Prestige Wrestling “Roseland 9” results (9/29): Vetter’s review of Alan Angels vs. Mustafa Ali for the Prestige Championship, Calvin Tankman vs. Donovan Dijak for the Deadlock Pro Title

By Chris Vetter, Contributor (@chrisvetter73)

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Prestige Wrestling “Roseland 9”
Streamed on
September 29, 2024 in Portland, Oregon at Roseland Theater

This show streamed live and free on Youtube. Unfortunately, due to Hurricane Helene, FTR and Jordyne Grace are off the show, but some good replacements were lined up, as Frankie Kazarian and Scorpio Sky are replacing FTR, while Athena is replacing Grace. Brian Zane and Jordan Castle provided commentary. This building is sold out, and the cameras panned the room, and there might be 600-800 fans here. Lighting is really good.

* A reminder that Prestige Wrestling, West Coast Pro Wrestling, and Deadlock Pro Wrestling are now working together and belts from all three promotions can and will be defended on their shows.

1. “Sinner & Saint” Judas Icarus and Travis Williams vs. “Violence is Forever” Kevin Ku and Dominic Garrini vs. “C4” Cody Chhun & Guillermo Rosas for the Prestige Tag Team Titles.The champs came out last; Williams also carried his Cascadia Cup trophy he won a month ago. Only two competitors in the ring at a time. Ku and Chhun opened. S&S jumped in at 1:30 and attacked them both. C4 hit a dropkick-and-brainbuster combo. S&S began working over Rosas. Icarus yanked Chhun off the apron so he couldn’t make the hot tag. Ku tagged in at 7:00 instead and battled S&S, chopping them both. Ku hit a Tiger Suplex on Icarus.

Garrini entered and hit a sliding clothesline on Icarus. Williams hit a flying knee on Garini. The S&S hit some quick kicks on Ku. Cody tagged himself in and dropkicked each of S&S. He hit a DDT on Williams for a nearfall at 10:00. Icarus hit a stunner on Cody. Chhun hit a double Cody Cutter (flying stunner off the ropes). ViF and C4 jumped in the ring and all four brawled. Garrini nailed a dive to the floor on Rosas at 12:00. ViF hit the Chasing the Dragon. However, Williams tied up Garrini in an Octopus! It allowed Judas to jump on Chhun and steal the pin! A really good opener.

Judas Icarus & Travis Williams defeated Kevin Ku & Dominic Garrini and Cody Chhun & Guillermo Rosas to retain the Prestige Tag Team Titles at 12:52.

* The next match is an open challenge! I have no idea who will face DPW National Champion Adam Priest. He came out first, got on the mic, told everyone he’s from Alabama, shouted “Roll Tide!” and got booed. Ethan HD came out; he had a good showing in the Cascadia Cup after returning from an extensive injury. Right on cue, Castle said it was a nine-month recovery from a knee injury.

2. Adam Priest vs. Ethan HD for the DPW National Title. Priest attacked from behind. Ethan hit a standing moonsault for a nearfall at 1:00. Priest hit a low blow and a snap suplex for a nearfall. He hit a Dragonscrew Legwhip and focused on Ethan’s knee, locking in a Figure Four Leglock at 4:00. Ethan pretended like he was hit by a low blow, and he hit a suplex on Priest for a nearfall at 6:30. They fought on the top rope. Ethan’s knee buckled as he landed on his feet; Priest immediately hit a chop block on the knee, then locked in a half-crab, and Ethan HD quickly tapped out.

Adam Priest defeated Ethan HD to retain the DPW National Title at 8:16.

3. Kylie Rae vs. Masha Slamovich. I just saw Kylie’s Thursday match near Philadelphia and her Friday match in Chicago, now she’s here; that’s an insanely busy schedule. Kylie was supposed to face Xia Li but she also is off the show because of Hurricane Helene. Mat reversals early on, and Masha twisted the left arm. They traded offense while in a knucklelock. Kylie slammed Masha’s head on the ring post at 4:30, earning a “holy shit!” chant and she got a nearfall. Kylie was suddenly looking aggressive (maniacal?) and she grounded Masha. She hit a suplex for a nearfall at 6:30 and the crowd rallied for Masha.

Rae wrapped Masha around her back; Masha got a Crucifix Driver to escape. Masha hit her rolling Koppo Kick for a nearfall at 9:30. Kylie hit a Russian leg sweep and locked in a crossface, but Masha reached the ropes. They got up and traded overhand chops. Masha hit her own Russian Legsweep for a nearfall at 11:30. They traded rollups. Masha nailed a Sabin-style Cradle Shock for a nearfall, then the White Knight Driver (piledriver) for the pin. That was really good.

