face plant. Dante nailed a frog splash on Matthews, and Darius made the cover for the pin. A fun, fast-paced match and well worth tuning in to see this one.
“Top Flight” Darius Martin and Dante Martin defeated Davey Bang and August Matthews at 19:53. 
* Kofi Kingston was introduced, and the crowd chanted “New Day Rocks.” He wore street clothes and was NOT dressed to wrestle. “I can’t believe I’m here right now,” Kofi said. He was cut-off mid-sentence by Trevor Outlaw. The commentators said it was unacceptable for him to be out here. He got on the mic but was booed. “Kofi Kingston, welcome to Ego Pro.” He noted that WWE had a PPV that night “so the best they could send was a former champ.” Even worse, Outlaw said, Kofi is the third-coolest member of New Day. Outlaw threatened to hit him; the crowd chanted for Kofi. Kofi didn’t understand why Outlaw was saying all these awful things about him. Kofi then introduced Robert Anthony, who wore his spectacular green robe. He got in the ring and hugged Kofi, and Kofi left the ring.
8. Robert Anthony vs. Trevor Outlaw in a no-disqualification match. Anthony has now been wrestling for more than 20 years; I probably first met him in 2004 and he wasn’t a rookie then! He has the height advantage and immediately chopped Outlaw and hit a snap suplex. They rolled to the floor at 2:00 and fought over to merchandise tables along the wall. They got back into the ring at 5:30 with Outlaw in charge. He hit a snap suplex for a nearfall at 7:30. He rolled to the floor and slid chairs and doors into the ring.
In the ring, Anthony struck a chairshot across Outlaw’s back at 10:30. Outlaw hit a low blow, then a powerbomb through a door bridge for a nearfall at 12:00. He jabbed a chair into the base of Anthony’s neck. Kofi Kingston returned to the stage! Outlaw dared him to come into the ring. Anthony threw a chair at Outlaw’s head, then he hit a Death Valley Driver through a door in the corner of the ring for the pin. Kofi got in the ring and celebrated with Robert Anthony. A solid main event; not really my style, but it was fine for what it was.
Robert Anthony defeated Trevor Outlaw at 15:42.
* Anthony got on the mic and thanked them for coming to the Forge and partying with him and his friend, Kofi. He thanked Kofi for coming and he called Kofi a future Hall of Famer and they hugged. The crowd loudly chanted “Kofi!” Kofi got on the mic and made fun of his “Jamaican accent.” “I can’t believe I’m here right now,” he said in his regular voice. He told the crowd about Robert asking him if he could do this show, and Kofi said he was hesitant to even ask. He put over Triple H for allowing him to come here, and the crowd chanted, “Thank you, Hunter!” Kofi told the fans that he and Rob spent a lot of time together in Deep South (with Kofi winning.)
Final Thoughts: Robert Anthony is one of those talents that just never quite broke through onto the national stage. Sure, he’s had a run in NWA, and I wasn’t surprised to see him wrestle at an AEW show I attended in Chicago last year. It’s easy to forget that he has been in the ring with many of the top stars, and a friendship with Kofi brought the WWE star to this tiny show. The Kofi stuff was fun. Bang and Matthews vs. Top Flight is definitely the match to watch; there is nothing else close to it here. I’ll go with Koda-Tupu for second and the opener scramble for third. The gauntlet was merely okay but I assume that the guys who lost quickly were fairly new, as I hadn’t heard of them before.


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