WWE Raw results (12/4): Powell’s live review of Seth Rollins vs. Jey Uso for the World Heavyweight Championship, Drew McIntyre vs. Sami Zayn, The Creeds vs. Dominik Mysterio and JD McDonagh

By Jason Powell, ProWrestling.net Editor (@prowrestlingnet)

WWE Raw (Episode 1,593)
Albany, New York at MVP Arena
Aired live December 4, 2023 on USA Network

[Hour One] The Raw opening aired and then Michael Cole checked in on commentary along with Wade Barrett… Drew McIntyre made his entrance and was introduced by ring announcer Samantha Irvin. Cole and Barrett ran through the previously advertised matches.

McIntyre delivered an in-ring promo and said everyone has lost their minds. He said you can be fired, be released, and then come back to the company and be instantly forgiven. A “CM Punk” chant broke out. McIntyre said he could be talking about anybody.

McIntyre recalled headbutting Seth Rollins and also vented about Jey Uso and how he apologized to Randy Orton. McIntyre said Jey’s time is coming. McIntyre said he was forgetting someone and then he was interrupted by entrance music.

Sami Zayn made his entrance while McIntyre indicated that Zayn was the person he was trying to remember. Zayn said McIntyre had a lot to say about everybody and told him to say whatever he had to say about him to his face. “Oh, yes I do, Sammy,” McIntyre responded.

McIntyre said Zayn is the one person in the world who deserves to be screwed by The Bloodline. He said Zayn was the errand boy of The Bloodline and eventually he screwed them over. McIntyre asked Zayn what he thought would happen. “You deserved it, it’s the truth,” said McIntyre.

Zayn said he thought that he and McIntyre were alike, but the more he hears from him, the more he realizes that they are not alike. Zayn said he’s not a delusional person who points his finger at everyone else for their own shortcomings.

Zayn said that when he lost the title match in front of friends and family, he stayed hungry and it carried him all the way to the main event of WrestleMania. Zayn said he was able to make his family proud, then asked McIntyre if he could say the same. McIntyre said one of them would not be walking out. He called for a referee and for the bell to ring…

1. Drew McIntyre vs. Sami Zayn. A referee joined them in the ring and called for the bell. McIntyre suplexed Zayn and went on the offensive. The fight spilled over to ringside where Zayn shoved McIntyre into the ring post. Zayn followed up with a flip dive heading into a break. [C]

Zayn jumped from the middle rope and hit McIntyre with an elbow. Zayn sold leg pain from his landing. Zayn followed up with a nice DDT for a near fall. There was a “Sami” chant from the fans as he went to the ropes. Zayn went for another elbow, but McIntyre caught him and hit him with back to back suplexes.

McIntyre put Zayn down with a neckbreaker and then kipped up, which drew some boos. McIntyre shook the ropes and looked the crowd, but Zayn clotheslined him over the top rope. Zayn tried to dive on McIntyre, who caught him and then threw him over the broadcast table. [C]

McIntyre went for reverse Alabama Slam, but Zayn rolled him up for a two count. McIntyre came right back with a spinebuster for a two count, then followed up with a powerbomb for another. McIntyre placed Zayn on his shoulders and then climbed to the middle rope, but Zayn countered into a sunset bomb for a near fall.

Zayn set up for a Blue Thunder Bomb, which McIntyre stuffed. McIntyre dropped Zayn with a Glasgow Kiss. McIntyre counted down for his finisher, but Zayn cut him off with a kick and then performed a Blue Thunder Bomb for a near fall. A “this is awesome” chant broke out.

Zayn went for a leapfrog and his leg gave out. He was still able to send McIntyre to the floor. Zayn wanted to run the ropes for a flip dive, but he sold the leg pain. McIntyre slipped back inside the ring hit him from behind with a chop block. McIntyre hit the Claymore Kick and scored the pin.

Drew McIntyre defeated Sami Zayn in 20:10.

