New Texas Pro Wrestling “Rainbow Road” results: Vetter’s review of Stephen Wolf vs. Kylie Rae, Chris Bey vs. Hyan, Davey Bang and August Matthews vs. Danny Orion and Mysterious Q

By Chris Vetter, Contributor (@chrisvetter73)

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New Texas Pro Wrestling “Rainbow Road”
Streamed on IndependentWrestling.TV
September 21, 2024 in Buda, Texas at Pinballz Kingdom

This is an outdoor show but the ring is under a canopy; I’ve seen at least one show from this location before. We have on-screen graphics, which is really nice. The crowd is maybe 150-200.

1. Pac Ortega vs. Isaac Morales vs. Jackpot vs. Houston Hendrix vs. Oli Summers. Pac has a passing resemblance to Sammy Guevara but he is a bit more muscular. Morales is a heel and he wore black pants with red tassels. Hendrix is scrawnier, white, with reddish hair. I don’t think I’ve seen Jackpot; he’s a Black man with a shaved head. Oli has long floppy blond hair and he got cheered. Ortega jawed at everyone in the ring before the bell. Morales and Ortega hit stereo bodyslams and worked together early. Hendrix hit a flying head-scissors takedown on Jackpot at 1:30.

Ortega hit some German Suplexes on Jackpot. Ortega and Morales began to argue, and Morales hit a senton for a nearfall. They did a tower spot out of the corner at 5:30 and all five were down. Morales hit an Alabama Slam on Ortega. Hendrix hit a flying knee. Jackpot hit a top-rope 450 Splash on Hendrix. However, Ortega powerbombed Jackpot onto Hendrix, then Ortega pinned Hendrix. I like a good high-energy scramble to open a show, and this fit the bill.

Pac Ortega defeated Isaac Morales, Jackpot, Houston Hendrix, and Oli Summers at 7:25.

2) Brother Tracey vs. T-Ray. I’ve seen T-Ray before; he’s a big, muscular Black man who is likely in his late 40s and looks a bit like Titus O’Neill. In comparison, Tracey is much smaller with frizzy Carlito-style hair. They traded punches; T-Ray hit a bodyslam, so Tracey hit one, and they brawled some more. T-Ray leapt off the ropes but Tracey caught him with a powerslam and they were both down at 3:00. Tracey hit a Stinger Splash. T-Ray hit a belly-to-belly overhead suplex, then a T-Bone Suplex for a nearfall. They went to the floor and brawled in front of the fans at ringside.

In the ring, Tracey hit a suplex at 6:30, then a frogsplash for a believable nearfall. T-Ray hit some clotheslines and a superkick, then a discus clothesline for a believable nearfall. T-Ray hit a stunner and got a nearfall at 9:30. Tracey hit a spear for a nearfall, but T-Ray grabbed the ropes to stop the count. T-Ray pretended he was exhausted and the ref checked on him. However, T-Ray jumped to his feet and hit an F-5 swinging faceplant for the pin. Good match.

T-Ray defeated Brother Tracey at 11:53.

3. “The Dream Team” KC Kr’eme and Danny King vs. “The King Bees” Danni Bee and Charity King in an intergender match for the New Texas Pro Tag Team Titles. Bee wore a belt. Danny King’s mustache makes him look a bit like Max Caster today. KC and Danni opened and he made fun of her (lack of) height. She hit a head-scissors takedown at 1:30. Danny King entered to face Charity King, and she knocked him down with a shoulder tackle. She hit a snap suplex at 3:00, then a sliding clothesline, and the guys rolled to the floor to regroup. In the ring, Danny snapped Danni’s throat across the top rope, allowing KC to get a nearfall, and the men took over.

Charity got a hot tag at 7:30 and she suplexed Danny King. Danni hit a spear on Danny. Danni hit a dive through the ropes onto the guys. Charity then hit a dive onto all of them at 10:00. The ref called for the bell! He ruled it was a double-countout! The Dream Team were surprised, then thrilled, that they escaped with their belts. Lame finish.

KC Kr’eme and Danny King vs. “The King Bees” Danni Bee and Charity King ended in a double count-out at 10:23; The Dream Team retain their tag team titles. 

