Wrestling Revolver “Taste Of Truth” results: Vetter’s review of Josh Alexander vs. Mike Bailey, Ace Austin vs. Jake Something vs. Robbie Eagles in an elimination match for the Wrestling Revolver Title

By Chris Vetter, ProWrestling.net Contributor (@chrisvetter73)

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Wrestling Revolver “Taste Of Truth”
Streamed on TrillerTV+
August 24, 2024 in Dayton, Ohio at Calumet Events Center

This was Revolver’s second show of the day; the afternoon event had a “Fight Club” theme similar to GCW’s “Blood Sport.” Veda Scott and Bork Torkleson provided commentary, and they immediately talked about how the first show could impact this event. This is a small gym so a sellout is still only maybe 250-300 fans. I’ve noted this before, but with Sami Callihan as promoter, these shows tend to feel like a TNA house show with a lot of current or former TNA talent.

1. Josh Alexander vs. Mike Bailey. They immediately traded chops; Veda said they don’t need a feeling-out process. Josh hit a backbreaker over his knee. Bailey hit his Speedball Kicks to the ribs and thighs, then the Triangle Moonsault to the floor. In the ring, they traded more chops, and Josh hit another backbreaker over his knee, then an inverted suplex, dropping Mike stomach-first at 3:00. Josh hit his crossbody block in the ropes and we got a “this is awesome!” chant. Josh hit a delayed vertical suplex for a nearfall and he remained in charge. He hit a bodyslam, but Mike kicked out at the one-count at 6:00.

Mike hit a running kick and they were both down. Bailey hit his series of kicks, but he missed a Shooting Star Press. Bailey hit a Frankensteiner. He went for the moonsault kneedrop, but Josh got his knees up, and Mike sold the pain from the knee-on-knee contact. Josh hit six or seven consecutive German Suplexes. They went to the floor, and he hit another one onto the thin mat at ringside at 9:30! Ouch! Josh slammed Bailey onto the ring apron. In the ring, Josh set up for the C4 Spike Piledriver, but Mike escaped and he hit the Tornado Kick in the corner, then the Ultima Weapon flipping kneedrop for a believable nearfall at 11:00.

Alexander applied an anklelock and he dragged Bailey to the center of the ring. Josh picked him up and hit a Tombstone piledriver for a believable nearfall. Bailey nailed a top-rope Poison Rana! He hit a superkick. They traded kicks and forearms. Bailey hooked both arms, flipped Alexander over, and scored a clean pin out of nowhere! That was every bit as good as you’d expect.

Mike Bailey defeated Josh Alexander at 13:28.

2. Marina Shafir vs. Damian Chambers (w/Kayla Kassidy) in an intergender match. Chambers lost his Fight Club match in four seconds to Matt Riddle earlier in the day. Damian got on the mic and said Marina could stay backstage and focus on taking care of her child and husband. Standing switches to open; Veda noted Damian has already lasted longer than his first match. She applied a leg lock around his head and kept him grounded. She slammed him to the mat at 2:00 for the first nearfall. Damian dropped her throat-first across the ropes, and Kayla took a cheap shot on Marina, too.

Chambers hit a bodyslam for a nearfall at 5:00. Marina hit a running boot for a nearfall. She locked in the Mother’s Milk sleeper hold! Kayla distracted the ref, so the ref missed Chambers tapping out! Marina flipped Kayla into the ring and slammed her. Damian hit some Kawada Kicks and a standing powerbomb, then a buckle-bomb at 7:00, then a neckbreaker over his knee for a believable nearfall. She again locked in Mother’s Milk on the mat, and Chambers immediately tapped out. Entertaining.

Marina Shafir defeated Damian Chambers at 8:07.

Trey Miguel came to the ring. He showed that his fingers are bandaged (the echo on the mic made it hard to fully comprehend him). He pulled out a referee shirt so he can be part of the show.