After the match, McIntyre had the referee raise his arm. “And the truth will set you free,” McIntyre said while looking into a camera…

Powell’s POV: A PLE length match to open the show. They did a nice job of setting the table with their brief verbal exchange and then came through with a quality match. Zayn was protected with the leg injury, and McIntyre looked ruthless for exploiting it. The bitter, grudge holding McIntyre character continues to be one of my favorite acts in all of pro wrestling.

Byron Saxton interviewed Shayna Baszler while Zoey Stark stood by in the backstage area. Baszler recalled putting Jax on the shelf two years earlier by breaking her arm. She said she would remind of her that limb by limb. Cole hyped their match as coming up next… [C]

Cole thanked Hardy for the theme song they are using for the Tribute to the Troops edition of Smackdown on Friday. Barrett noted that the Army vs. Navy football game would be held the next day…

A video package aired with Jey Uso talking about his World Heavyweight Championship match against Seth Rollins. He recalled his brother Jimmy Uso costing him his WWE Universal Championship match against Roman Reigns. Jey said he had to walk away and he convinced himself that he was done.

Jey said that changed when he got a call from Cody Rhodes. Jey said Cody told him that he couldn’t quit and that he could be his own man. Jey said the more he thought about it, the more he realized Cody was right. Jey said he’d been fighting for various family members his entire life, but he’s just fighting for himself now. Jey turned his focus to Rollins. He said he would prove to the world, to Rollins, and to his family why they call him “Main Event” Jey Uso…

Jackie Redmond was backstage hoping to talk with Sami Zayn when Drew McIntyre attacked Zayn. McIntyre told Zayn that he brought this on himself. McIntyre stomped Zayn’s bad knee. Adam Pearce, producers, and referees intervened… [C]

Powell’s POV: The Jey video was really well done. Jey isn’t the most polished on the mic, so this was a great way to let him tell his story without having him deliver a standard live promo. I was happy to see McIntyre follow up his earlier threat to Zayn by attacking him rather than just taking the win and moving on. That said, the question now is whether this injury angle was meant to write out Zayn for some reason or if it’s going to be an injury that his character will bounce right back from.

A trainer checked on Zayn and removed his boot in the backstage area. Jey Uso showed up and told Zayn that he was going to be okay…

Byron Saxton tried to interview Becky Lynch on the backstage ring set, but Nia Jax quickly interrupted and dismissed him. Lynch told Jax that she still owes her a receipt. “Once I’m done squashing Shayna, I’m all yours,” Jax replied. Lynch told her that she couldn’t wait. Cole asked on commentary who would ever forget “The Punch Heard Around the World” and said it was the night that “The Man” was born…

Entrances for the Jax vs. Baszler match took place. In between the entrances, Cole plugged the NXT Deadline PLE for Saturday…

2. Nia Jax vs. Shayna Baszler. Baszler caught Jax with a knee to the head and then went for a triangle choke in the corner, but Jax ended up slamming her to the mat. They fought to ringside where Jax slammed Baszler’s face on the apron. Jax powered up Baszler, who slipped away and shoved Jax’s back into the ring post. Jax followed up with a leg drop onto Baszler’s head, which was draped over the ropes. [C]

Jax continued to dominate the match coming out of the break. Baszler caught her with a few forearm shots, but Jax put her down with a slide slam. Jax grabbed Baszler’s head and bounced it off the mat twice before covering her for a two count. Jax followed up moments later with a Samoan Drop.

Baszler avoided a charging Jax in the corner and then tripped her up before hitting her with a running knee. Baszler covered Jax for a two count. Baszler threw repeated kicks at Jax. Baszler ran the ropes, but Jax followed her and ran into her. Jax performed a running senton for a two count. Jax acted surprised by Baszler kicking out.

