10/12 AEW Dynamite results: Powell’s live review of Chris Jericho vs. Bryan Danielson for the ROH Championship, Pac vs. Orange Cassidy for the AEW All-Atlantic Championship, “Jungle Boy” Jack Perry vs. Luchasaurus, Toni Storm and Hikaru Shida vs. Britt Baker and Jamie Hayter, Swerve Strickland vs. Billy Gunn

By Jason Powell, ProWrestling.net Editor (@prowrestlingnet)

AEW Dynamite (Episode 159)
Toronto, Ontario at Coca-Cola Coliseum
Aired live October 12, 2022 on TBS

[Hour One] The Dynamite opening aired and the AEW Dynamite logo appeared with the Canadian flag in the background… Excalibur welcomed viewers to the show and was joined on commentary by Taz and Tony Schiavone. Excalibur welcomed the newest member of the broadcast team.

Renee Paquette walked onto the stage to a good ovation and introduced herself. Paquette introduced “Canada’s own” Christian Cage, who walked onto the stage with his arm in a sling. Paquette asked how it felt to be in Toronto. Cage said it felt great to be there. He called himself the face of Toronto and the entire country of Canada.

Cage guaranteed victory (for Luchasaurus). He said it wasn’t just any guarantee, it was just like guaranteeing that the Toronto Maple Leafs would lose in the first round of the Stanley Cup Playoffs. Cage introduced Luchasaurus, who headed to the ring. “Jungle Boy” Jack Perry made his entrance while Cage joined the broadcast team…

1. Luchasaurus vs. “Jungle Boy” Jack Perry. Perry dropkicked Luchasaurus once the bell rang to start the match. Luchasaurus quickly took offensive control and took the match to ringside. Cage stated on commentary that he won over Luchasaurus by simply telling him the truth. Luchasaurus set up a table on the floor.

Luchasaurus set up for a powerbomb, but Perry slipped away. Luchasaurus shoved Perry’s back, which had tape on it, into the ring post. Luchasaurus tried to chop Perry, who moved, causing Luchasaurus to hit the ring post. Luchasurus regained control and ran Perry into the ringside barricade. Luchasaurus slammed Perry onto the ring apron heading into a picture-in-picture break. [C]

Luchasaurus was at ringside next to the table he set up earlier. Perry dove through the ropes and tried to send him through the table, but Luchasaurus caught him. Perry freed himself and sold back pain went he went for a move on the apron. Perry eventually performed a running dive over the ropes into a sunset bomb that drove Luchasaurus through the table on the floor.

Christian Cage left the broadcast table and headed toward the ring. Perry threw Luchasaurus back inside the ring and then spotted Cage. Luchasaurus sat up in the ring. Perry returned and threw superkicks at him. Luchasaurus came back with a clothesline that turned Perry inside out. Luchasaurus slammed Perry to the mat and covered him for a two count.

Luchasaurus placed Perry on the top turnbuckle and then joined him on the top rope. Perry slipped between his legs and crotched him on the top rope. Perry stood behind Luchasaurus on the top rope and threw punches at him, then tied him up in the tree of woe. Jungle Boy backed up and charged Luchasaurus, who caught Perry and slammed him to the mat using his legs.

A short time later, Perry spiked Luchasaurus’s head on the mat and then picked up a good near fall. Perry went for the Snare Trap, but Luchasaurus crawled to the ropes and broke the hold. Perry tried to pull Luchasaurus off the ropes, but Cage grabbed Luchasaurus’s hand to hold him in place. Jungle Boy left the ring to go after Cage, but referee Rick Knox stopped him. Jungle Boy went up top, but Luchasaurus recovered and slammed him to the mat. Luchasaurus hit his Cutthroat finisher and scored the pin…

Luchasaurus beat “Jungle Boy” Jack Perry in 14:05.