3. Davey Bang and August Matthews vs. “The Brothers of Funstruction” Yabo the Clown and Ruffo the Clown (w/Violent J). I’ve seen these clowns in NWA (one of the reasons I gave up on that promotion!) and I am not amused or interested. BandM are the rising stars out of Chicago. Veda said a lot of people came out to see Violent J. Bang opened and they did some ‘comedy’ with a fake hand on the clown. One clown accidentally kicked the other at 3:30. Violent J tossed empty balloons to a clown, who filled it. This just isn’t working for me. Bang hit a moonsault to the floor at 6:00. In the ring, Bang hit the Spears Tower for a nearfall, but the other clown stopped ref Trey. Bang hit a clothesline. A clown sprayed Bang with a flower. The clowns hit a doublestomp on August for the pin. I have nothing good to say.

* Violent J got on the mic and said it’s an honor to be there. He said he’s made it a goal to visit every wrestling promotion he respects to “kiss their canvas.”

Yabo the Clown and Ruffo the Clown defeated Davey Bang and August Matthews at 7:48.

4. Gringo Loco vs. Lince Dorado for the Remix Title. The Remix champion picks the stipulation for each title defense, and Gringo decided this would be a “Lucha Street Fight!” Basic lucha rules to open. Loco hit a Guerrilla Press and a standing moonsault at 2:30, and he got some chairs from under the ring. Loco hit a huracanrana to the floor and we got a “holy shit!” chant. In the ring, Gringo dropped Lince across an open chair and hit a clothesline. Dorado hit an enzuigiri at 6:00, then a backbreaker over his knee. He slammed Gringo’s face on an open chair. Dorado hit another huracanrana. Gringo hit a faceplant, so Dorado rolled to the floor to regroup. Loco hit a moonsault to the floor at 8:00.

In the ring, Dorado hit a twisting moonsault for a nearfall. A door bridge was set up in the ring. A luchador dressed like Dorado grabbed Loco’s ankle! It allowed Lince to hit a top-rope Frankensteiner, sending Gringo through the board bridge for a nearfall at 11:30. Fake Lince (in green robe) stayed in the ring, so Gringo hit him, too. Gringo hit the modified Spanish Fly, where he and the real Dorado landed stomach-first. A third Dorado (in purple robe) now hopped in the ring and also helped beat up Loco. (They are all wearing Lince Dorado masks.) The real Dorado hit Loco in the head with the title belt. He put the title around his waist and hit a top-rope Shooting Star Press for the pin! New champion!

Lince Dorado defeated Gringo Loco to win the Remix Title at 14:00 even.

* Last month, The Pledge turned heel and left Alpha Sigma Sigma to join RED. Who has KC Jacobs found to team with?

5. “RED” Steve Maclin, Alex Colon, and “Dark Pledge” (w/Killer Kelly) vs. KC Jacobs, Atticus Cogar, Crash Jaxon. Pledge now wore a black shirt. Everything about this gimmick feels like how they turned Dominik heel in WWE, with Killer Kelly having control on him. He got the mic and was booed. The crowd popped for Cogar, then really popped for the rotund Jaxon. All six immediately brawled and went into the crowd. This room is packed so there isn’t much room to maneuver. Everyone returned to ringside at 3:30.

In the ring, RED stomped down all the babyfaces. They all stood up and traded punches. Crash hit some running splashes in the corner. Cogar hit a moonsault onto Colon and he pulled out cooking skewers and jabbed them in Dark Pledge’s head at 8:00. Gross.  Maclin speared Jaxon through a door in the corner. Killer Kelly raked Jacobs’ eyes, and Dark Pledge rolled up KC for the pin, with skewers still sticking out of the top of his head. This didn’t do much for me. It feels like Maclin should be above this.

“RED” Steve Maclin, Alex Colon, and Dark Pledge defeated KC Jacobs, Atticus Cogar, and Crash Jaxon at 8:40.

* One of the things I really like about Wrestling Revolver is they show a match at intermission rather than a blank screen. So, today’s intermission match is Mike Bailey vs. Myron Reed from just a couple months ago.