Jax went to the ropes for her finisher. Baszler went for an ankle lock in the ropes and ended up suplexing Jax, who partially landed on Baszler’s head. Baszler applied the Kirifuda Clutch. Jax powered up to her feet and fell backward to break the hold.

[Hour Two] Jax went to the middle rope and hit her Annihilator finisher and scored the pin.

Nia Jax beat Shayna Baszler in roughly 12:00.

After the match, Becky Lynch made her entrance while the referee was raising the hand of Jax. Lynch entered the ring while Jax exited via the other side. Lynch indicated that she wanted Jax to return, but Jax headed to the back…

Powell’s POV: I wish they would have waited to set up Lynch vs. Jax. The Jax vs. Baszler match was competitive, yet the outcome never felt like it was in doubt due to the way they set up Lynch vs. Jax beforehand. Nevertheless, it went longer than anticipated and made Baszler looked good in defeat.

Cole set up a video package that recapped CM Punk’s return at Survivor Series along with his appearance on Raw. Cole said Punk is now one of the most sought after free agents in WWE history. Cole promoted that Punk will visit Smackdown on Friday…

Powell’s POV: One can only assume that Punk will join Raw given that Randy Orton’s character chose Smackdown on Friday.

Johnny Gargano and Tommaso Ciampa were talking backstage when Candice LeRae and Indi Hartwell showed up. Ludwig Kaiser and Giovanni Vinci crashed the party and spoke about the “lovely couple” and then called them a “lovely couple of losers.” Hartwell mocked them by saying she hoped Gunther wouldn’t get mad. After the babyfaces walked away, Kaiser told Vinci not to screw up because their tag match was important. “I got it,” Vinci said. “I hope you do too”…

The DIY duo of Johnny Gargano and Tommaso Ciampa made their entrance for their best of three falls match with the Imperium team… [C] Ludwig Kaiser and Giovanni Vinci made their entrance coming out of the break…

3. “DIY” Johnny Gargano and Tommaso Ciampa vs. Ludwig Kaiser and Giovanni Vinci in a best of three falls match. Barrett recalled DIY winning the NXT Tag Titles in a best of three falls match, and added that Gargano won the NXT Championship in a best of three falls match. DIY set up for their Meet in the Middle finisher on Kaiser, but Vinci broke it up. Kaiser rolled up Ciampa and pinned him to win the first fall.

Ludwig Kaiser and Giovanni Vinci won the first fall in 4:40.

Kaiser and Vinci stood at ringside after winning the first fall. Gargano performed a cannonball dive onto Kaiser, and then Ciampa dove onto Vinci. Gargano and Ciampa sat on the broadcast table and applauded themselves and patted themselves on the back. [C]

Kaiser and Vinci set up for a spike piledriver on Gargano, but Ciampa grabbed Kaiser from the ropes. Meanwhile, Gargano rolled Vinci into a pin and got the three count.

Johnny Gargano and Tommaso Ciampa won the second fall in 10:00.

Vinci stood on the top rope and jumped to the rope on the other side of the turnbuckle before executing a moonsault onto Gargano. He went for the pin, but Ciampa broke it up. They followed up with a sequence that left all four men down and then Cole plugged Cody Rhodes’ appearance while a graphic for Cody was shown on the screen.

The DIY duo got Kaiser down and then set up for their Meet in the Middle finisher. Vinci broke it up again, but this time Ciampa ran him into the ring post. Kaiser rolled up Gargano and held the tights, yet only got a two count. Moments later, Gargano and Ciampa hit Kaiser with their finisher and then Ciampa pinned him.

“DIY” Johnny Gargano and Tommaso Ciampa defeated Ludwig Kaiser and Giovanni Vinci in 15:10 in a best of three falls match.

After the match, Cole boasted that the tag team division his heating up. Vinci said Kaiser would have to explain this to Gunther…

Powell’s POV: There was a 20-minute match to open the show and that was followed by a competitive 12-minute match, yet then there were three pinfalls in 15 minutes in the best of three falls match. I enjoyed the tag match, but I guess I’m not really sure what the point of it being a best of three falls match was.

