NXT Level Up results (12/6): O’Connor’s review of Dion Lennox vs. Jasper Troy, Layla Diggs vs. Lainey Reid

By John O’Connor, ProWrestling.net Contributor (@thereal_JOC

NXT: Level Up (Episode 147)
Taped in Orlando, Florida at the WWE Performance Center
Streamed December 6, 2024 on Peacock/WWE Network

Dion Lennox made his way to the ring as the broadcast team of Blake Howard and Byron Saxton welcomed us to the show…

1. Dion Lennox vs. Jasper Troy. A stalemate early as the opening bell rang until Lennox brought Troy to his knees with a side headlock. Troy turned the momentum in his favor dropping Lennox across the top rope and nailing a side slam. Lennox fought back with punches but was stopped in his tracks by a splash in the corner by Troy. Troy gained a near fall and applied an abdominal stretch wearing down Lennox. Troy went for a chokeslam but was put down by a Lennox spinebuster. Lennox dropped Troy once more and looked to finish, hitting a massive jackhammer slam for the win.

Dion Lennox defeated Jasper Troy via pinfall in 5:20. 

The commentary team hyped Layla Diggs vs. Lainey Reid as the main event for after the break…[c]

2. Layla Diggs vs. Lainey Reid. Reid gained the early advantage and drove Diggs to the mat but Diggs hit a series of armdrags and a dropkick to turn the tide. Reid cut off the momentum of Diggs and began to work on the leg as the audience attempted to bring Diggs back into the contest. Diggs kicked free from a prolonged leg lock and dropped Reid with a spinkick for a count of two.

Diggs slammed Reid off the top rope but Reid would battle through and apply a single leg crab on Diggs who eventually made it to the bottom rope. Reid looked for a roll up and held the ropes but was caught in the act by the referee which allowed Diggs to briefly take control but her leg was clipped by Reid who followed up with the knee strike to the face for the victory.

Lainey Reid defeated Layla Diggs via pinfall in 7:20. 

John’s Ramblings: Although it was nice to see a storyline develop over the last few weeks on Level Up there was not much to the resulting Layla Diggs vs. Lainey Reid match. In fact even for a 7 minute match, it dragged in parts. There was not much to the opener either, this is an easy edition to miss.


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