Wrestling Open “Episode 144 – Inception” results (10/3): Vetter’s review of Aaron Rourke vs. Alec Price, Swipe Right vs. Miracle Generation, Max Caster and Wheeler Yuta videos

By Chris Vetter, ProWrestling.net Contributor (@chrisvetter73)

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Wrestling Open “Episode 144 – Inception”
Streamed on IndependentWrestling.TV
October 3, 2024 in Worcester, Massachusetts at White Eagle

The crowd appears to be in the 200 range. Paul Crockett and Brother Greatness provided commentary. This show marks the three-year anniversary of weekly shows here.

1. Dezmond Cole vs. DJ Powers. I always compare teenager Powers to NXT’s Kale Dixon and he was loudly booed; he has the size advantage on Cole. Basic reversals early on. Cole hit his split-legged stunner at 2:30. Powers caught him with a knee strike to the jaw and he took control. Cole hit a backbody drop at 5:00. Powers hit a neckbreaker over his knee for a nearfall, but he missed a frogsplash. Cole nailed a Lionsault Press and flying forearms, then a suplex and a Helluva Kick. He trapped DJ’s head in the corner and kicked his face, then hit a German Suplex out of the corner, then a standing powerbomb, dropping Powers high on his neck for the pin. A really good opener.

Dezmond Cole defeated DJ Powers at 7:36.

2. Ray Jaz vs. “Handyman” Jake Gray. Jaz is continuing his “All American Challenge” that if someone can beat him in a match in under seven minutes, they can have the keys to his guest house. Gray is a recent graduate, and this is a mismatch on paper. Jaz did some amateur-style takedowns, tossing Gray around the ring, and he was in complete control. “He is wearing Jake Gray out,” Brother Greatness said. Gray hit a top-rope flying clothesline at 3:00 and was fired up. Jaz hit a release German Suplex. Jaz hit a modified pumphandle Death Valley Driver and scored the pin. The crowd loudly booed Jaz, who didn’t cheat. (Sometimes, the heel just has to be better and win clean so I liked this.)

Ray Jaz defeated Jake Gray at 3:29.

Wheeler Yuta sent in a video, congratulating Wrestling Open for reaching three years. He recalled winning his first IWTV Title there by defeating Lee Moriarty.

3. Gal vs. 50 Cal. Cal is the hillbilly redneck with a mullet, and he’s a babyface here. Gal is coming off his body-building competition and had his medals around his neck. This is almost as big of a mismatch as the prior bout. They took turns posing; the crowd cheered for 50 Cal, who does NOT have any abdominal definition. Gal attacked from behind to begin and hit a series of punches. 50 Cal hit a dropkick. Gal hit a spinebuster for a nearfall at 1:00, and he hip-tossed 50 Cal across the ring. He nailed a German Suplex and he posed. He locked in a full nelson at 4:00 and the crowd rallied 50 Cal, who powered up and escaped. 50 Cal hit some flying forearms and a backbody drop, then a superkick. Gal nailed a running powerslam for the clean pin. (Same as the prior match, sometimes a heel needs to win clean just because they are better than their inferior opponent.)

Gal defeated 50 Cal at 5:05.

Max Caster sent in a video. He said they can’t celebrate three years without him. He said you never know when he’ll return and collect on some debts.

4. Gabby Forza vs. Tiara James. I’ve loosely compared Tiara James to Brandi Rhodes, and she’s giving up size and power here. Crockett talked about Forza’s recent feud with Allie Katch. Gabby easily knocked her down with a shoulder tackle, and Tiara rolled to the floor to regroup. Forza tossed her back into the ring and tossed her around some more. She hit a bodyslam at 1:30. Tiara began working Gabby’s left leg, kicking it, and twisting it in the ropes. Tiara escaped a Bulldog Powerslam, and Tiara hit a spinebuster at 7:00. Gabby hit a clothesline in the corner, then she hit the Bulldog Powerslam, then the spear for the pin. Decent match.

Gabby Forza defeated Tiara James at 7:56.