Backstage, Chelsea Green and Piper Niven mocked Tegan Nox and Natalya. Nox wound up for a punch, which made Green flinch. Natalya said that after they won their match, they were coming after the WWE Women’s Tag Team Titles and would not miss…

Cole hyped Seth Rollins vs. Jey Uso for the World Heavyweight Championship as the show’s main event… [C] A sponsored “Superstars Fact” graphic focused on Raquel Rodriguez…

The broadcast team recapped footage of Julius Creed and Brutus Creed winning last week’s Tag Team Turmoil match to become No. 1 contenders to the Undisputed WWE Tag Team Titles…

Backstage, the Creeds had Kofi Kingston and Xavier Woods on their shoulders and were doing squats while Ivy Nile watched. After the New Day duo were back on their feet, Woods said he messed up his wrist a bit in the match, but he’d be okay. The Alpha Academy crew of Chad Gable. Otis, Akira Tozawa, and Maxxine Dupri showed up. Gable invited the Creeds to stop by for training. Julius called Nile their secret weapon when it came to neutralizing Rhea Ripley. Gable had Dupri perform squats with Tozawa on her shoulders…

Inside the Judgment Day clubhouse, R-Truth was trying to get a television to work. Damian Priest, Dominik Mysterio, and JD McDonagh were annoyed. Priest said he thought McDonagh was going to take care of it. McDonagh told Truth he had to leave. Truth said they had to beef up security. Priest gave Dom and McDonagh a pep talk about their match against the Creeds. Once they were gone, Priest said the did need to start locking the doors…

Kayden Carter and Katana Chance made their entrance to a flat reaction. Cole said many would call Carter and Chance eccentric, then added that they are high fliers and make one heck of a tag team. Barrett agreed and said they have the best double team moves in the division… [C]

Cole spoke about WWE’s involvement at the Big 12 Conference Championship while photos were shown of Undertaker, Michelle McCool, Sheamus, Jade Cargill, and Drew McIntyre taking part in festivities at the game… Tegan Nox and Natalya made their entrance…

4. Kayden Carter and Katana Chance vs. Tegan Nox and Natalya. Chelsea Green and Piper Niven sat in on commentary. Natalya pressed Chance over her head and slammed her during the opening minute. Later, Carter and Chance set up for a double superplex on Natalya, but she slipped under them and slammed them both to the mat and then covered Carter for a two count.

Carter came back with a boot to Natalya’s head and then tagged in Chance, who went to the ropes. Chance performed a handstand on Carter’s shoulders, and then Carter spun around so that Chance landed on Natalya, which led to the pinfall.

Kayden Carter and Katana Chance beat Tegan Nox and Natalya in 4:45.

After the match, Green climbed onto the apron and was barking at Carter and Chance. Carter teased punching Green, and then Chance dropkicked Green to the floor…

Cody Rhodes was shown walking backstage while Cole hyped that he would speak after the break… [C]

Cody Rhodes made his entrance for a promo dressed in his ring gear and a t-shirt. Footage aired from last week of Cody declaring himself for the Royal Rumble match then having Shinsuke Nakamura spray mist in his eyes. Cody said the first time he saw mist when was when he was a young boy and he was terrified by the man who used it – The Great Muta.

Cody said he should have listened to the clues that Nakamura dropped before he attacked him. Cody said he’s ready. He said Nakamura has his attention. Cody said Nakamura could emerge from the shadows and explain himself or he could come out and fight.

A Nakamura video package aired with him speaking in Japanese while English subtitles appeared on the screen. He said the path they have taken is the same. Nakamura said he climbed the mountain and then footage was shown of both men winning Royal Rumble matches.