Masha Slamovich defeated Kylie Rae at 12:58.

4. Jaiden vs. Alpha Zo vs. Matt Brannigan. Brannigan always reminds me of WCW-era Lenny Lane; he carried a drink to the ring. I will reiterate the impressive weight loss and improved conditioning of Zo. Jaiden is the Hurricane-style superhero gimmick. The crowd was hot and split at the bell. They wanted to tie up but Brannigan was still holding his drink and didn’t want to set it down, so we had some comedy early on. Brannigan tried a shoulder tackle on Zo but sold the pain after crashing into him. They all started hitting armdrags at 4:30, but this had some comedy spots, too. Brannigan hit a double clothesline at 6:30, and he twisted Jaiden’s nipples.

They went to the floor, where Jaiden shoved Brannigan into a pillar. In the ring, Brannigan sold hurting his groin. Zo hit a Helluva Kick. Brannigan hit a double German Suplex at 9:30. This match has had a great mix of comedy and athleticism. Brannigan went for a Swanton Bomb, but his opponents both side-stepped it for more humor. Zo hit a pump-handle powerbomb on Jaiden for a nearfall at 11:00. Brannigan hit a chokeslam on Zo. He hit the Swanton Bomb for a nearfall on Zo, but Jaiden made the save. Jaiden hit a DDT on Matt for a nearfall, then got a nearfall on Zo. They got up and traded punches. Jaiden hit a Code Red and pinned Zo. That was highly watchable and entertaining.

Jaiden defeated Alpha Zo and Matt Brannigan at 13:52.

Drexl, the hardcore specialist, came to the ring. He has teased a “big announcement” in recent weeks (and many have presumed he is hinting at retirement.) No makeup today; the crowd chanted his name and he looks like he’s already fighting back tears. “You guys are going to make this really f—en hard for me,” Drexl said. He said he moved to the West Coast in 2004. He said he has been a fan of pro wrestling since he first saw it at age 8 in 1983. (My quick math tells me he’s 49!) He initially wanted to be a manager, saying how much he loved Bobby “the Brain” Heenan. He ran through his history in wrestling, from trying out at WWE developmental to seeing the expansion of Defy Wrestling in Seattle.

Elliott Tyler, one of the rookies out here, came to the ring and tried to convince Drexl “not to say what he’s going to say.” “We need you in this ring; they need you in this ring,” Elliott Tyler said. Drexl said “I think it’s time for the monster to go away.” They hugged. However, Elliott attacked him from behind. He threw a chair at Drexl’s head! Drexl was bleeding. Jordan Castle noted these two had teamed just a month ago. Tyler hit a con-chair-to on Drexl! “You sick bastard!” Castle shouted. The crowd chanted, “Drexl’s gonna kill you!” as Tyler headed to the back. Security helped carry Drexl to the back.

5. Athena vs. Amira. Castle reiterated all the last-minute changes to the card due to hurricane-caused cancellations. No ROH title belt for Athena. Castle noted she “looks like she just woke up,” and she’s not really dressed to wrestle. (Making the point she isn’t taking Amira seriously.) Both women are about 5’3″ and similar weight. An intense lockup to open and standing switches, and Athena rolled to the floor at 2:30 to regroup. In the ring, Amira hit a shotgun dropkick and a rolling cannonball, and Athena went right back to the floor. Back in the ring, Athena began stomping on  Amira. She applied a front headlock and swung Amira’s legs at 5:30.

Athena hit a twisting uranage over her knee, then a senton for a nearfall. Amira hit a top-rope crossbody block at 8:00, then some clotheslines, then a German Suplex. Sha slammed Athena with a faceplant for a nearfall, and she immediately applied an anklelock. Athena kicked free and she removed her own boots. Amira hit a splash into the corner, but she missed the cannonball at 11:00. Athena hit a powerslam for a nearfall. Amira hit a tornado DDT and a pop-up powerbomb for a nearfall. Athena slammed her face-first into the middle turnbuckle. She hit a forearm to the face and scored the pin. Good action.

Athena defeated Amira at 12:42.