4. Alfonso Gonzalez vs. Dustin Nguyen. I’ve seen the dorky, chubby Gonzalez in the Chicago-area indies. Nguyen is right out of a 1970s Kung Fu B-movie and I enjoy his brand of humor. Nguyen made his spinning Kung Fu arm motions while preparing to fight, and Gonzalez wanted none of it. Nguyen blocked all of Alfonso’s punches early. Dustin hit a stiff kick to the spine at 1:30. Gonzalez choked him in the ropes and kept him grounded. Dustin hit a flying clothesline at 5:30, a flying kick, and a Dragon Suplex, and he was fired up. Gonzalez hit a DDT for a nearfall. Nguyen hit a spin kick to the head for a nearfall at 7:00 and he locked in a Dragon Sleeper. Nguyen hit his double-arm Kung Fu strike and scored the pin. Highly watchable action.

Dustin Nguyen defeated Alfonso Gonzalez at 8:03.

Pac Ortega and another guy hit the ring and beat up Nguyen.

* Backstage, Father Oday said he will make his grand return to New Texas Pro. He called himself “the walking blessing,” as he has quite the messiah complex. He wore a glove that is far too similar to Thanos’ gauntlet.

5. Father Oday (w/the Eighth Day) vs. Teflon Jon for the Texas Contenders Series Title. Oday wore his ancient Greek God robe and headdress. I don’t think I’ve seen Teflon Jon; He dresses like Raven with an open jacket and a flannel shirt tied around his waist. They brawled at the bell. Jon hit a missile dropkick for a nearfall at 2:00. The members of Eighth Day argued on the floor. Jon yanked off Oday’s protective glove, and Oday immediately hit a low blow and caused the DQ. Really? That’s it? More of an angle than a match, as Oday barked at his minions, and they all left together.

Teflon Jon defeated Father Oday via DQ at 2:28.

* It was ordered the match WILL continue, with no DQs, but the Eighth Day is banned from ringside! I had cleared my stopwatch already, so I restarted it here.

5b. Father Oday vs. Teflon Jon in a No-DQ match. Jon hit him repeatedly with a kendo stick. Oday hit him over the head with a garbage can lid as they brawled on the floor. They got into the ring and Oday hit him with the kendo stick; Jon hit him with a garbage can. Oday got a Hercules-style chain and choked Jon with it at 6:00. Jon hit a backbody drop, but Oday hit a low blow by yanking the chain upwards. He hit a punch while holding the chain at 8:00, then another. He then nailed a Jay Driller for the pin.

Father Oday defeated Teflon Jon to retain the Texas Contenders Series TItle at 9:25.

* Father Oday handcuffed Jon behind his back, put Jon’s head on the ring steps in the ring, and hit a con-chair-to strike to his head. This was quite violent!

6. Chris Bey vs. Hyan in an intergender match. Hyan has moved into the top 10 unsigned female talents in the U.S. and I know she just made a TNA appearance. She’s talented but she’s giving up size here. Bey’s tag partner Ace Austin is in Wrestling Revolver on this evening. A lockup to open. Basic reversals early and she hit a forearm that knocked Bey to the floor. She hit a running penalty kick, then she dove from the apron to the floor, but he caught her and slammed Hyan back-first into the ring post at 3:00. In the ring, he hit a flying back elbow in the corner and he was in charge. He playfully slapped at the top of her head as they were in the corner. Bey hit a suplex at 6:00; he did some push-ups afterwards.

Hyan got up and they traded forearm strikes, and he suplexed her for a nearfall. She dove through the ropes onto him. In the ring, she hit a top-rope crossbody block for a nearfall at 9:00. She hit a couple double-arm suplexes and she was fired up. She hit a running Facewash boot in the corner and got a nearfall. Bey hit a plancha to the floor at 12:00, then a top-rope frogsplash for a nearfall, but Hyan got a foot on the ropes. Bey nailed a Brainbuster for a nearfall; she shouldn’t have kicked out there. She hit a top-rope huracanrana and a spear for a believable nearfall at 15:30. Bey hit a Pele Kick; he flew off the ropes but she caught him, got a backslide, and scored the pin!

Hyan defeated Chris Bey at 15:52.