Backstage, Paquette attempted to interview Ethan Page, Stokely Hathaway, and Jose. Matt Hardy and Private Party showed up. Hathaway said he purchased the Private Party contracts. Hardy got upset. Ethan Page said that if Hardy believes in Private Party, he should let them fight their own battles. Page challenged Isiah Kassidy to a match with the stipulation that Private Party would be contractually free if Kassidy won, but The Firm would get Hardy’s contract if he loses. Hardy was apprehensive, but he accepted the terms…

Powell’s POV: A pay-per-view caliber match to start the match. Jungle Boy and Luchasaurus worked really well together and I look forward to seeing future matches from the former tag team partners. Cage did a good job of heeling on the Toronto crowd to turn them against him and Luchasaurus as much as he could. The segment that followed had too much going on and they really rushed into stipulation.

QT Marshall, Nick Comoroto, and Aaron Solo were in the ring coming out of the break. Marshall mocked the War-Joe name for Wardlow and Samoa Joe, who then made their entrance…

2. Wardlow and Samoa Joe vs. QT Marshall and Nick Comoroto (w/Aaron Solo). Marshall shoved Solo at the babyfaces to start the match. Joe put Comoroto down and then Wardlow hit him with a Swanton Bomb. Joe applied the Coquina Clutch and got the submission win.

Wardlow and Samoa Joe beat QT Marshall and Nick Comoroto in 2:30.

After the match, Wardlow powerbombed Marshall. As he was setting up for a second, he was interrupted by Prince Nana, Brian Cage, Kaun, and Toa Liona walking out. Nana accused Wardlow and Joe of sticking their noses where they don’t belong. Cage took the mic and complained that Wardlow and Joe stuck their noses in their business when they had FTR right where they wanted them. Cage said he hadn’t seen FTR all day and said he wouldn’t even let them in Canada if it were up to him.

“FTR” Dax Harwood and Cash Wheeler made their entrance with all of their tag team title belts. Harwood dropped the mic, but he picked it up and then FTR joined Wardlow and Joe inside the ring while the heels stayed on the floor. A loud “FTR” chant broke out.

Harwood said there were three members of The Embassy. He said that Wardlow and Joe just had a hard fought match, so they had the perfect tag team partner and introduced Shawn Spears, who made his entrance. Excalibur noted that Spears was from Ontario. Spears threw Solo inside the ring where FTR put him down with their Big Rig finisher…

Powell’s POV: I guess Spears is back as a babyface, at least temporarily. He was in The Pinnacle with FTR, so I guess that’s the connection. I will be surprised if Spears stays heel for long.

Backstage, Tony Schiavone interviewed Chris Jericho, Angelo Parker, and Matt Menard. They blamed Bryan Danielson for trying to steal Daniel Garcia from Jericho Appreciation Society. Jericho said he felt bad about taking out Garcia last week and had tried to reach him all week. Jericho said he would be in “Lionheart” mode when he faced Danielson later in the show…

Swerve Strickland made his entrance. Billy Gunn made his entrance along with “The Acclaimed” Max Caster and Anthony Bowens. Caster rapped the trio to the ring…

3. Swerve Strickland vs. Billy Gunn. Max Caster and Anthony Bowens did not stay at ringside. The crowd sang “Oh, scissor me, daddy,” once the bell rang to start the match. Gunn waited until they were finished so that he could get cheered for removing his t-shirt. Gunn teased dropping his trunks, Strickland dropkicked Gunn’s knee heading into a PIP break. [C]

Strickland cut off Gunn’s offense with a Flatliner. Strickland went up top and performed a double stomp. Strickland played to the crowd and then covered Gunn, who kicked out at two. Gunn avoided Strickland’s next move, but Strickland hooked him into a pin and then wrapped his arm around one of the ropes while the referee made the three count.

Swerve Strickland beat Billy Gunn in 8:40.

Caster and Bowens returned to the ring after the match. They set up for a group scissors bit, but they were interrupted by Mark Sterling, who walked onto the stage with Tony Nese. Sterling had Nese show off a certificate for a trademark for scissoring.

The Acclaimed and Gunn teased doing the scissors bit anyway, but Sterling threatened to sue them. Sterling said he had some ideas and was wiling to work with The Acclaimed. “In the meantime, scissor me, Daddy Nese,” Sterling said. Sterling and Nese scissored on the stage…

Alex Marvez attempted to interview MJF. Stokely Hathaway showed up before MJF could answer Marvez’s questions about last week’s MJF match and the situation with William Regal. MJF threatened to fire Hathaway and told him to take his Carlton Banks looking ass out of his shot. Hathaway smiled and walked away.