[Hour Three] The Rumble clips were followed by footage of both men coming up short in their respective WrestleMania title matches. Nakamura said he slipped into a bottomless pit. He said they suffered the same humiliation. “The devil in your mind whispers that you’ll never make it back there,” Nakamura said. “But now you have awoken me, inspired me, and I am here to unburden you. To step into your shoes and take that story off your hands. I never got to finish my story, so I will finish yours.”

The arena lights turned on while Cody asking if Nakamura thought their stories were the same. Cody said he doesn’t rate or respect Nakamura until he stands in the ring with him. “You keep saying we’re the same, prove it,” Cody said before dropping the microphone…

Cole spoke about how Nakamura had forced Cody into a trap to give him the match he wants and continues to play mind games…

Powell’s POV: A brief segment, but I like the development of Nakamura explaining the parallels between the two.

Cole and Barrett recapped Drew McIntyre taking out Sami Zayn in a backstage attack earlier in the show…

Adam Pearce was on the phone asking someone to let them know if they have any updates. Jey Uso entered the ring and spoke about how he might have to get McIntyre. Pearce tried to calm him down so that he could focus on his title match. Jey said he was locked in and then jumped up and down while saying he had this. Gunther entered the room and spoke with Pearce after Jey had exited the room…

Dominik Mysterio and JD McDonagh made their entrance for their tag team match… [C] The Creeds and Ivy Nile made their entrance coming out of the break…

5. Julius Creed and Brutus Creed (w/Ivy Nile) vs. Dominik Mysterio and JD McDonagh. Cole plugged Dom defending the NXT North American Title against Wes Lee at Saturday’s NXT Deadline. The Creeds did the spot where Brutus held up Dom for a vertical suplex only to pass him off to Julius, who completed the move. The heels bounced back and McDonagh performed an Asai moonsault onto both opponents. [C]

Dom went for Three Amigos on Brutus, who reversed the last one and then made a hot tag. Julius clotheslined and then hit three suplexes on both opponents, which got a rise out of the crowd. Julius set up for a double suplex, but that was broken up. McDonagh went for a Poison Rana, but Julius held on.

Julius wanted to tag in Brutus for their finisher, but Dom pulled Brutus off the apron and then McDonagh hit the Poison Rana. Dom hit Julius with a 619 for a near fall. Julius came back with a double suplex. Brutus tagged in and then ran over and shoulder block Dom over the broadcast table. Julius hoisted up McDonagh and then Brutus hit him with the Brutus Ball and pinned him…

Julius Creed and Brutus Creed beat Dominik Mysterio and JD McDonagh in 11:15.

Powell’s POV: A good and logical win for the Creeds over the junior members of Judgment Day before they challenge Damian Priest and Finn Balor for the tag team titles. The live crowd got behind the Creeds and their unique offense. Now if only they would keep the Creeds away from all of the comedy acts in the backstage segments.

Highlights aired from Smackdown of Randy Orton choosing to sign with Smackdown so that he can get his hands on The Bloodline…

Adam Pearce approached Seth Rollins backstage and informed him that he invited CM Punk to be on Raw with the intention of signing him to a Raw contract. Rollins laughed and said he doesn’t give a damn. Rollins said that when Punk shows the world his true colors and this blows up in Pearce’s face, Pearce should stay out of his way when Rollins does what he has to do.

Rollins shifted the focus to his match with Jey, who clapped and entered the picture while Pearce made his exit. Jey told Rollins he respects him, but he’s waited nearly 15 years to get this opportunity. Jey told Rollins he was looking at the new world champion and asked if he felt him.

Rollins laughed and said he felt Jey, then told him that he feels like he would Stomp his face into the mat the first chance he gets. Jey said that was cool, because he felt that he would kick Rollins’ face off the first chance he gets. “This is about as friendly as we’re going to be,” Rollins said while holding up his fist. Jey bumped fists and said he guessed it was, then went back to being peppy while saying it was his night.

