NXT Level Up results (3/15): O’Connor’s review of Wren Sinclair vs. Sol Ruca, Channing Stacks Lorenzo and Luca Crusifino vs. Javier Bernal and Drake Morreaux, and Lola Vice vs. Karlee Bright

By John O’Connor, ProWrestling.net Contributor (@thereal_JOC

NXT: Level Up (Episode 109)
Taped in Orlando, Florida at the WWE Performance Center
Streamed March 15, 2024 on Peacock/WWE Network

Lola Vice made her way to the ring as the broadcast team of Blake Howard and Byron Saxton welcomed us to the show…

1. Lola Vice vs. Carlee Bright. Bright used her agility early to keep Vice on her toes. Vice dropped Bright with a shoulder block but Bright responded with a side headlock. Vice hit a spinebuster to take control and choked Bright with her foot in the corner. Vice applied the pressure on the neck of Bright as Bright fought through and applied a backslide for a near fall. Bright hit clotheslines on Vice and went for a springboard axe handle but was caught with a kick on the way down. Vice squashed Bright who was out, seated in the corner, and applied a leg scissors submission middle of the ring, for the tapout win.

Lola Vice defeated Carlee Bright via submission in 4:25. 

The commentary team hyped Channing Stacks Lorenzo and Luca Crusifino vs. Javier Bernal and Drake Morreaux for after the break…[c]

2. Channing “Stacks” Lorenzo and Luca Crusifino vs. Javier Bernal and Drake Morreaux. Stacks and Bernal started the match. Morreaux tagged in as Stacks attempted a go behind. Unsuccessful, Stacks tagged in Crusifino but Morreaux powered Crusifino into the corner to continue the match in his favor. Bernal tagged back in and continued to wear down Crusifino as Crusifino looked for the hot tag to Stacks.  Back in, Morreaux sent Crusifino into the corner but as Morreaux looked to finish, Crusifino exploded with a clothesline which dropped Morreaux. Crusifino tagged in Stacks and as Crusifino dealt with Bernal, Stacks hit the ‘Concrete Shoes’ foot stomp on Morreaux for the victory.

Channing Stacks Lorenzo and Luca Crusifino defeated Javier Bernal and Drake Morreaux via pinfall in 5:25. 

The commentary team hyped the main event…[c]

3. Wren Sinclair vs. Sol Ruca. Sol Ruca is making her in-ring return from a long injury lay-off as the audience serenaded her with ‘welcome back’ chants. Ruca powered Sinclair up but Sinclair looked for a rollup but Ruca rolled through to a stalemate early. Looking for a knee strike, Ruca was caught by Sinclair but Ruca took Sinclair down to the mat with a side headlock to take control. Ruca avoided a clothesline from Sinclair but both women collided mid-ring. Sinclair applied a chinlock as Ruca looked to get back into the contest. Both women exchanged pinning combinations until Ruca dropped Sinclair with a kip-up dropkick followed by the wonderful ‘Sol Snatcher’ finisher for the win.

Sol Ruca defeated Wren Sinclair via pinfall in 6:07. 

John’s Ramblings: A note worthy edition of Level Up this week with a new tag team forming in Lorenzo and Crusifino and showcasing the in-ring return of the ever popular Sol Ruca, who was back from injury. Watch this episode even if it’s just to witness the return of Sol’s finisher. Welcome back, Sol!


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