NXT Level Up results (5/10): O’Connor’s review of Channing Lorenzo and Luca Crusifino vs. Dante Chen and Dion Lennox, Wren Sinclair vs. Wendy Choo, Josh Briggs vs. Cutler James

By John O’Connor, ProWrestling.net Contributor (@thereal_JOC

NXT: Level Up (Episode 117)
Taped in Orlando, Florida at the WWE Performance Center
Streamed May 10, 2024 on Peacock/WWE Network

Wren Sinclair made her way to the ring as the broadcast team of Blake Howard and Vic Joseph welcomed us to the show…

1. Wren Sinclair vs. Wendy Choo. Welcome back chants were aimed at Choo as the opening bell rang. Sinclair looked to finish early with a quick roll up but only got a count of one. Choo got a near fall of her own and dropped Sinclair with a dropkick. Sinclair responded with an abdominal stretch but Choo shrugged her off. Sinclair would drop Choo with a shoulder block and applied a follow up chinlock. Choo fought back to her feet, and hit Sinclair with a clothesline, forearm and a second rope crossbody before dropping Sinclair with the snooze button slam for the win…

Wendy Choo defeated Wren Sinclair via pinfall in 4:45. 

The commentary team hyped Josh Briggs vs. Cutler James for after the break…[c]

2. Josh Briggs vs. Cutler James. James is making his NXT debut. Briggs used his power early and dropped James with the side slam but James fought through and took Briggs down with a go behind takedown. Briggs would cut off the brief change in momentum and run straight through James with a powerful pump kick and a back suplex for a two count. Briggs applied a chinlock as James attempted to get to his feet to little success. Eventually James dropped Briggs and looked finish but he missed an attempted splash in the corner and was nailed with Briggs’ version of a Clothesline From Hell to end the match…

Josh Briggs defeated Cutler James via pinfall in 4:25. 

The commentary team hyped the main event… [c]

3. Channing ‘Stacks’ Lorenzo and Luca Crusifino (w/Adriana Rizzo) vs. Dante Chen and Dion Lennox. Crusifino and Lennox started the match but Lennox quickly tagged in Chen. Crusifino in response tagged Stacks. Lennox made his way back in but he was continually beatdown by both Stacks and Crusifino as the two exchanged tags frequently. Lennox made his way to Chen who brought the house of fire to Stacks and dropped him with a seated kick for a near fall and tagged in Lennox once again.

Lennox prevented a hot tag as Lennox dropped Stacks with a high angled spinebuster. Crusifino attempted to fire up Stacks from the apron as the hot tag was eventually made. Crusifino rocked both Lennox and Chen with punches as Stacks sent Chen to the outside and assisted Crusifino with hitting the assisted codebreaker on Lennox for the victory.

Channing ‘Stacks’ Lorenzo and Luca Crusifino defeated Dante Chen and Dion Lennox via pinfall in 5:46. 

John’s Ramblings: The main event was the highlight of this week’s edition of Level Up as the D’Angelo Family picked up the win and continued to impress this viewer. The opener featured Wendy Choo who was making her return from injury and looked good in there with rookie Wren Sinclair. The show also saw the debut of Cutler James who could be a prospect over the coming months. I’m looking forward to seeing the progress of the youngster as time goes on.


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