6. Kevin Blackwood vs. Trevor Lee for the West Coast Pro World Title. Blackwood has red hearts painted into his blond hair today. They shook hands before an intense lockup, and Lee tied up the left arm. Blackwood applied a leg lock around the neck, and we had a standoff at 2:00. They hit shoulder tackles with neither man going down. Lee again offered a handshake but as Kevin approached, Lee hit a dropkick at 4:30. Kevin hit a doublestomp to the chest. They brawled to the floor and traded forearm strikes. In the ring, Lee hit a Shining Wizard for a nearfall at 6:00 and he tied up Blackwood on the mat. Lee hit a backbreaker over his knee for a nearfall.

Lee hit a running penalty kick at 9:00 and remained in charge. He applied a modified Crossface Chickenwing on the mat. Blackwood hit a missile dropkick and they were both down. They got up and Kevin hit a series of kicks and open-hand strikes, then a German Suplex at 11:00. He hit a basement dropkick in the corner for a nearfall. Lee hit a penalty kick on the ring apron, as Blackwood was standing on the floor. In the ring, Lee hit a top-rope crossbody block for a nearfall, and they were both down at 13:00. Blackwood hit a Penalty Kick; Lee hit a decapitating clothesline. Blackwood nailed a brainbuster for a believable nearfall; the crowd hissed at the ref for a slow count.

They fought on the top rope, and Lee hit a superplex for a nearfall at 16:00. He hit a twisting slam for another nearfall. Kevin caught him with a knee to the chin. Blackwood hit a top-rope back suplex, but Lee rolled to the floor to avoid being pinned. Blackwood came off the top rope, but Lee caught him with a forearm strike on the way down, and they were both down at 18:00. The crowd chanted “This is wrestling!” then “Fight forever!” They got up and traded forearm strikes; the sweat was really flying off both of them. Lee hit his mid-ring Spanish Fly for a believable nearfall at 20:00. Blackwood hit an Exploder Suplex into the corner. They traded kicks. Kevin hit a Helluva Kick into the corner, then the top-rope doublestomp on a standing Lee for the pin. That was a special, special match.

Kevin Blackwood defeated Trevor Lee to retain the West Coast Pro World Title at 21:10.

* A 15-minute intermission.

7) “SCU” Scorpio Sky and Frankie Kazarian vs. “Midnight Heat” Ricky Gibson and Eddie Pearl. SCU came out first and Sky told Portland it’s the worst town he’s ever been in. This is the first time they’ve tagged in nearly four years. Ricky, of course, was “briefly” Kevin Owens’ tag partner a couple weeks ago until Randy Orton arrived. The crowd chanted “F— you Ricky,” and Zane responded, “That is no way to treat a viral sensation!” Kazarian and Pearl opened with a basic lockup, and Kazaian hit some deep armdrags. Scorpio Sky entered at 3:00 and tied up Gibson on the mat. MH began working Sky over in their corner, and this was an extensive beat-down.

Frankie finally got the hot tag at 9:00 and he hit a flying forearm on Pearl, then a bodyslam and guillotine leg drop for a nearfall. He hit a short-arm clothesline and a Lungblower to the back. MH did a Russian Legsweep-and-lungblower combo at 11:30. Gibson hit a backbreaker over his knee on Frankie. Frankie hit a tornado DDT on Gibson at 13:30. SCU hit a team slam on Gibson for a believable nearfall, but Pearl pulled the ref from the ring! Gibson hit a guillotine leg drop on Sky as Pearl held Sky in place, and they scored the pin on Scorpio! Solid tag match. The crowd gave SCU a loud “Please come back!” chant.

Ricky Gibson and Eddie Pearl defeated Scorpio Sky and Frankie Kazarian at 14:49.

8. Calvin Tankman vs. Donovan Dijak for the Deadlock Pro Title. Like Kylie Rae, Tankman competed Friday in Chicago for Freelance Wrestling. An intense lockup to open. Brian Zane said the taller Dijak also has the weight advantage; I’m not sure about that. They traded shoulder tackles and Dijak nailed a leaping clothesline at 2:30. Tankman hit a Pounce that launched the tall Dijak over the top rope and that POPPED the crowd and we got a “holy shit!” chant. They fought at ringside. Tankman hit a loud chop, so Dijak hit some back. In the ring, Tankman hit a brainbuster for a nearfall at 5:30. They got up and traded more chops and these were LOUD. “What a HOSS fight!” Castle said.