MJF turned his attention to Regal. MJF said he and Regal had a dark past. He said he’s sure that Regal can’t remember it because he was up on his high horse. MJF said he didn’t know if he was going to shake Wheeler Yuta’s hand last week. He said he realized long ago that nice guys finish last.

MJF said he’s sure that there are people in the locker room who don’t like him, but they have no idea what it’s like to be him. “You don’t like me, tough shit,” MJF said. “You don’t like me? When I walk through the curtain, I don’t like me either.” MJF said he is a man with a plan and is the future AEW World Champion… [C]

Tony Schiavone stood in the ring and noted that next week’s Dynamite will air on Tuesday. He introduced AEW World Champion Jon Moxley who entered through the crowd. Once in the ring, Moxley said, “Damn, it’s good to be in Toronto.” Moxley said his challengers all think they want what he has, but being world champion isn’t easy.

Moxley said being world champion is a dirty job and you have to be ruthless and indiscriminate. He said he loves the job. Moxley said that brought him to “Hangman” Adam Page, which drew some boos.

[Hour Two] Hangman Page made his entrance and joined Moxley inside the ring. Page held his hand out. Moxley handed him the mic. Page told Moxley that he wanted him to say whatever he had to say about him to his face. Page then said Moxley said it all last week when he said Moxley respects who he is in the ring and as a person.

Page said he’d be lying if he didn’t tell him that it meant the world to him. Page said he’s watched Moxley the last three years and he’s come to respect who he is inside and outside the ring. Page said Moxley is a hell of a champion, a hell of husband, and a hell of a father.

MJF was shown seated in a luxury box with his AEW Casino Ladder Match chip. Page said Moxley shattered the illusions he had when Moxley called him a nice kid. Page asked if that’s how Moxley feels about him. “That’s exactly what I think about you,” Moxley responded. “I don’t think you are the same guy who knocked me off a 20-foot ladder one year ago. Next week in Cincinnati if you get the shot to take me out, I don’t think you’ve got it in your guts to pull the trigger.

Page said he may not be the same guy he was last year. He said he hesitated in May and it cost him the championship. He also said he went to the Trios tournament final with his best friends and they failed. He said he’s had to watch week after week as his friends disappeared, and then he said his old friends have disappeared.

Page said he’s not the same man. He’s angry and frustrated. He said he’s still here because he is a man. Page said he’s 31 years-old and has been an AEW Tag Team Champion and an AEW World Champion. He said he’s watched his family members be lowered into the ground and he’s brought new life into the world, just as Moxley has.

Page said he’s a husband, a father, and he’s been choked until his face turned blue and beaten in the face over and over and over. Page punched himself several times while saying he keeps coming back. MJF was shown eating popcorn and nodding along. Page said he knows what he has to do in Cincinnati and he doesn’t care if Moxley has family in the crowd.

Page said he will beat Moxley within an inch of his life to take back the title he never should have let slip away. Page said the only things he has left are his shot and his word. He said he gets his shot next Tuesday and he gave his word that he would be the next AEW World Champion. Page said that unlike MJF, he wanted to come out and tell Moxley face to face and man to man.

Page started to leave the ring. Moxley teased going after him, which caused Page to stop for a moment and watch Moxley as he exited the ring. Taz hyped the AEW World Championship match for next Tuesday…

Powell’s POV: A good promo segment. Page showed more fire and poise during that promo than I recall seeing from him. There were times when his wording was a little off, but the passion he showed more than made up for it.

A video package aired on the ROH World Championship match. It featured footage of Bryan Danielson from his days in ROH along with current footage. Chris Jericho said it’s been five years since he wrestled in Canada and he expected a hero’s welcome… Entrances for the match took place, and Jericho came out with Matt Menard and Angelo Parker. Jericho entered to White Zombie’s “Electric Head” rather than “Judas” due to being in “Lionheart” mode…

4. Chris Jericho (w/Matt Menard, Angelo Parker) vs. Bryan Danielson for the ROH World Championship. William Regal and Ian Riccaboni sat in on commentary. Danielson kicked Jericho’s hand away when he offered a handshake. The crowd sang “Judas” on their own since they didn’t get to sing it during Jericho’s entrance. Funny. Jericho performed a huracanrana that pulled Danielson from the top rope heading into a PIP break. [C]

Jericho sent Danielson to ringside and then jumped onto the middle rope and leapt over the top rope and onto Danielson at ringside. Danielson came back with a butterfly superplex and then applied the LeBell Lock. Jericho escaped and applied the Walls of Jericho. Danielson slipped out of the hold and then threw punches at Jericho. Danielson put Jericho in a Codebreaker, then Jericho caught him in an inside cradle for a two count.