6. Fulton, Facade (w/Dani Mo), Caleb Konley, Simon Gotch, Robert Martyr, Brayden Lee, and Jeffrey John in a scramble. Facade is a two-decade veteran but this is his Revolver debut, which was surprising to both commentators.I’ve said this before, but Kaleb’s overall look with his black vest is more Stone Cold now than “Kaleb with a K” in his TNA run. Also, this match is for a title Konley possesses, but it’s not a Wrestling Revolver belt. I’ll also reiterate that I best know Brayden from his AAW run in Chicago. Caleb came out last; someone dove on him and the brawl was on. Facade hit a missile dropkick on Brayden. Brayden hit a superkick on Martyr. Lee hit a corkscrew dive to the floor on several guys at 2:30.

In the ring, Martyr hit a piledriver. Gotch hit a piledriver on Martyr. Konley hit a Buckle Bomb. Fulton clotheslined someone to the floor. John hit a flying stunner and a flip dive to the floor. Facade hit a springboard corkscrew dive to the floor on everyone at 6:30. Dani Mo climbed the top rope — she’s not in the match! — but Konley punched her! Facade and Dani Mo did a team slam on Caleb. Fulton hit a double chokeslam, piled two guys together, and got the pin. New champion! BUT WAIT!! Fulton had piled Caleb Konley onto Facade, so technically, Konley got the pin on Facade. Clever finish; I had to rewind a bit to see exactly how it played out. Fulton was livid at being cheated out of the win.

Caleb Konley defeated Fulton, Facade (w/Dani Mo), Simon Gotch, Robert Martyr, Brayden Lee, Jeffrey John to retain the JCW American Title at 7:36.

7. Matt Riddle vs. Myron Reed. Matt took time to high-five everyone at ringside. A feeling-out process early on as they tied each other up on the mat. Myron hit an enzuigiri at 3:30. He set up for a dive to the floor, but Riddle hit a forearm to cut him off. In the ring, Riddle hit a fisherman’s brainbuster. Reed hit a stunner at 6:30, and this time he dove over the ropes onto Riddle on the floor. In the ring, Matt hit a hard clothesline and a standing powerbomb. Riddle set up for his package piledriver, but Reed got a rollup. Reed hit a kip-up stunner, then a double-knee gutbuster at 9:00.

Reed did his dive over the top rope, caught Matt’s head, and hit a stunner to the floor, earning a “holy shit!” chant. In the ring, Myron went for a top-rope 450 splash, but Riddle caught him in a Triangle Choke; Reed leaned forward to get a nearfall, as Matt was lying on his back. Matt hit a German Suplex. Reed hit a superkick. They collided mid-air; whatever was planned on that move didn’t happen. Seconds later, Riddle hit an RKO stunner, then his jumping Tombstone piledriver. They got a lot of action into that one. They hugged afterwards

Matt Riddle defeated Myron Reed at 10:50.

8. Ace Austin vs. Jake Something (w/Jessicka Havok) vs. Robbie Eagles in an elimination match for the Wrestling Revolver Title. Ace defeated Alex Shelley in an impromptu match at the last event, as Mike Bailey (Shelley’s originally slated opponent) was a late cancellation. Australia native Robbie Eagles is living in Chicago for the summer so not a big surprise to see him here. No Gia Miller, which the commentators pointed out. Needless to say, Jake is much, MUCH bigger than either opponent, and he hit a double clothesline at 1:00. Ace and Bey did compete a couple years ago in the NJPW Juniors Tag tournament, so I’m guessing he faced Eagles then. Those two traded quick reversals.

Jake threw Ace onto Robbie. Robbie hit some chops that Jake no-sold. “He was almost offended by that strike,” Bork said. Jake dropped Eagles with a forearm and got a nearfall at 4:30. Ace hit a spin kick to Jake’s face. Eagles and Austin traded punches. Ace hit a springboard dropkick on Jake at 7:00. Ace hit a stomp on Robbie for a believable nearfall. Eagles hit a missile dropkick on Ace’s knee, and he locked in the Ron Miller Special leglock on Ace! Ace reached the ropes. Jake set up for a powerbomb on Robbie, but Eagles escaped and hit a series of kicks. Eagles dove through the ropes onto both opponents at 10:00.