7. Davey Bang and August Matthews vs. Danny Orion and Mysterious Q. Bang and Matthews, like Gonzalez, come from the Chicago indy scene. Orion is talented with curly brown hair. The muscular Q wears a mask, and I’ve seen all these guys multiple times. Bang and Q opened, and Q’s size advantage is really notable. Bang hit some dropkicks. Orion enteed and hit a deep armdrag on August at 2:00. Bang hit his axe kick to the back of Orion’s head for a nearfall. Bang and Matthews worked over Orion in their corner. Orion finally hit a missile dropkick on Matthews at 7:30 and he made the hot tag to Q.

Q flipped Bang overhead with Bang landing stomach-first, then Q hit a Stinger Splash and a Buzzsaw Kick. Bang tied Q in an Octopus Stretch, then Davey hit a DDT. Q hit a German Suplex on both opponents and they were down at 10:30. Orion got the hot tag and hit a top-rope crossbody block, then a handspring-back-elbow. Orion hit a flip dive to the floor on both heels at 12:00. In the ring, he hit a Lionsault on August for a nearfall. He hit a Swanton Bomb on August; Q made the cover for a believable nearfall. This has been really good. Bang hit a flipping dive, and suddenly all four were down.

Bang and Orion got up and traded forearm strikes. Bang hit his moonsault to the floor as August hit a dive through the ropes at 15:30. In the ring, B&M hit their team doublestomp on Orion’s back for a nearfall. B&M hit stereo superkicks on Q, who staggered and didn’t go down, then Q hit some clotheslines. Orion accidentally hit Q with a spin kick to the head! Bang immediately hit the Spears Tower on Orion. Bang then nailed the top-rope 450 Splash on Orion for the pin, as August had applied a front guillotine choke on Q on the floor to keep him from breaking up the pin. A really, really strong tag match.

Davey Bang and August Matthews defeated Mysterious Q and Danny Orion at 18:07.

* I just want to point out here it is now pitch black out but the lighting in the ring is well above-average.

8. Stephen Wolf (w/KC Kr’eme, Danny King) vs. Kylie Rae in an intergender match. Kylie offered a handshake; he gave her the middle finger. He tied her up on the mat early on. She hit a headscissors takedown to the mat and went for a Fujiwara Armbar at 3:30, but he rolled to the floor to regroup with The Dream Team. She followed to the floor and hit some hard chops. Back in the ring, Wolf hit a running knee to the jaw at 5:30 and he repeatedly slammed her to the mat, and he tied her up in a Straitjacket sleeper. Kylie applied a crossface. He hit a dropkick to her jaw at 7:30 and he grounded her with a rear-naked choke.

The ref ejected The Dream Team! Kylie hit a head-scissors takedown at 10:30. He hit a jumping knee to her chin. She hit another head-scissors takedown, then a rolling cannonball in the corner for a nearfall at 12:00. Wolf hit a Blue Thunder Bomb for a believable nearfall, and he was incredulous that she kicked out. Wolf charged at her but he crashed head-first into the corner. He went for a moonsault but she kicked him in the stomach as he came down, and she reapplied the crossface at 14:30. A masked guy pulled the ref from the ring. He jumped in and hit a uranage on Kylie! He pulled off his mask and it is JJ Blake, and the crowd booed him. Wolf crawled onto the prone Kylie. Another ref rolled into the ring and made the three-count. A flat ending to a very good match.

Stephen Wolf defeated Kylie Rae at 15:38

Final Thoughts: I just don’t get the current intergender match craze on the indy scene. Why not just book Stephen Wolf vs. Chris Bey and Kylie Rae vs. Hyan? Both matches would be barnburners and wouldn’t have me rolling my eyes at the size and clear strength differences. All four are top-tier indy talents and we know both of those would be stand-out matches. The top three matches were far-and-away the best matches of the show. I’ll go with Bang/Matthews vs. Orion/Q for best, ahead of the main event, with Hyan-Bey for third.

The rest of the show was fine. I like a good scramble to open the show. I enjoy Dustin Nguyen as a fun mid-card comedy act. T-Ray vs. Brother Tracey topped my expectations. The King Bees are fine but like my earlier comment, are just not believable at all against men. Nothing at all was bad here. I will reiterate how much I liked the lighting and on-screen graphics… the little things that really help with the ‘watchability’ of an indy show. Check this out at IWTV, and if you don’t have time for the whole show, at least the final three matches.


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