By Don Murphy, Contributor (@DonThePredictor)
AEW Collision (Episode 79)
Taped January 29, 2025 in Huntsville, Alabama at VBC Probst Arena
Simulcast February 1, 2025 on TNT and Max
[Hour One] There were no opening promos this week. The Collision intro aired featuring Elton John’s “Saturday Night’s Alright for Fighting,” as Tony Schiavone and Nigel McGuinness checked in on commentary. Arkady Aura was the ring announcer and delivered the introductions as Samoa Joe and Hook made their way to the ring for the opening match.
1. Samoa Joe and Hook vs. Nick Wayne and Kip Sabian (w/Christian Cage and Mother Wayne). This was your basic formula for a tag team match. Nice chain wrestling by Wayne and Hook to start. There was one apparent botched spot where Sabian appeared to slip off the top rope while attempting a dive onto Joe. Hook held the advantage until Wayne grabbed Hook’s leg while he was running off the ropes. The heels worked over Hook for several minutes until Hook made the hot tag to Joe. Joe cleaned house and quickly finished off Sabian with a Muscle Buster for the win.
Samoa Joe and Hook defeated Nick Wayne and Kip Sabian in about 9:00.
After the match, Christian Cage and Wayne attacked Hook and Joe with Cage using his briefcase as a weapon. He placed Joe’s head over it and delivered a stomp before leaving the ring with his team.
Don’s Take: A very basic tag team match. I noticed on Dynamite, which was taped on the same night, that the crowd was pretty dead. They haven’t improved here thus far. For me, most of the AEW storylines are flat and it’s time to shuffle the deck and try something else.
Cope cut a backstage promo on Jon Moxley. He said that Moxley has everyone confused as to what his plan is. He said that Mox likely doesn’t even know what his plan is, but just complains for the sake of complaining. He added that with the company now streaming on Max, it was rocket science to keep the title locked up in a briefcase. He reminded Moxley that the current generation should always give respect to the generation before them because they helped pave the way for him. He said he was going to beat him up and when Moxley is 65 and can barely get out of bed, it will be because of him. He then challenged Moxley to a title match on March 9th at Revolution.
Don’s Take: I was hoping they’d get this over with in Australia but at least there’s a date. The sooner the better. Moxley should be helping to make someone current, not Cope who is a legacy start and has seen better days.
2. The Beast Mortos vs. Adam Priest. Quick squash match here as Mortos hit his Destination Hellhole finisher for the win.
The Beast Mortos defeated Adam Priest in about 0:47.
After the match, Max Caster came out (with new music) and told Mortos that he did a good job but that he would never last with the Greatest Wrestler Alive. He announced that his Open Challenge Series was about to start and asked for his opponent to come to the ring. That opponent was the returning Rush.
3. Rush (w/Dralistico) vs. Max Caster. Another quick one here as Rush dominated, finishing Caster off with his running knees in the corner finisher.
Rush defeated Max Caster in about 1:02.
After the match, Rush grabbed the mic and asked Mortos what was wrong with him and that they were family. He gave his “if you mess with the bull, you get the horns” line before the trio left the ring. Rush and Dralistico appeared to continue to argue with Mortos on the way out. [C]
Don’s Take: Is it weird that the only interesting thing about this whole sequence was Caster, the guy who lost the match? I’m guessing this is going to be a theme every week where he builds himself over to lose, which could serve for some undercard comedy I suppose. There have been many starts and stops with Rush so I’m not in a place where I care at this time. Mortos has also been positioned as a good hand so a babyface turn doesn’t do much for me either.
Lexy Nair was backstage with the Outrunners who cut an 80’s style promo to hype their upcoming match with Chris Jericho and Bryan Keith.
4. Chris Jericho and Bryan Keith (w/Big Bill) vs. “The Outrunners” Turbo Floyd and Truth Magnum. The Outrunners held the early advantage until the action spilled to the floor and Big Bill dropped Truth Magnum with a big boot while Chris Jericho distracted referee Aubrey Edwards. [C]
After the break, Keith continued to work over Magnum. Magnum kicked Keith away and made the hot tag to Floyd. Floyd executed some of the worst offense off of a hot tag I’ve ever seen. In the end, the Outrunners hit their double elbow drop on Keith and Jericho. Edwards worked to get Jericho out of the ring as he wasn’t the legal man. Floyd and Magnum set Keith up for Total Recall, but as Magnum was running off the ropes, Bill pulled him out of the ring and rammed him into the ringside barrier. Keith rolled up Floyd for the win.
Chris Jericho and Bryan Keith defeated “The Outrunners” Turbo Floyd and Truth Magnum in about 8:21.
After the match, Bill continued to beat down the Outrunners while Keith grabbed a table. Bill was about to chokeslam them both through the table until Bandido came out and cleared the ring of the Learning Tree by ducking a charge by Bill, hitting Jericho with a spinning tornado and press slamming Keith through the table.