5. “Swipe Right” Brad Baylor and Ricky Smokes vs. “Miracle Generation” Kylon King and Dustin Waller. These teams have met several times, but this is the first time since MG lost the IWTV Tag Team Titles. It also is the first time MG have been here since June. SR wore identical red trunks. Smokes and King opened with basic mat reversals. King hit an Exploder at 2:00 and a dropkick. The heels worked over Kylon in their corne. MG hit stereo Stinger Splashes at 5:00. King was flipped to the floor, and Baylor immediately shoved him face-first into the ring post, slammed him on the apron at 7:00, and tossed him into the ring, where Ricky got a nearfall. Baylor hit a shotgun dropkick and a slam on King for a nearfall. King finally hit a German Suplex on Smokes at 10:00 and went for a tag, but Baylor pulled Waller off the apron.

Waller finally got the hot tag and he hit a plancha to the floor on Baylor, then a top-rope crossbody block on Smokes for a nearfall at 12:00. He missed a Mamba Splash, and Smokes immediately hit a dropkick for a nearfall. MG hit front-and-back kicks on Baylor for a nearfall at 14:00. Smokes grabbed Waller’s arms as Dustin was doing a handspring move. Waller hit a Lethal Injection on Baylor. Smokes hit a doublestomp. He leapt at Kylon, but Kylon caught him with a stiff knee, and suddenly everyone was down and the crowd was chanting “Wrestling Open!” All four fought in the ring and the ref had lost control. Baylor nailed his swinging uranage and pinned Kylon! That was stellar.

“Swipe Right” Brad Baylor and Ricky Smokes defeated “Miracle Generation” Kylon King and Dustin Waller at 16:53.

Brother Greatness went into the ring. Brad Hollister and Victor Chase got in the ring. Brad said “this needs to end.” Hollister offered a match for Oct. 24.

6. Victor Chase (w/Brad Hollister) vs. Bobby Orlando. Bobby challenged Wrestling Open champion Hollister last week, so not a surprise he is facing one of Brad’s “Big Business” faction members this week. Basic reversals early on. Bobby clotheslined him to the floor at 2:00. In the ring, Chase hit a clothesline at 5:00 and celebrated. Bobby hit a backbody drop at 8:30, a superkick, a bodyslam, then a top-rope elbow drop for the pin. Fairly basic. Crockett pointed out Orlando ‘signaled’ at Hollister before hitting his finisher.

Bobby Orlando defeated Victor Chase at 9:44.

7. Aaron Rourke vs. Alec Price. Price has been particularly vicious here in recent months. They charged at each other and traded punches. Rourke hit a shotgun dropkick and a missile dropkick for a nearfall. He hit an Exploder Suplex at 1:30, and Price rolled to the floor to stall. Price dove through the ropes onto him. Price struck Rourke’s knee and he immediately began twisting the left leg and punched it. Price hit a cannonball in the corner, then a dropkick for a nearfall at 4:00, and he kept targeting the knee. Rourke hit a Lungblower to the chest at 6:00 and they were both down. Price hit a superkick. Rourke hit a uranage out of the corner. Rourke hit a Meteora off the ropes for a nearfall at 8:00.

Price hit a tornado DDT for a nearfall. He mounted Rourke and hit some stiff forearm strikes to the back of the head. Rourke hit a standing powerbomb at 10:30 and he applied a Figure Four, and the crowd taunted Alec to tap. Rourke turned it into a Charlotte-style Figure Eight. Price punched at Rourke’s sore knee to escape. They got up and Price hit a spin kick on the leg then a leaping stomp on it. Rourke got a backslide, flipped his body over for added leverage, and scored the surprising pin! Price immediately attacked Rourke as Aaron was celebrating, and the crowd chanted profanities at Alec.

Aaron Rourke defeated Alec Price at 13:46.

Joe Ocasio returned! He tore his ACL at the beginning of the year! He got in the ring and jawed at Price, but then they hugged and the crowd booed them. However, Ocasio hit a flying headbutt on Price and he ripped off his shirt and absorbed the cheers.

Final Thoughts: Miracle Generation vs. Swipe Right was top-notch indy action. Two teams that know each other well, and they went out and had a stellar bout. I noted after a recent match they had in Live Wrestling that it was good, but I knew they had a better match in them… well, this was ‘that match.’ A very good main event takes second and I’m thrilled with the surprise finish. Rourke is sneaky good and this was a big win for him. Cole-Powers was good for third. Nothing else really stood out, but nothing bad here, either.


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