Glory Pro Wrestling “Ascend” episode 24 results: Vetter’s review of Effy vs. Rahim De La Suede, Camaro Jackson vs. Jabari King, Tootie Lynn vs. Nixi XS

By Chris Vetter, Contributor (@chrisvetter73)

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Glory Pro Wrestling “Ascend” (episode 24)
Premiered February 18, 2024 via
Taped December 30, 2023 in St. Louis, Missouri at Delmar Hall

Reed Duthie once again provided solo commentary. This is from the recent taping where lighting is exceptionally poor.

1. Tootie Lynn defeated Nixi XS at 4:08. Lynn is the short, Black karate-style fighter and she recently had an AEW/ROH TV match. I’m not sure if I’ve seen Nixi; she is “the Versace of Violence” so she must be a fashion gimmick. She choked Tootie in the ropes early on. Tootie hit a second-rope crossbody block for a nearfall at 3:30. She hit a running knee for a nearfall, then she switched to a Fujiwara Armbar, and Nixi tapped out. Solid squash match.

2. Camaro Jackson defeated Jabari King at 6:17. I always compare Camaro to Jonathan Gresham as they are both short powerhouses. Jabari is a big Black man, comparable to Keith Lee or Mark Henry. An intense lockup to open. They traded hard chops. Camaro hit a bodyslam at 2:00 but only got a one-count. Jabari hit a Samoan Drop for a nearfall, then a spinebuster for a nearfall at 4:00. Jabari hit a standing moonsault and that POPPED this crowd, as I didn’t expect a man of his size to pull out that move. Camaro hit a flying shoulder tackle. Jabari crashed head-first into the corner; Camaro immediately hit a clothesline for the pin. That was hard-hitting and didn’t need to be longer than that.

* Camaro got on the mic and he’s angry. He wants to take on Calvin Tankman again, but Calvin is once again nowhere to be found. “Sooner or later, you’ll have to face ‘big daddy quads,'” he said.

3. Rahim De La Suede (w/Cinko) defeated Effy at 11:10. The crowd sang along to Elton John’s “Goodbye Yellow Brick Road,” as Effy is quite popular here. Rahim is Black and a bit smaller than Effy. Standing switches early on. They traded slaps to the face. They did some gay humor, but then Rahim hit a buzzsaw kick to the head at 3:00. Rahim hit a dropkick. He mounted Effy and hit a series of punches, then a handstand-into-a-legdrop for a nearfall. He choked Effy in the ropes, and Cinko did, too. Rahim hit a hesitation dropkick in the corner at 7:00, then a top-rope 450 Splash for a nearfall.

Effy twisted Rahim’s nipples, then bit them, then hit a Northern Lights Suplex for a nearfall at 8:30. Effy applied a modified Dragon Sleeper but Rahim escaped, and Rahim hit a Flatliner for a nearfall. Effy hit a second-rope Blockbuster and the crowd rallied for him. Effy hit a spear for a believable nearfall at 10:00. Effy hit a Helluva Kick, then dragged him to the mat using his leg for a nearfall. Effy hit a Rough Rider legdrop. However, Rahim got a rollup, grabbed the ropes for leverage, and scored the pin. Good action.

Final Thoughts: A solid show; not bad but not up to the in-ring quality of the past two weeks. Again, this is from the same taping where we had such awful lighting and that’s really disappointing. I really hope they just leave the lights on for future tapings. The biggest gaping hole is they haven’t addressed what happened to Warhorse. No, they don’t have to show what happened in his matches in other promotions, but he abdicated his Glory Pro title in case he lost a match where the stipulation was he has to retire if he loses. I feel that could have been addressed with either commentary or a quick vignette.


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