WWE Smackdown results (9/27): Barnett’s review of Solo Sikoa’s return, Naomi vs. Bayley for a shot at the WWE Women’s Championship at WWE Bad Blood, Andrade vs. Carmelo Hayes

By Jake Barnett, ProWrestling.net Co-Senior Staffer (@barnettjake)

WWE Smackdown (Episode 1,309)
Oklahoma City, Oklahoma at Paycom Center
Aired live September 27, 2024 on USA Network

Michael Cole and Corey Graves opened the show on commentary and welcomed the TV audience to Oklahoma City. Randy Orton’s music hit and then he made his ring entrance to start the show. Orton played to the crowd as his music played. Orton said it had been a minute because he had to take care of some business on Raw, but he had missed being in a Smackdown ring. He then said that he had been in the business a long time and can count the number of people he can trust on one hand. Randy called Cody Rhodes one of those people, and said they had known each other a long time and know each other well. 

He called Cody’s choice to partner with Roman Reigns disappointing and that it didn’t sit right to him. Randy said he was hoping for an explanation, and asked Cody to come to the ring to give it to him. Cody Rhodes made his way to the ring slapping hands and kissing babies and what not. Cody greeted the crowd and Orton before going into his explanation. Cody said perhaps he looked like a fool for teaming with Roman Reigns, and questioned whether it was better to look like a fool or a coward. He then said that Roman gave him his word, and gave some examples of Roman giving his word, such as doing whatever it took to keep his title or promising not to show his face if he lost it. 

Cody then went on to say that he would take him at his word, and that it was time for this Bloodline to be killed. He then said he hoped with all sincerity that it wouldn’t be a problem for him. Randy said it wouldn’t be a problem at all, of course, unless he made it a problem. Kevin Owens then made his way out to the ring to give his two cents. Before Kevin could speak, The Bloodline made their way out to the ring. Solo Sikoa led his entire crew to the ring. Solo said the three of them standing in the ring saves him a lot of trouble. He then demanded Oklahoma City acknowledge him to a chorus of boos. 

Solo then said he would acknowledge the fact that Roman gave Cody his word. He said that he should trust him, because he would need him, since those two other men in the ring could never get the job done. Solo said that the reason he would team up with Roman Reigns is because whenever he’s tried to take down the Bloodline with those other two he’s failed. Kevin Owens piped up and said nobody cares what he has to say ever so he can shut up. He then challenged Solo and Jacob Fatu to a tag match. Cody tried to make it a six man match, but Kevin said no offense, but he already had a partner, so it would just be him and Orton. 

There was no official announcement about the match. Video was then shown from last week where Bayley and Naomi both pinned Nia Jax simultaneously. Nia was then shown backstage and was incredulous about how they failed to beat Naomi and Bayley last week. Tiffany Stratton tried to apologize, but Nia grabbed her by the throat and told her if this ends badly for her it would end even worse for Stratton. Nia walked off and Stratton looked pissed off. 

In the arena, Bayley made her entrance to face Naomi for a shot at Nia Jax at Bad Blood…[c]

My Take: A solid opening segment. Kevin Owens is disgusted with Cody Rhodes and Orton isn’t thrilled either, as expected. I assume the Tag Match will lead to a comedy of errors and Cody taking the blame, which should set up the future betrayals that everyone has been anticipating.

The Tag Team Main Event from the opening segment was confirmed. Naomi made her way to the ring for the opening match. 

1. Bayley vs. Naomi in a #1 Contenders Match: Naomi attempted a pinfall early and only got a one count. She attempted a few more clever pinfall attempts, but Bayley kicked out each time. Bayley had an opportunity to hit Naomi, but couldn’t pull the trigger. Both men then got into a shoving match, and Bayley ended up landing a running lariat for a two count. Naomi fired back with a bulldog and a side kick to the stomach. Bayley rolled out ot the floor, and Naomi followed up with a corkscrew plancha….[c]

Naomi was tied up in the ropes, and Bayley delivered a springboard elbow drop. Naomi ended up on the floor a moment later, and Bayley landed a suicide dive. Back in the ring, Naomi landed a Rear View for a near fall. Naomi landed a head scissors driver for another near fall. She then climbed the ropes and landed a blockbuster for a two count. Bayley then reversed a suplex attempt and dropped Naomi with a facebuster. She then attempted a sunset flip into the turnbuckles, but the landing went awkwardly. 