Danielson dropped Jericho with a kick and covered him for a two count. A “this is awesome” chant broke out. Danielson threw elbows to the side of Jericho’s head. Jericho hoisted up Danielson and slammed him to the mat before covering him for a two count. Danielson avoided a Lionsault. Jericho sold knee pain. Danielson hit Jericho with back to back leaping knees from the ropes.

Danielson leapt from the ropes a third time and Jericho hit him with a Codebreaker on the way down for a good near fall. Moments later, Jericho shoved Danielson into referee Paul Turner. REF BUMP!!! Danielson clotheslined Jericho and both men stayed down on the mat.

Matt Menard slid the ROH Title belt to Jericho. Taz said it looked like it was sports entertainment style. Jericho motioned for Danielson to stand up. Danielson pulled himself up by the ropes.

Daniel Garcia ran out and took the ROH Title belt away from Jericho. The crowd booed. Jericho shoved Garcia, who shoved him back. Danielson delivered a knee to the head of Jericho. Garcia ran over and hit Danielson with the title belt. Parker rolled the referee back inside the ring. Jericho covered Danielson and got the pin. Excalibur said there was once again a black cloud hanging over the name of Ring of Honor.

Chris Jericho defeated Bryan Danielson in 14:40 to retain the ROH World Championship.

William Regal, Claudio Castagnoli, and Wheeler Yuta headed to the ring, causing the Jericho Appreciation Society members to go to ringside. Jericho kissed Garcia on the cheek…

Powell’s POV: A very good match with what I guess is supposed to be a “sports entertainment” finish. It was a silly finish in that Garcia could have simply let Jericho hit Danielson with the title belt rather than taking it from him. Garcia rejoining Jericho Appreciation Society did nothing for me, but I guess we’ll wait to hear the promo explanation. The entire premise of JAS spoofing sports entertainment feels dated at this point, but Garcia rejoining the faction seems to indicate that it won’t be going away anytime soon.

Paquette interviewed Nyla Rose, Vickie Guerrero, and Marina Shafir. Rose had the TBS Title around her waist. Anna Jay showed up and challenged Rose to face her for the belt on Friday’s Rampage. Rose told her to show up on Rampage and she’d whoop her ass… [C] Entrances for the tag team match were televised…

5. Interim AEW Women’s Champion Toni Storm and Hikaru Shida vs. Britt Baker and Jamie Hayter (w/Rebel). Storm was isolated by the heel duo heading into an early PIP break. [C] Shida worked over Baker with punches in the corner coming out of the break. Hayter tried to help, but Shida superplexed her. Shida followed up by suplexing Baker onto Hayter.

The crowd chanted for Shida, who performed a middle rope meteora on Baker for a near fall. Hayter took out Shida, but Storm put Hayter down with a bulldog. Baker put Storm down with a neckbreaker. Baker got her glove from Rebel. Shida threw punches at both heels, but they put her down with a double superkick. Baker performed a Stomp on Shida nad had her pinned, but Storm returned to break up the pin.

Storm put Baker down with a piledriver and then Shida covered her. Hayter returned and shoved Storm into the pin to break it up. Shida took out Hayter with a kick. Baker caught Shida in an inside cradle for a two count. Baker went for the Lockjaw, but Shida caught her in a pin for a two count. Shida performed a twisting slam and then they took turns reversing pin attempts and it ended with Shida on top for the three count…

Interim AEW Women’s Champion Toni Storm and Hikaru Shida beat Britt Baker and Jamie Hayter in 8:20.