Jey Uso made his entrance for the main event… [C]

Backstage, Priest asked Dom and McDonagh what happened. Dom said the Creeds are the real deal and added that he and Balor better watch out. McDonagh chimed in and agreed that the Creeds are legit. Priest accepted the answer and told them to go get cleaned up…

The broadcast team announced the following for next week’s Raw in Cleveland: Cody Rhodes vs. Shinsuke Nakamura, and CM Punk appears…

World Heavyweight Champion Seth Rollins made his entrance for the main event…

6. Seth Rollins vs. Jey Uso for the World Heavyweight Championship. Samantha Irvin delivered in-ring introductions for the championship match. Cole said Jey dedicated the match to his late uncle Umaga, who passed away 14 years ago on this date. Cole mentioned the possibility of Daman Priest cashing in the Money in the Bank contract. Neither man gained an advantage during the first two minutes of the match before they went to a break. [C]

Cole and Barrett spoke about how there’s no guarantee of future title shots. Barrett recalled getting a couple of title shots during his career and said he thought there would be more, but they never materialized. Rollins set up for a Pedigree on the apron that Jey avoided. Rollins tried to powerbomb him, but Jey avoided that and ended up putting Rollins down with a DDT on the floor. [C]

Rollins sent Jey to ringside and then hit him with a suicide dive. Rollins returned to the ring to go for another, but Jey followed him and sent him out the other side of the ring. Jey performed a suicide dive of his own. Back in the ring, both men collided while simultaneously going for crossbody blocks.

A short time later, Jey caught Rollins with an enzuigiri. Jey performed a running hip attack while Cole noted that it was in tribute to Umaga. Rollins came back and picked up a two count following a frog splash. Jey rallied and performed a top rope frog splash of his own for a near fall.

Jey went up top, but Rollins ran up and caught him. Rollins superplexed Jey and then hit him with a falcon arrow for a two count. Rollins followed up with a Pedigree and covered Jey, who kicked out again. Rollins acted shocked by Jey kicking out.

Rollins backed into the corner for his finisher, but Jey avoided the Stomp and then speared Rollins for a near fall. Jey waited for Rollins to get to his feet and then went for a spear, but Rollins caught him with a kick. Rollins executed a Buckle Bomb, but Jey came right back with a spear. Jey hit a top rope splash for a great near fall.

Jey got to his feet first and was greeted by “U-so” chants. Jey superkicked a kneeling Rollins. Jey ran the ropes for a spear, but Rollins caught him with another Pedigree. Rollins followed up with a Stomp and scored the pin.

Seth Rollins defeated Jey Uso in 22:25 retain the World Heavyweight Championship.

After the match, Rollins helped Jey to his feet and slapped hands with him. Rollins went to the ropes and celebrated his win while Jey rolled out of the ring. Suddenly, McIntyre put Jey down with a Claymore Kick on the floor. Rollins went for a suicide dive, but McIntyre caught him and suplexed him. McIntyre picked up Jey and slammed him through the broadcast table. McIntyre knelt over Jey and told him, “The truth will set you free”…

Powell’s POV: A really good television main event. It was a nice touch to have Rollins defend his title on television during the one month when there is not a main roster PLE. I never felt like Jey was going to win, but they did have some good near falls. Plus, I thought we might get McIntyre interfering to end the match, so it was a pleasant surprise when we got a clean pinfall.

Overall, this was good episode that placed an emphasis on the in-ring action. It was a noticeable change from last week when the promos stole the show and the matches felt inconsequential. I will have a lot more to say about this episode in my weekly same night audio review of Raw for Dot Net Members (including our Patreon patrons). Let me know what you thought of Raw by grading it below.

WWE Raw Poll: Grade the December 4 edition

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Readers Comments (1)

  1. My favorite Johnny Garganecdote is that I tweeted Candice “Is Johnny as stone faced in bed with you as he is in the ring?” and she liked it. He wasn’t tagged in the post but he blocked me.

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