In the ring, Robbie hit a running double knees on Ace and got a nearfall. Jake set up for a second-rope double DDT, but they escaped. Eagles hit a top-rope 450 Splash on Jake’s knee, and he put Jake in the Ron Miller Special! Havok reached in and dragged Jake out of the ring. Jessicka got on the apron and slapped him! Robbie turned around and received a Black Hole Slam, and Jake Something pinned Eagles at 12:50. They immediately traded forearm strikes. Jake went for a spear in the corner but he struck Jessicka on the ring apron, knocking her to the floor! Ace immediately hit The Fold (flipping neckbreaker) for the pin. That wrapped up quickly.

* Ace got on the mic and he talked about taking the opportunity as a young kid to move to the Midwest to learn under Sami Callihan. He’s given us everything he’s had for seven years, and he thanked the fans for riding with him.

Ace Austin defeated Jake Something and Robbie Eagles to retain the Wrestling Revolver Title at 13:49

* A short break as they removed the ring mat, as the main event will be on bare wood boards.

9. Jake Crist (w/Bobby) vs. Matthew Palmer in a bull rope match. Again, Palmer is no longer doing the goofy 1800s potion madman apothecary gimmick; he’s wearing blue jeans and a white T-shirt, dressed for a fight. Crist is now right around age 40 but is healthy and trim and in great shape. They immediately traded punches at the bell, as they are connected by the wrist by the bull rope. Crist hit a dive to the floor, then an Asai Moonsault to the floor. (I think this rope is really long, allowing him to hit a few moves like this.) Palmer did a slingshot into the support beam under the ring at 3:00, and Jake was immediately bleeding from the forehead.

They got into the ring and you can hear the crowd react to seeing Jake is a bloody mess. Palmer hit a backbody drop, with Crist crashing hard onto those bare boards at 5:00. Palmer set up a door in the corner, but Jake caught him and powerslammed Matthew through the door. Crist hit a flying stunner out of the corner, then a second one, for a nearfall at 8:30. Palmer again slammed him onto the bare boards for a nearfall. Bobby checked on Crist, so Palmer yanked him into the ring and punched him and that got boos. Palmer leapt off the top rope, but Crist caught him with a stunner for a believable nearfall at 11:00.

Bobby and Jake began pulling the boards off and had them straddle the ring and guardrail. (I don’t think they really want to break those, right?) Palmer hit a top-rope superplex onto those boards, as they bounced off the boards. They got back into the ring, with Palmer fully in charge. Palmer got some zip-ties and tied Jake to the top rope. Palmer went in his bag and pulled out a bottle of his potion, then tossed it aside. “Monster hunter no more,” Bork said, referring to the old gimmick. Naveah (Jake’s wife) got in the ring, shoved Palmer aside, and started to free Jake. Palmer put a plastic bag over her head! Jake hit a tombstone piledriver in the open spot in the middle of the ring, where the boards had been removed, and they vanished out of sight! The crowd chanted “Holy shit!” Jake lifted Palmer out of the hole, set him on the boards, and pinned him. That was pretty wild. They ‘Pillmanized’ Palmer’s ankle afterwards.

Jake Crist defeated Matthew Palmer at 17:24.

Final Thoughts: For fans of street fights and bull rope matches, that was pretty top-tier. Not really my preferred style, but I admire what they did here. I’ll personally go with the Bailey-Alexander match for best, the three-way for second, and Riddle-Reed for third. Not saying a bad word about that main event, but I’ll take the other three I mentioned first. The Loco-Dorado match was pretty good, too, so there was a lot to like here. The RED six-man tag didn’t do much for me, and I think Maclin should be treated a bit higher on the pecking order than involved in that messy match. I’ve often said I’m hit-and-miss on comedy in wrestling, and when it comes to Yabo and Ruffo, I am in a “DEFINITELY miss” category.


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