After the match, Shida had some blood in her teeth. She shook hands with Storm…

Powell’s POV: Are they building up Shida for a title shot? It feels like Storm is in a tag team match on a near weekly basis and the focus ends up being more on her partner or her opponents.

Excalibur announced Jon Moxley and Claudio Castagnoli vs. The Butcher and The Blade for AEW Rampage… The Butcher and The Blade and The Bunny delivered a brief backstage promo… Excalibur hyped Pac vs. Orange Cassidy for the AEW All-Atlantic Championship as the main event coming up after a break… [C]

Ring announcer Justin Roberts stood in the ring and introduced the participants in the main event match…

6. Pac vs. Orange Cassidy for the AEW All-Atlantic Championship. Pac ducked Cassidy throwing an Orange Punch to start the match. Cassidy ended up on his knees and put his hands in his pockets. Pac taunted him by doing light kicks. Cassidy stood up and dropkicked him to ringside. Cassidy went for a suicide dive, but Pac caught him and slammed him to the mat. Excalibur played up Cassidy landing on the arm he uses to throw the Orange Punch. They cut to the final PIP break. [C]

Pac dominated the action throughout the commercial break and performed a tombstone piledriver on the ramp. Cassidy rolled down the ramp to get back to ringside and held his neck. Cassidy dove into the ring to beat the referee’s count. Pac put him in the Brutalizer, but Cassidy reached the bottom rope with his foot to break the hold.

Excalibur went into auctioneer mode while hyping matches for Rampage and Dynamite. Sure enough, Storm is defending the Interim AEW Women’s Championship against Shida next week.

In the ring, Cassidy had a burst of offense and DDT’d Pac on the floor and again in the ring. Cassidy hit the Orange Punch and got a near fall. A “this is awesome” chant broke out. Cassidy went up top, but Pac rolled under the bottom rope. Cassidy smirked and then dropped to the middle rope and jumped toward Pac, who kicked him.

Cassidy came right back and went for another Orange Punch, but Pac stuffed it and suplexed him. Pac applied the Brutalizer. Cassidy rolled onto Pac and reached the ropes to break the hold with his feet. Pac, who had some blood on his shoulder, rolled to ringside and tried to grab his title belt. A masked man stopped him.

The masked man removed his hood and revealed himself to be Danhausen. Danhausen cursed Pac, who punched him out. Pac brought the ring bell back to the ring with him, but Cassidy hit him before he could use it. Cassidy picked up the ring bell hammer and eventually gave it to the referee. Pac rolled up Cassidy for a two count. Cassidy got up and hit the Orange Punch. Cassidy backed up and hit another Orange Punch and scored the pin…

Orange Cassidy defeated Pac in 11:20 to win the AEW All-Atlantic Championship.

After the match, Trent Beretta and Chuck Taylor joined Cassidy in the ring. Orange confetti shot off and then the trio had a group hug. Excalibur hyped Rampage and Dynamite to close the show…

Powell’s POV: A fun main event. I still couldn’t care less about the AEW All-Atlantic Championship, but the match was entertaining in spite of it. Excalibur also noted that this was the first title that Cassidy won in AEW. Overall, the two hours flew by and the show featured the usual good in-ring work. It was fun to see AEW playing to a lively crowd that was on par with some of AEW’s most enthusiastic crowds. I will have more to say in my weekly same night audio review for Dot Net Members (including our Patreon patrons).

AEW Dynamite Poll: Grade the October 12 edition

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Readers Comments (4)

  1. THe crowd is INSANE. Love it. This show is going to be epic.

  2. Several good matches were ruined by outside interference and/or distractions

  3. Some really good stuff tonight, especially the opening match and the ROH title match aside from the finish.

    You have to wonder who Tony Khan thinks benefits by acknowledging bad AEW tropes on air instead of doing something about them (MJF’s comment about getting interrupted during his interview).

  4. Ignoring the usual “no matter what AEW does I will find something wrong with it” idiots, the crowd for this show was off the chart, which always adds so much. Love the clean finish at the end, and the Page promo blew me away as I’ve never seen him give a promo THAT good. MJF’s promo also makes it interesting to see where “I don’t even like myself” goes…. I think the angle about “copyright of scissoring” was idiotic but other than that I really enjoyed the night. Looking forward to Rampage.

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