Don’s Take: OK, you guys win. I was one of the few that enjoyed the Outrunners but this was brutal. Their offense was weak and as we’ve said, the Jericho act is limping along while Jericho himself has seen better days. Bandido can hopefully carry Jericho to decent match on the ROH side. Yes, it was weird for me to write that.
A video hyped Kyle Fletcher vs. Mark Briscoe for next week’s live Collision from Houston. Fletcher wants to avenge the loss to Briscoe during the Continental Classic. [C]
Lexy Nair was backstage with AEW Continental Champion, Kazuchika Okada. She asked him what’s next for him. Before he could answer, Buddy Matthews was shown laughing off camera. Okada asked him what was so funny. Matthews said that the funny part was that Okada was the champion but too afraid to defend his title. He said that Brody King and Julia Hart were not with him and they could settle things right now. Okada laughed and said Matthews didn’t deserve it. Matthews said he guessed Okada was still a bitch. Okada yelled, “I’m not a bitch” before looking back at Nair.
5. Harley Cameron vs. Taya Valkyrie This was even to start. Deonna Purrazzo was shown watching from backstage. Tony Schiavone announced an “All Star” tag team match for Dynamite, with Brody King and Buddy Matthews taking on Kyle Fletcher and Konosuke Takeshita. In addition Will Ospreay will face “a member of the Don Callis family.” Valkyire getting the advantage with a rolling German suplex heading into the picture-in-picture break. [C]
Don’s Take: So you announce the tag match before announcing the mystery Callis Family member for Ospreay. That eliminates Fletcher and Takeshita, and since Ospreay already beat Cage, I think we all know who the opponent is, unless it’s meant to be a new member.
After the break, some more back and forth. Cameron missed a senton splash from the top rope. Valkyrie hit a spear and laid over Cameron back first for the pin attempt. This allowed Cameron to roll up Valkyrie for her first win.
Harley Cameron defeated Taya Valkyrie in about 7:33.
After the match, Purrazzo threw a chair backstage while Cameron celebrated with the fans and the referee.
Don’s Take: This was OK, but I feel like they could have given Cameron’s first win a better build up. The live crowd seemed to enjoy it.
[Hour Two] Renee Paquette held a sit-down interview with Ricochet to tell his side of the story. Ricochet said that for years the fans urged him to come to AEW and he always felt that this is where he belonged as well. But when he arrived, the fans turned on him, especially after he defeated Will Ospreay. He was then disrespected by Swerve Strickland who calls himself “The Voice of the People.” Ricochet said he liked that because when he took the scissors to Strickland, it was a shot at every fan that has wronged him.
Swerve Strickland entered and Paquette left. He said he could end Richohet’s life now but didn’t want to disappoint the fans in Atlanta. He said that Ricochet pretended he was a superhero and the fans rejected him. He said he told AEW management not to sign Ricochet when he announced he was a free agent as he was arrogant and entitled. He added that the match on Wednesday wasn’t going to be an exhibition but a fight.
Ricochet said Strickland was right in that he’s not good about pretending or cutting a promo on something he didn’t believe in. He said he pretended to care about what the fans thought of him, but he never did and never will. He said that Strickland calls himself the “Most Dangerous Man Alive,” but he hasn’t been a threat since Hangman took his grill. Strickland stood up and pressed the sharp end of the scissors to Ricochet’s throat…
Don’s Take: A fine way to build to this match minus the threat of murder and a stabbing.
Back in the arena, Timeless Toni Storm came out and admitted to the fans that she was playing the role of Toni Storm for the past six weeks and no one realized it because she’s good. She said that after May won the title, she was embarrassed and went away and the only way she could come back was to build herself up from the bottom. When she looked at May she saw her for what she was and said she would doom her womb. She said May might not think she’s real, but it doesn’t get more real than this because her name is “Timeless” Toni Storm and May’s time is up…
A video spotlighted the career of Christopher Daniels….[C]
Renee Paquette was outside of Mercedes Mone’s locker room with Harley Cameron who had a Mercedes Mone hand puppet. Cameron, who is a skilled ventriloquist, had an entertaining exchange with the puppet where she asked for a TBS Title match in Australia and the puppet accepted. The real Mone showed up and thought the puppet was cute that Cameron was entertaining. She added that all the singing and dancing hid the fact that she was a loser and losers don’t get to ride the money train. She asked Cameron and Paquette to leave and the puppet looked dejected.