Bayley went for Bayley to Belly, but Naomi avoided it and sent her face first into the turnbuckles. Naomi went up top, but missed her aerial attack. Bayley then landed Bayley to Belly and a Flying Elbow for the win. 

Bayley defeated Naomi at 9:58

After the match, Naomi was dejected but patted Bayley on the back. She then stared at her from the ramp looking angry as Bayley celebrated on the turnbuckles. Video was then shown of LA Knight retaining his title against Andrade last week. They showed the awkward handshake at the end of the match. Backstage, Andrade approached Knight and told him he had lost respect for him because he didn’t shake his hand like a man. Before Knight could answer, Carmelo Hayes blindsided Knight and sent him tumbling over an equipment crate. He then told Andrade he had something for him too and left for the ring…[c]

My Take: A nice match from Naomi and Bayley. This might be Naomi’s best match since her WWE return. I assumed this one would end up being a triple threat at the PPV but I’m pleasantly surprised they went with a singles match. It feels like Naomi and Tiffany Stratton could  both play a part in the finish given the look of anger on Naomi’s face following the match.

Carmelo Hayes made his entrance in the arena, followed by Andrade. 

2. Carmelo Hayes vs. Andrade: Hayes tried to get off to a fast start, but Andrade shut him down quickly. He stomped away at Hayes in the corner and lined up for a Meteora. Hayes avoided it, and both men fought on the apron. Andrade managed a powerslam of sorts on the apron and it looked like Hayes landed on his tailbone. Ouch indeed….[c]

Melo landed a springboard lariat and covered for a two count. Both men traded punches and then collided mid ring leaving both of them down. Andrade managed to land a dragon screw, but Hayes replied with a First 48 for a near fall. Andrade crawled to the corner, and Hayes set up for a meteora in the corner. Andrade avoided it and then landed a running lariat. He then followed up with a Meteora of his own and covered for a near fall. Carmelo replied with a springboard into a slick looking DDT for a near fall of his own…[c]

Andrade landed a double moonsault as the show returned, and Hayes kicked out. Andrade sold frustration and struggled to his feet. Andrade then lined up for The Message, but Hayes reversed into a facebuster and a lift into a cutter for a near fall. Hayes then went up to the top rope, but Andrade met him there and they battled on the ropes. Andrade lined up for a superplex, but Hayes turned it into a cutter from the top rope for another close near fall. 

Hayes went back to the top rope and Andrade avoided the collision. Andrade then landed a twisting back elbow and Hayes fell out of the ring. LA Knight’s music hit and he ran down to the ring. Andrade tried to keep him from interfering in the match, but Hayes shoved Andrade into Knight and rolled him up for the win. 

Carmelo Hayes defeated LA Knight at 16:57

After the match, Hayes headed for the hills immediately. Knight tried to offer Andrade a handshake, but he took off and refused. We then got some video from the opening segment where Kevin Owens refused Cody’s help and made the challenge for a tag match. Backstage, Cody approached Kevin and Randy and said he could feel the tension and wanted to clear it up. Kevin said they did need to talk, but not right now. Kevin again refused and said he had to go get dressed for his match. He then told Cody not to interfere in their match later. 

After Owens left, Orton said it would be 4 on 2 if the Tongans get involved, and if that happens he’d love to have Cody’s help. He then said he would talk to Kevin Owens…[c]

My Take: Another very good match between Andrade and LA Knight. Definitely worth coming back to watch if you missed the show. I’m curious if Kevin Owens obvious hostility is a red herring and Orton is the one that stabs him in the back first.

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