Dijak suplexed Tankman for a nearfall and we got a “This is awesome!” chant. Calvin hit a backbreaker over his knee then a clothesline for a nearfall. Dijak hit a superkick in the corner, and he chokeslammed Tankman off the second rope to the mat for a nearfall at 10:30. Dijak nailed a moonsault where he crossed more than half-way across the ring for a nearfall. Tankman nailed his pop-up back elbow for a believable nearfall at 12:00. Tankman powerslammed Dijak on the ring apron, then he dove through the ropes onto Dijak at 13:30!

Back in the ring, Tankman hit his own top-rope moonsault for a nearfall! “I love professional wrestling!” Castle shouted. Tankman hit a stiff Hidden Blade forearm strike. Dijak nailed a superkick. Tankman hit a headbutt. Dijak nailed his discus Mafia Kick for a believable nearfall at 15:00. Dijak hit a flip dive to the floor on Tankman and landed on his feet. In the ring, Dijak leapt off the top rope, but Tankman caught him and hit the Tankman Driver (piledriver) for the pin. That was stellar. Brian Zane said we just witnessed a classic.

Calvin Tankman defeated Donovan Dijak to retain the Deadlock Pro Heavyweight Title at 15:56.

9. Alan Angels (w/Travis Williams, Judas Icarus) vs. Mustafa Ali for the Prestige Heavyweight Title. Angels is hated here and was loudly booed and he stalled at the bell. They locked up and traded reversals on the mat. They began trading forearm strikes at 2:30, with the crowd cheering every one of Ali’s blows. They fought to the floor at 5:0 and traded blows in front of the fans. The crowd chanted “Alan Asshole!” Ali hit a DDT onto the hard floor! Angels slammed Ali onto the ring apron. In the ring, Angels hit a neckbreaker over his knee for a nearfall at 8:00, then a cocky senton for a nearfall; Ali rolled him over and also got a nearfall.

Angels hit a piledriver for a nearfall. The crowd chanted “Shave your mustache!” at Angels. Ali hit a basement dropkick. Angels hit a Dragon Suplex and a fisherman’s buster for a nearfall at 10:30. Ali hit a series of kicks, then a tornado DDT, and they were both down. Ali hit a rolling neckbreaker, but he missed a 450 Splash. Ali charged but he crashed head-first into the middle turnbuckle at 13:00, and Angels immediately hit a DDT, and they were both down. Ali hit a Cross Rhodes neckbreaker for a nearfall, then a stalling German Suplex. He again went to the top rope, but Angels cut him off. Ali hit a running powerbomb, then he nailed the top-rope 450 Splash for a believable nearfall at 15:30.

Ali hit a spin kick to the head. Alan hit a low blow uppercut when the ref was out of position, then the Halo Strike spinning kick to the head for a believable nearfall, and Castle was shocked Mustafa kicked out. Ali locked in a Sharpshooter in the center of the ring! Ali let go to hit Williams and Icarus, who had suddenly returned and had hopped on the apron. S&S hit Ali with their title belts! Angels hit a Poison Rana, then the Angels Wings for a believable nearfall, but Ali kicked out at 18:30! Angels grabbed a chair! He swung it but it hit the top rope and ricocheted onto his own face. Ali dove through the ropes onto the heels. However, Angels hit Ali with a chairshot to the head, and the ref called for the bell.

Mustafa Ali defeated Alan Angels via DQ at 19:27; Angels retained the title.

* Angels got on the mic and declared himself a winner. Icarus and Williams also were in the ring. Cody Chhun, Guillermo Rosas and Jaiden came to the ring. Angels ducked out of the ring and headed towards the back, while the babyfaces beat up Williams and Icarus. Amira attacked Angels at the entrance. She dragged him into the ring and she hit the World’s Strongest Slam. A satisfying way to end the show after the DQ ending to the main event.

Final Thoughts: First and foremost, a huge kudos and thank you to promoter William Quintana. I imagine he lost a lot of sleep this week as Hurricane Helene messed with months of planning. He had wrestlers cancel and he found good replacements and turned this into a must-see show. Two standout matches. I love a good big man match, so I’ll go with Dijak-Tankman for best match. Both of their moonsaults are must-see…Dijak got great air time crossing the ring, and a man of Tankman’s size usually doesn’t do that move. I really liked Trevor Lee vs. Kevin Blackwood; I went back and forth on which match was better. A strong main event takes third. Lots to like here. Masha-Kylie Rae was really good, too. The opener three-way tag was really good. Lots to like here. I will reiterate this show is free and well worth checking out on Youtube.


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