A short video hyped the upcoming TNT Title match…
6. Daniel Garcia vs. Kyle O’Reilly vs. Lee Moriarty (w/Shane Taylor) in a three-way for the TNT Championship. Matt Menard joined the commentary team. Very even to start. Garcia and O’Reilly sent Moriarty to the outside and squared off. O’Reilly was running off the rope but was pulled to the floor by Moriarty. Moriarty then sent Garcia to the floor and dove onto both. [C]
Down the stretch, plenty of near falls and action between the three competitors. Garcia and O’Reilly had several nice exchanges that you have to figure will result in a one-on-one match down the road. The finish saw Garcia attempt to roll-up Moriarty. Moriarty pushed him off into a right hand from Taylor. The referee was made to look like a dolt again as he just randomly turned his head to allow Taylor to deliver the blow.
Moriarty locked in the Border City stretch on Garcia. O’Reilly attempted to break the hold but Taylor held his leg. O’Reilly kicked Taylor off of him and inexplicably dove onto Taylor from the apron to the floor rather than try to break the hold. In the meantime, Garcia was able to get out of the hold and bridge onto Moriarty for the win.
Daniel Garcia defeated Lee Moriarty and Kyle O’Reilly in a three-way in 11:29 to retain the TNT Championship.
After the match, Garica, O’Reilly and Taylor faced off. The Infantry came out to join Taylor and Moriarty. Menard left the announce table and was joined by Angelo Parker to back up Garcia. This brought out Adam Cole and Roderick Strong to back up O’Reilly. A graphic announced a three-way trios match for next week’s Collision: Adam Cole, Roderick Strong, and Kyle O’Reilly vs. Daniel Garcia, Matt Menard, and Angelo Parker vs. Shane Taylor, Shawn Dean, and CarlieBravo…
Don’s Take: The match was fine but all that to get to some meaningless three-way trios match. Ugh.
A video hyped Thunder Rosa vs. Penelope Ford for next week’s Collision….
Some weird Hologram video played where he’s walking the street and light effects are shooting out his hand until they fizzle and disappear.
7. Megan Bayne vs. Hyena Hera. Another quick squash match. Bayne got some explosive offense in before finishing Hera off with an F-5 type finisher.
Megan Bayne defeated Hyena Hera in about 1:27.
Don’s Take: A nice showcase win for Bayne. I don’t know much about her other than Tony saying she’s been in the business for seven years. She has a good look and a decent move set thus far so she should hopefully fit nicely into a women’s division that could use some added talent.
Lio Rush and Action Andretti cut a promo from what looked to be a parking lot. Rush told Top Flight they don’t show up because they want them to. He said that they will come back and when they do, they might take them up on their challenge…
A video hyped Toni Storm vs. Queen Aminata for Dynamite. Mariah May will be on commentary. [C]
Lexy Nair was backstage with Willow Nightingale and Kris Statlander. Statlander asked Nightingale for forgiveness but Nightingale she is focusing on herself now. Statlander showed Nightingale a friendship bracelet and said it was never broken.
Don’s Take: We criticized WWE for its overuse of a friendship bracelet in the CM Punk/Drew McIntyre feud, so there’s room to criticize here too.
8. Jon Moxley and Wheeler Yuta vs. “FTR” Dax Harwood and Cash Wheeler in a Mid-South Street Fight. FTR jumped Moxley and Yuta on their way to the ring. The two teams brawled all around the ringside area with Harwood facing off with Moxley and Harwood facing off with Yuta. Chairs, a ladder and a garbage can was brought in to the fray. As the babyfaces were getting the upper hand, Marina Shafir emerged and rammed Wheeler into the ringpost. In the ring, Moxley took a pair of bolt cutters and stuck them in Harwood’s nose. [C]
Coming out of the break, more brawling with Moxley introducing thumbtacks which he promptly took a backdrop onto. Shafir brought a table into the ring and propped it up in the corner. Moxley brought some kind of metal hook into the ring but Harwood grabbed it and went low. Shafir came in and low blowed Harwood before jumping on his back and applying a rear naked choked. Harwood stood up and ran backward into the table with Shafir on his back.
Claudio Castagnoli came out and the three Death Riders attacked FTR. This brought out Cope and Jay White to even the sides. On the floor, FTR hit Wheeler Yuta with a spike piledriver through the announce table for the win.
FTR defeated Jon Moxley and Wheeler Yuta in 16:53 in a Mid-South Street Fight.
Back in the ring, FTR hit a Shatter Machine on Moxley and Cope followed up with a spear. White set Moxley up for the Conchairto but Castagnoli pulled him to safety to end the show as the babyfaces celebrated in the ring.
Don’s Take: A very good television main event. It doesn’t make me any more excited to see Moxley vs. Cope or Moxley vs. White but a good match nonetheless. It’s too bad that they didn’t just air this match at the opening so we all could have gone on with our lives, as this was really one of the only things worth watching. Perhaps some of the promos were decent enough to give a watch, but this was another missable show. Considering it was a taped show airing on Royal Rumble night, I can’t really fault them for phoning it in.
That’s all for now. Dot Net Members can check out the great Will Pruett’s fantastic audio review of this show on Sunday. I’m sure I’ll be back over the next several weeks for another episode. Until then!
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